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第五章识别相似表达点拨英语中有些句式结构形相似而实不相同,命题者经常利用这一点来设计“陷阱”。此类题粗看起来非常类似某个熟悉的句式,极易造成学生思维错觉。做此类题不能粗心大意,要注重语境,理解句意,强化对易混句的辨析,有意识地改变思维定势。训练1.My father asked me _ I was getting on well with my classmates.Athat Bif Chow DwhatMy father asked me _ I was getting on with my classmates.Athat Bif Chow Dwhat答案BC:我爸问我“是否”与同学相处得好。故选B。:我爸问我与同学相处得“怎样”。故选C。2I have been informed of when we _ for London next year.Awill leave Bleave Cleft Dhave leftLet me know the news when you _ in London next week.Awill arrive Barrive Carrived Dhave arrived答案AB中的when引导的是宾语从句,由next year可知选A。中的when引导的是时间状语从句,需用一般现在时表将来。故选B。3She is such a good teacher _ all of us love and respect.Athat Bsince Cas DwhoShe is such a good teacher _ all of us love and respect her.Athat Bsince Cas Dwho答案CAsuch.as和such.that的区别是:前者的as引导的是定语从句,as在从句中须作主语、宾语、表语等;后者that引导的是结果状语从句,that不作成分。中的love and respect后缺宾语,所以选C,中不缺成分,所以选A。4Ill go to Beijing on business tomorrow.Do you have anything _ to your son studying in Beijing University?Ato be taken Bto take Ctaken Dbeing taken Youll go to Beijing on business tomorrow.Do you have anything _ to your son studying in Beijing University?Ato be taken Bto take Ctaken Dbeing taken答案AB主语have sth.to be done表示该不定式的动作不是主语完成的,属于这种情况;主语have sth.to do表示“主语do sth.”,属于这种情况。5He is working in a factory.It _ a half year since he _ a college student.Ais;was Bhas been;becomeCis;became Dhas been;becameHe is studying in college.It _ a half year since he _ a college student.Ais;was Bhas been;becomeCis;became Dhas been;became答案AC在It is段时间since.句型中,since从句的谓语动词是延续性的,表示动作的终止;若since从句的谓语动词是短暂性的,则表示动作的开始。:选A,译为:他大学毕业半年了。:选C,译为:他读大学半年了。6I can still remember the very reading room _ we used to read in our younger days.Awhat Bwhich Cthat DwhereThis is the very room _ I slept in that evening.Awhere Bwhich Cthat Dwho答案DC:定语从句缺地点状语,故选D。:定语从句中的介词in后缺宾语,由于先行词前有the very修饰,所以只用“that”。7He got up early, _ to catch the train.Ato hope Bhoping Chope DhopedHe got up early _ the first train.Ato catch Bcatching Ccatch Dcaught答案BA:此处用现在分词表伴随状语,不选A的原因是,hope这个词本身就有“目的”的意味,一般不用to hope表示目的,再者,前面有逗号一般也不用表示目的不定式。:不定式表示目的。8_ nice, the food was sold out soon.ATasted BTasting CTo taste DBeing tasted_ carefully, the mixture was bitter.ATasted BTasting CTaste DTo taste答案BA:由于nice是形容词,可以确定taste是系动词,系动词一般不用被动,可以排除A、D。如果选C,则表示目的,显然不对。故选B,现在分词作原因状语。:由于受副词carefully修饰,此处的taste是行为动词,与主语mixture是动宾关系,故选A。9All the students _, the report began.Awere seated Bseated Cwere sitting Dsat downAll the students _, and the report began.Ahad seated Bseated Cwere seating Dsat down答案BD:逗号后没连词,说明这是独立主格结构,此空不可填谓语动词。:and连接两个并列句,seat是及物动词,即可排除A、C。10Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.Ato invent Bto have invented Cinventing Dhaving inventedCharles Babbage always considered _ the first computer.Ato invent Bto have inventedCinventing Dhad invented 答案BC中的consider“认为”,此空需填不定式作主补,可排除C、D,由于“发明”的动作先于“认为”,故用不定式的完成式。中的consider“考虑”,其后一般可跟动名词而不跟不定式作宾语,所以选C。11Strange enough, she found her wallet _ she lost it.Awhere Bwhen Cin which DthatStrange enough, she found her wallet in _ was once ao old temple.Awhere Bwhen Cwhat Dthat答案AC:where引导地点状语从句。:what引导宾语从句,what在宾语从句中又作主语。12It was July 1, 1997 _ saw the return of Hong Kong to the motherland.Athat Bwhen Cwhich Din whichIt was on July 1, 1997 _ I saw the return of Hong Kong to the motherland.Athat Bwhen Cwhich Din which答案AA:是定语从句,July 1, 1997是先行词。:是一个强调句,强调on July 1, 1997。13The doctor, _ help the engineer managed to invent a new instrument, was praised.Athat Bwith whose Cwho DwhomThe doctor, _ helped the engineer invent a new instrument, was praised.Athat Bwith whose Cwho Dwhom答案BC:with whose help表示“在医生的帮助下”,whose作定语修饰help。:句中是非限制性定语从句,即可排除A,此空缺主语,故选C。14This book is very interesting.Where did you buy it? I will buy the same book _ you have bought.Awhich Bas Cthat DwhatTo my surprise, I did find the same wallet _ I had lost the day before.Awhich Bas Cthat Dwhat答案BCthe same.as表示“同类”;the same.that表示“同一”。15The house neednt _.Ato clean Bcleaning Cbe cleaned Dto be cleanedThe house doesnt need _.Aclean Bcleaning Cbe cleaned Dcleaned答案CB中的need 是情态动词,后跟动词原形,可排除A、B、D。中的need是行为动词,所要填的动词与主语存在动宾关系,可用动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式,所以选B。注:C项前加to也正确。16It was a pity that the great scientist died _
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