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形容词与副词02,分析2014、2015两年的高考试题,我们发现对形容词与副词的考查有逐年上升的趋势。形容词的考查主要有以下几方面: 1词义辨析 在形容词的试题中,我们发现词义辨析题占了多数。这些选项的形容词意义区别比较大,不是过去那种汉语意义相同的形容词之间的辨析。 2形容词比较级与最高级 依据情景考查形容词的各种比较等级的用法是近几年高考试题的特点。 3形容词短语的搭配, 专题导读,2014、2015两年的高考试题对“倍数”的表达法考查比较多,主要考查在倍数表达中形容词的位置。 副词的考查主要体现在以下几个方面: 1能在句子中起到承上启下作用的副词 这是近几年高考出题最多的。 2依据情景进行副词意义辨析 出题人将空格留在句子中间,要求我们将能使句子意义通顺的副词填上。这些副词之间的意义区别比较大。, 专题导读,3搭配 包括副词与动词的搭配和副词与副词的搭配及副词与形容词的搭配等。有的副词与动词构成动词短语,出题人将动词后的副词挖空,让我们依据搭配选择副词。 技巧点拨: 1熟记考试大纲上所列的形容词与副词的意义。词汇考查其实就是对大家词汇丰富程度的考查。很多单词我们只知其一,不知其二,这是我们在学习中需要克服的,因此通过各种形式的复习熟悉词汇的意义是非常重要的。,2注意积累。针对搭配类试题,我们平时学习时要注意积累。不仅要记住与副词、形容词、动词等常搭配的副词,也要记住与动词搭配的一些副词的用法。倍数的表达法、特殊形容词的位置等也是需要我们积累的。, 真题典例,【解析】 D 句意:那位老工程师的眼睛在他那棕色的布满皱纹的脸上依然闪烁着光芒,他那穿过房间的脚步虽然缓慢但依然很平稳。考查形容词词义的辨析。shaky摇晃的;heavy重的;casual随便的;steady稳定的。根据句意可知应选D项。,( )1. The old engineers eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was _ though slow. AShaky BHeavy CCasua Dsteady, 真题典例,( )2. An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character; however, they are not always _. Apractical Bavoidable Cpermanent Dbeneficial,【解析】 C 句意:不幸的童年或许对一个人的性格产生一些负面的影响,但不会是永久性的。考查形容词词义的辨析。practical实际的;avoidable能避免的;permanent永久的;beneficial有益的。根据句意可知应选C项。, 真题典例,( )3.The state run company is required to make its accounts as _ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money. Atransparent Breasonable Csecure Dformal,【解析】 A 句意:国企被要求账目尽可能透明,以供全体员工监督资金的使用。考查形容词词义的辨析。transparent透明的;reasonable合理的;secure安全的;formal正式的。由句意知应选A项。, 真题典例,( )4.The film is, I have to say, not a bit interesting. Why? Its _ than the films I have ever seen. Afar more interesting Bmuch less interesting Cno more interesting Dany less interesting,【解析】 A 句意:“这部电影一点趣也没有。”“为什么?我觉得它比我之前看的任何电影有趣多了。”考查形容词比较级。程度副词可修饰形容词比较级,放于比较级前。 根据Why?对上句的反问,可知这部电影比“我”之前看的任何电影都有趣多了。故选A。, 真题典例,( )5.The house was too expensive and too big._, Id grown fond of our little rented house. ABesides BTherefore CSomehow DOtherwise,【解析】 A 句意: 这个房子太贵太大。,我已经很喜欢我的小的租用房了。考查副词的用法。根据前后句判断出为并列关系。besides 此外,表并列;therefore 因此,表因果;somehow 无论如何,表转折;otherwise 除此之外,表转折。选A。, 真题典例,( )6.She has already tried her best. Please dont be too _ about her job. Aspecial Bresponsible Cunusual Dparticular,【解析】 D 前一句的句意是:她已经尽了最大的努力,可推知后一句应是:请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。考查形容词的辨析。particular挑剔的;special特别的;responsible负责的;unusual不同寻常的。, 真题典例,【解析】 C 句意:在那所学校,对于所有学生而言,英语是一门必修课,但是法语和俄语是选修课。考查形容词词义辨析。special特别的;regional地区的,局部的;optional可任意选择的,任选的;original最初的,本来的,原始的。,( )7.In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _. Aspecial Bregional Coptional Doriginal, 真题典例,( )8.I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. AHopefully BNormally CThankfully DConveniently,【解析】 C 句意:谢天谢地,我终于通过了这场比赛,痛苦最终是值得的。考查副词辨析。hopefully意为“怀有希望的”;normally意为“正常地”;conveniently意为“方便地”。thankfully表示高兴或宽慰,意为“感激地,幸亏”等,符合语境。, 新题预测,( )1.Its quite _ that he will be present at the meeting. Asure Bcertain Cexactly Dafraid,【解析】 B certain和sure都可作“一定”解,但通常不说it is sure, 而要说Im sure/certain或Its certain。, 新题预测,( )2.I cant make a decision right now. I need_ more time to think it over. Afairly Brather Cquite Dmany,【解析】 2. B A、C修饰原级,D修饰可数名词。, 新题预测,( )3.Of the two scientists, who do you think is _? Aa successful Bmore successful Ca more successful Dthe more successful,【解析】 D 一般说来,形容词比较级作表语时前面不加冠词;但当形容词比较级表示两者之中较为突出者时,前面通常加定冠词表特指。如:Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia?, 新题预测,( )4.Do you know what Bush House is like? Yes. It is a (n)_ building and it is the home of BBC English. Anice old tall white Bold tall nice white Cnice tall old white Dwhite nice old tall,【解析】 C 考查多个形容词修饰名词时的排列顺序。, 新题预测,( )5.The computers in the other shop will be _, but _ as those in this shop. Acheaper; not as better Bmore cheaper; not as better Ccheaper; not as good Dmore cheap; not as good,【解析】 C 两者比较用比较级,同级比较用asas或not as/soas。句意:那家店的电脑将比这家店的便宜,但不如这家店的好。, 新题预测,( )6.Whats the _ population of Shanghai? Over ten million. Atotal Bwhole Ccomplete Dall,【解析】 A total强调“总的数目”;whole强调“一件东西的整体”;complete强调“一件东西或一件事的完整性”;all修饰名词时,应放在所修饰词的最前面。, 新题预测,( )7.After the Antiterrorist War, the American soldiers returned home, _. Asafe but tired Bsafely but tired Csafe and tiring Dsafely and tiring,【解析】 A 当形容词用作状语时,表示意义上的增补,和句子主语在逻辑上有主谓关系。, 新题预测,( )8.John is taller than_ in his class. Aany girl Bany other girl Cother girls Dany boy,【解析】 A John和girl不属于同一范围。如选D则属同一范围,要加other。, 新题预测,( )9.The problem is not _ so easy as you think. Its far from being settled. Ahardly Balmost Cnearly Dscarcely,【解析】 C hardly和scarcely都是“几乎不”的意思,与题干中的not构成双重否定,与句意不符;而not要置于almost之后,意为“几乎不”;n
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