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Unit 3 Asking the way (Grammar time &Fun time),*教学目标:,1.复习巩固Story time,能熟练运用与问路有关的交际用语。 2.能听懂、会说、会读单词: cinema, hospital, supermarket,zoo。 3.能理解并能灵活运用Grammar time中的交际用语。 4.能完成Fun time中的游戏,并能灵活运用相关的交际用语进行问路和指路。 5.通过本课学习,学会敢于开口,乐于合作,遇到困难时要礼貌求助的良好品质。,Step1 Revision,Warming up: Listen and do,小游戏的热身既活跃了课堂氛围又吸引 了学生的注意力,同时也为分清问路中的 左右打好基础。,Revise “Story time“,Who is asking the way?,Why does Yang Ling ask the way?,让学生提问复习Story time,培养学生自主 提问的能力,教师可将问题稍作整理,使之 条理化。,Read and judge,Yang Ling can take the metro.,Yang Ling can get on the metro at City Library Station and get off at Park Station.,Theres a bookshop next to Su Hais home.,The bookshop is on Sun Street.,Read and judge,Yang Ling comes out from Park Station.,Yang Ling can find the bookshop.,Yang Ling asks a policeman for help.,The bookshop is on Yang Lings left.,Look and say,I can ask and answer some questions about the story.,Ive got _ stars.,Ticking time,I can say the way according to the map.,Step2 Fun time,F:supermarket,C: hospital,B: library,D:cinema,E:bookshop,Talk about the map,A:zoo,Banana Street,F:supermarket,C: hospital,B: library,D:cinema,E:bookshop,A:zoo,Banana Street,All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。,Rules: 1.每人轮流扔3次色子。 2.扔色子的同学问路,另一位同学指路。 3.指路正确的同学能得到一颗,看谁得到的星星多哦!,Ive got _ stars.,Ticking time,I can play the game well.,I can name some places in the city.,Step3 Grammar time,Grammar time,How to ask the way?,Wheres the,Can you show me the way to the,Excuse me.,How to show the way near?,Its near. You can walk there.,Go along this street.,Turn left/right at the traffic lights/.Street.,You can see.on your left/right.,How to show the way far?,Its far. You can take the metro/bus/.,Get on/off the.at.Station.,Turn left/right at the traffic lights/.Street.,You can see.on your left/right.,Go along . Street.,Task: Its late.Yang Ling must go home.If you were Yang Ling, do you know the way to your home now?,Y: Oh, its late. I have to go home, Su Hai. S: Do you know the way now? Y: Yes. First,.,I can ask and show the way.,Ive got _ stars.,Ticking time,Homework,1. Play the game with your friends or parents after class.,2. Try to collect more expressions about asking and showing the way.,Blackboard design,Unit3 Asking the way,Excuse me,how do I get to.? Wheres.? can you show me the way to.?,showing the way,Its near. You can walk there.,Its far. You can take the metro/bus.,Get on/off the.at.Station.,Go along. Turn left/right at the traffic lights/.Street. You can see.on your left/right.,
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