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选修八 Unit 4 Pygmalion,1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1. hesitate; hesitation; hesitant 2. rob; robber; robbery 3. betray; betrayal; betrayer 4. condemn; condemned; condemnation 5. classify; classified; classification 6. fortune; fortunate; fortunately,Key:7. adaptation; adapt; adaptable 8. acquaintance; acquaint; acquaintanceship 9. remark; remarkable; market 10. uncomfortable; uncomfortably; comfort,Key:1. 属于较高社会阶层的人 2. in 3. 冒充贵妇人 4. 给她找份工作 5. acquaintance 6. about 7. handful 8. terms 9. of 10. to,Key:1. While watching 2. do buy 3. of any use 4. every time 5. once educated to speak properly,Key: 1. how 2. sheltering 3. tried 4. an 5. remarks 6. interested 7. at 8. social 9. properly 10. their,阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。,Act One of Pygmalion tells us _1_ the main characters of this play, Eliza Doolittle, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering had their fateful meetings while _2_ (shelter) from a heavy rain outside a theatre in London, England in 1914. Eliza Doolittle was a poor flower girl. When she _3_ (try) to sell her flowers to a gentleman, her terrible English caught Professor Higgins attention. Professor Higgins, _4_ expert in phonetics, could place a person by his/her _5_ (remark). The expert in phonetic, Higgins, noticed this and became _6_ (interest) in teaching her English. At first he wrote down the words that the girl used. She was surprised _7_ this. Later she knew that phonetics classified from peoples own speech and that was Higgins profession and hobby. He convinced that the quality of a persons English decided his/her _8_ (society) position. In his opinion, once educated to speak _9_ (proper), Eliza Doolittle could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party and perhaps she could even work as a ladys maid or a shop assistant. Higgins and Pickering exchanged _10_ (they) own opinion and decided to teach her English from the alphabet.,课堂学案,1. hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇,1. She is still hesitating about/over sending her son to college. 对于送儿子上大学这件事,她仍在犹豫。 2. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any more information. 如果你想要更多信息,不要犹豫,尽管和我联系。,hesitate to do sth. 迟疑做某事;做某事犹豫不决 hesitate about/at/in/over (doing) sth. (做)某事犹豫不决 hesitate (about)疑问词to do sth. 是否做犹豫不决 have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地干某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地;立即,【词块助记】,1. He did not hesitate to asking her to sit beside him. 2. She helped me with my English without _ (hesitate) Key:1. asking 改为 ask 2. hesitation,【词块助记】,2. classify vt. 编排;分类;归类,1. (2014四川卷) Research findings have shown that about 20 percent of people can be classified as “night owls”. 研究结果发现,大约20%的人可以被归类为“夜猫子”。 2. Zoologists classify them according to the structure of their bodies. 动物学家按它们的身体结构对它们进行分类。,classify sth. by/according to 根据分类 classify sb./sth. as 把某人/物归入类;分等级 classify sb./sth. in/into 把某人/某物归为类,【构词】classified adj. 分类的;归类的 classification n. U分类;分级C类别;等级,1. Would you classify her novels for serious literature or other? 2. The books in the library are classified _ subject. Key:1. for 改为 as 2. by,3. condemn vt. 谴责;使注定,1. (2015广东卷) Anderson suggests that television cannot be condemned without considering other influences. 安德森认为不能只谴责电视而不去考虑其他因素。 2. Graham was right to condemn his players for lack of ability and attitude. 格雷厄姆责备他的队员缺乏能力和态度不端正,这是对的。 3Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work. 他们缺少技能,被迫一辈子从事单调乏味且通常报酬很低的工作。,condemn sb. as 把某人指责为 condemn sb. for sth. 某人因某事而被指责 condemn sb. to do sth. 判罚某人做某事;使注定 condemn sb. to sth. 迫使某人处于境地;判处某人某种刑罚 be condemned to deathbe sentenced to death 被判死刑 condemn sb. to death 判某人死刑,【词块助记】,【构词】condemned adj. 被责难的;被宣告有罪的 condemnation n. 非难;非难的理由 【辨析】blame, accuse, condemn, scold 这些动词均含有“责备,非难”之意。blame是普通用词,语气较弱,是指一般的责难、归咎于,不含用语言责骂之意。accuse 语气比blame强,本义为归咎于,可用作指非难或谴责之意。condemn是正式用词,表示谴责,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上的谴责。scold是普通用词,多指上级对下级、长辈对后辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴、言词激烈的数落。,1. The papers were quick _ (condemn) him for his mistake. 2. Mark condemned to do most of the work. Key:1. to condemn 2. 在condemned前加was,4. acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人,【词块助记】,1. He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他稍微会一点儿日语。 2. Shes an old acquaintance. 她是个老相识(我早就认识她)。,make the acquaintance of sb. make sb. s acquaintance 结识某人 on first acquaintance 初次相见时 acquaint sb./oneself with 使某人/自己了解;对熟悉 be acquainted with 熟悉 have no acquaintance with 不熟悉;不了解 have a nodding/bowing acquaintance with sb. 与某人有点头之交,【构词】acquaint vt.使认识;使熟悉 acquainted adj.熟悉的;了解的;相识的,1. I have a acquaintance with the language. 2. Ive made the acquaintance _ Tom in Spain. Key:1. a改为an 2. of,5. compromise n. 妥协;折衷 vt.& vi. 妥协;让步,1. Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want. 鼓励你的孩子在他想要的和你想要的之间达成妥协。 2. Lets compromise and each pay half the damages. 让我们采取折中的办法,每人各支付一半的损害赔偿金。,compromise with sb. on sth. 在方面同某人妥协 make compromise with 与妥协 reach a compromise (between/on st
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