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Situation 2 Intercultural Communication,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,Task 2 Business Etiquettes, Objectives 1. Understand the importance of business etiquettes; 2. Grasp the proper business etiquettes tips.,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,I Pre-reading Pair work: Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1. What behavior is considered good manners in China? 2. What behavior is considered bad manners in China? 3. What is disadvantage of being impolite? 4. How do you begin a conversation with a stranger? 5. What guarantees a pleasant travel abroad besides learning to speak the language of that country?,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,II Case study of the task Etiquettes in Life Etiquettes, or good manners, is an important part of our day to day lives. Whether we realize it or not we are always subconsciously adhering to rules of etiquette. Much of the time these are unwritten. There are many cases related to etiquettes in our life, for example, giving up your seat to a lady or elderly person; queuing for a bus in an orderly fashion according to who arrived first; simply saying “please“ or “thank you“, or jumping the queue, not thanking someone for holding the door open for them, and forgetting to shake your hand. All are examples of etiquette. But how do you feel in each case? Questions : 1. Which are good etiquettes? 2. Which are lack of etiquettes? 3. How do you feel in the above cases?,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,III Text International Business Etiquettes The Importance of Business Etiquettes International Business Etiquettes Business Card Etiquettes The Etiquettes of Handshaking The Etiquettes of Personal Space The Etiquettes of Gift Giving The Etiquettes of Communication Tips on Business Etiquettes,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,New Words and Expressions etiquette n.礼节,礼仪 intentionally adv. 有意地,故意地 unintentionally adv. 无意中 accolade n.推崇备至,赞扬 deference n.敬意,尊重 flatly adv.平淡地;断然地 manifest vt.显示,表明,证明;使显现 crucial adj.至关重要的,决定性的 sling vt.扔; rub vt.擦,摩擦,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,squeeze v./ n.挤;榨取;挤过;握(手); gender n.性别; neutral adj.中立的,不偏不倚的;中性的 touchy-feely adj. 过于卿卿我我的;过于情感化的 blunt adj.直言不讳的 flowery adj. 华丽的 morale n.士气,斗志 impeccably adv. 完美地;无可挑剔地 avert vt.防止,避免;转移(注意力等) uncouth adj. 粗俗的,怪异的, 笨拙的,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,Phrases : be bound to 一定;必然 on the path to success 通向成功 interact with 与相互作用 much more ad. 多得多(更何况) insight into 洞察 make it a rule 习惯于(通常) come across 偶然遇见,碰上,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,V Consolidating and Expanding Summarizing knowledge 1. The Importance of Business Etiquettes Etiquette is a very important factor in determining the success or failure of a business or a person, and it is the way a person presents himself to others, being comfortable and making other people around comfortable. It is very important to practice good manners and etiquettes in order to succeed in your business, be liked by people and maintain good relationships with clients, customers and employees.,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,2. International Business Etiquettes Working in foreign countries means working with foreign cultures. International business etiquette allows people to build better and longer lasting business relationships. Modern business is global and demands people travel to foreign countries and mix with foreign clients, colleagues or customers. Each one of those cultures will also have their own etiquette rules, many of them unwritten. When two or more different cultures mix, it is easy for small etiquette mistakes to be made that could have negative consequences. Anyone working on the international stage needs to understand international business etiquette. International business etiquette manifests in many shapes and sizes. Throughout the world people from different cultures have varying etiquette rules around areas such as personal space, communication, gift giving, food, business meetings and much more. For those wanting to make a good impression and understanding of international business etiquette is crucial.,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,3. Tips on Business etiquettes Make sure to treat each person you interact with such as a secretary or a janitor, no matter what his or her position in the corporation, with respect and make it a rule to be pleasant to everybody no matter what the situation is. Let people know that you appreciate what they do which will boost morale and improve work quality. When organizing meetings make sure that all the participants know about the schedule, the objective of the meeting, matter that is to be discussed and the expected duration of the meeting. Never be rude or impatient with anyone on the phone. Never make anyone wait. Dress is also a very important aspect in maintaining good business etiquette. Smiling courteous service will definitely help improve business and make a customer become regular.,Task 2 Business Etiquettes,Reading material Office Etiquettes Here are some office etiquettes that one can follow. Although this list is not comprehensive,
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