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Unit 2Working the land.单项填空 1_,they finished the task ahead of time.AThanks to work hardBOwing to work hardCDue to make great effortsDAs a result of their hard work答案D解析句意为:由于他们的努力工作,他们提前完成了任务。thanks toowing todue to由于,三个短语中的to都为介词,其后应跟名词、代词或动名词,比较四个选项可知D项正确。 2Progress so far has been very good.We are_confident that the work will be completed on time.Aotherwise BthereforeChowever Dsomehow答案B解析考查副词辨析。therefore因此,所以。otherwise否则,要不然;however然而,可是;somehow以方式,不知怎么地。 3Dont be so discouraged.If you_such feelings, you will do better next time.Acarry on Bget backCbreak down Dput away答案D解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:别太泄气了。如果你收起这样的情绪,下次你会做得更好。put away将收起,符合句意。carry on执行,继续;get back取回;break down垮掉。 4In science fiction we read of flying saucers travel through_ space,so people want to have _ better knowledge of the universe.Athe;a B/;/Cthe;/ D/;a 答案D解析space作“太空,空间”讲时,是不可数名词,前不需冠词。have a knowledge of 意为“对理解/熟悉”。如He has a good knowledge of politics.他对政治非常熟悉。故D是正确答案。 5.That is the only way we can imagine_the overuse of water in students bathrooms.(2010上海,40)Areducing Bto reduceCreduced Dreduce答案B解析此处考查非谓语动词。此处应该用不定式the way to do sth.表示“做的途径、方式”。we can imagine作定语,前面省略了that。 6Could you turn the TV down a little bit? _.Is it disturbing you? ATake it easy BIm sorryCNot a bit DIt depends答案B解析考查交际用语。打扰了别人,影响了他人,应该是道歉,故选Im sorry。 7We put our books in the bookcase to keep them_from dust.Aempty BfreeCloose Dshort答案B解析考查形容词辨析。free from没有的。句意为:为了不让书沾上灰尘,我们把它们放进了书架。8The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Thursday urged Japan to stop making irresponsible_over an incident in waters off the Diaoyu Islands.Acomments BexplanationsCarguments Ddebates答案A解析句意为:周四外交部女发言人敦促日本停止就在钓鱼岛水域发生的事发表不负责任的言论。comment 评论。 9We should keep the air in the house_in order to keep the indoor air fresh.Aspreading BremovingCfloating Dcirculating答案D解析考查动词词义辨析。circulate表示“(空气、液体等的)流通”。spread传播;remove去掉;float漂浮。句意为:为了保持室内空气新鲜,我们应保持空气的流通。10The population of Africa is_so rapidly as to cause concern of the whole world.Aexpanding BstretchingCextending Dspreading答案A解析考查动词词义辨析。expand不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。stretch一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展;extend指空间范围的扩大或长宽的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长;spread一般指向四面八方扩大或传播。11_toothache, the old man felt very bitter, having no good sleep.ANot being rid of BNot ridding ofCNot rid of DNot having rid of答案C解析rid sb. of sth.。the old man 和rid之间为被动关系,因而选过去分词作状语。12I regret_you John has been fired.I can hardly believe my ears.Hes such a fine worker.Atelling Bhaving toldCto tell Dto have told答案C解析考查非谓语动词。句意为:我遗憾地告诉你约翰已经被解雇了。我几乎不能相信我的耳朵。他是一个如此好的工人。regret to tell.遗憾地告诉,符合语境。13In order to put an end to poverty, the World Bank has switched its_to providing technical assistance and longterm loans to developing countries.Aconcern BprocessCstruggle Dfocus答案D解析考查名词辨析。focus焦点,重点。句意为:为了结束贫穷,世界银行已经把(工作的)重点转移到向发展中国家提供技术帮助和长期的贷款。14The CCTV program, People Who Moved China, honors those_contributions should be remembered.Awhose Bwhich Ctheir Dwho答案A解析考查关系代词引导的定语从句。所填词引导定语从句修饰those,且作名词contributions的定语,所以应该用whose。15The mother opened the door quietly so as not to_the sleeping baby.Aupset BinterruptCdisturb Drelease答案C解析考查动词辨析。句意为:这位妈妈为了不打扰熟睡中的孩子,悄悄地开了门。disturb 打扰,妨碍,符合句意。upset使心烦;interrupt打断;release 释放,发布。16What prize_ in the following competition?Ado you think you will getBdo you expect will you getCdo you think you have gotDdo you expect have you got答案A解析do you think/expect用作插入语,后面的从句应用陈述语序,且应用将来时。17Anything to say about the latest talk between the two countries?_ANo comment! BNothing to say.CI beg your pardon? DGo ahead.答案A解析句意为:对两国之间最近的会谈有要说的吗?无可奉告!No comment!无可奉告!Nothing to say.没有东西要说。I beg your pardon?请再说一遍?Go ahead.用吧,请吧。18The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle_.Ato be heard Bto have heardChearing Dbeing heard答案A解析struggle to do sth.努力做某事,又I与hear之间存在被动关系,故应用不定式的被动式。19Who would you rather_the report instead of you?Awrite Bhave written Chave write Dhave to write答案C解析have sb.do sth.意为“让某人做某事”。把题干变成陈述句为:You would rather have who write the report instead of you.就可以得到答案为C项了。20With the pressure_, she was off work for weeks because she couldnt stand it any more.Apicking up Bmaking up Cbuilding up Dputting up答案C解析build up在此的含义为“累积、聚集”。pick up捡起,拾起;make up组成;编造;put up搭起;张贴。.阅读理解APublic schools in Washington DC.provide s
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