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,Module 5 The Great Sports Personality,复习时间、条件和让步状语从句,1We didnt discuss the problem _ he came back. 2_ you grow older,youll know better and better about yourself. 3No sooner had she gone to sleep _ the telephone rang once more.,until,As,than,4I have heard a lot of good things about you _ I came back from abroad. 5I was watching TV _a friend of mine called me. 6She says that shell have to close the shop _ business improves. 7He tried his best to solve the problem,_difficult it was.,however/no matter how,unless,when,since,8He made a mistake,but then he corrected it _the situation got worse. 9Child _ he was,he had a good command of English. 10_we dont lose heart,well find a way to overcome the difficulty.,before,as/though,As long as,1How long is it when we last spent the holiday in the countryside together? _ 2How hard he may try,he wont attain his goal._ 3Hardly we had got home when it began to rain heavily._ 4He wont get the prize unless he doesnt work hard._ 5Reasonable it sounded in theory,it didnt work in practice._,HowHowever/No matter how,在Reasonable后加as/though,unlessif或doesnt workworks,whensince,we hadhad we,如何写通知,写作格式: 1通知上方正中应写上Notice或NOTICE; 2发通知的单位可以放在正文的右下方,也可以放在标题的上方,有时也可省去; 3书面通知一般无称呼语,发通知的单位或通知对象一般采用第三人称,写作时要简明扼要; 4通知的日期应放在正文的右下方,在单位名称的下一行。,1词汇 与有关 _ 尽情展示 _ 随一起 _ 上交 _ 举行颁奖仪式 _ 错过的机会 _ 展评 _,hold a prizegiving ceremony,along with/together with/as well as,be related to,give full play to,hand in,miss the chance of,on show,
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