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第11课时 八年级下册 Unit 7,考点一 imagine的用法 【课文原句】 I imagine that we will prepare many delicious food.我想像得到我们会准备很多美味的食物。(八下P56) (1)imagine是动词,意为“想象;设想”。,I cant imagine life without the computer. 我无法想象没有电脑的生活。 You can imagine that you have just won a million pounds. 你可以想象一下你刚刚赢得了一百万英镑。 She imagined walking into the school again. 她想象又一次走进校园。 (2)imagine的名词形式是imagination,意为“想象力”。,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1(2017沈阳中考改编)Look on the bright side of life, and you can imagine _(have) a happy and successful future.,having,考点二 set的用法 【课文原句】 set the table 摆放餐具 (八下P56) (1)用作动词时,意为“使处于某种状态;安置, 摆放,放置;设定,调整;树立,建立;落(下)”。如: set the room in order让房间井井有条 He set the box down on the table. 他把箱子放在了桌子上。,(2)用作名词时,意为“一套;一副;一组(设备)”。 常用搭配为a set of。如: a set of cooking tools一套炊具 a TV set一台电视机,【拓展】 常见set相关短语 set off/out出发,动身 set up建立,创立 set downwrite down写下,记下 set out to do sth./set about doing sth.着手做某事 set an example for/to sb.为某人树立榜样,选择填空 2(2018湖北随州中考改编)As we on our new journey, we shouldnt forget where we came from. Atake out Bset out Ccut out,考点三 regret的用法 【课文原句】 I regret that I cannot come. 不能去我很遗憾。(八下P59) regret做动词,意为“遗憾,后悔”。 (1)其后可直接跟宾语从句。 I regret that I didnt buy that dress. 没买那条裙子我很后悔。,(2)regret doing sth.意为“后悔做过某事”,指对做过的事情 表示遗憾、后悔。 (3)regret to do sth.意为“遗憾地去做某事”,指对要做的 事情表示遗憾,强调事情未做。 I dont regret telling her what I thought. 我不后悔告诉她我的想法。 I regret to tell you that you failed the test. 我很遗憾地告诉你,你考试没有及格。,选择填空 3Did you sleep well last night? No. I argued with my dad and I regretted back to him. Atalked Btalking Cto talk,考点四 come true和achieve的用法 【课文原句】 Lets make Craigs dream come true! 让我们来实现Craig的梦想!(八下P61) come true意为“变为现实,成为事实”;achieve作动词, 意为“实现;完成”。 achievement 作名词,意为“成绩”。,You can make that dream come true. 你可以让那个梦想实现。 You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.你若那样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。 For his great achievement, Mo Yan received the Nobel Prize for Literature. 莫言由于他的伟大成就获得了诺贝尔文学奖。,【辨析】 achieve和come true的“实现”目标,考点五 辨析buy, sell与sale 【课文原句】 Many different delicious foods are for sale!许多不同的美味食物在出售!(八下P71),I want to buy a coat for my mother.I want to buy my mother a coat. 我想为妈妈买一件外套。 The book you need has sold out. 你需要的书已经卖光了。 Goods in the supermarket are on sale these days. 超市里的商品这几天大甩卖。,考点六 order的用法 【课文原句】 May I take your order? 您要点什么菜?(八下P72),【拓展】 in order to do sth.意为“为了做某事”, 常用来作目的状语。,完成句子 4May I take your _? Sure. A cup of tea, please.,order,选择填空 5(2016山东菏泽中考)Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday. OK. Shall we a book online for him? Aafford Border Coffer,考点七 It is said that.句式 【课文原句】 It is said that half of the students dont have breakfast regularly or dont eat anything at all in the morning. 据说一半的学生不规律的吃早饭或者是一点都不吃。 (八下P78),(1)It is said that.句式 表示“据说”,其中it是形式主语, 真正的主语是that从句。 (2)其他类似句式 It is believed that.人们认为 It is reported that.据报道,It is believed that eight is a lucky number in China. 在中国人们认为8是个吉利的数字。 It is reported that five people have been dead in the fire. 据报道已有5人在这场火灾中死亡。,考点八 not only. but also.的用法 【课文原句】 In short,we should not only eat enough , healthy food but also eat regularly. 总而言之,我们不仅要吃足够的好的健康的食物,还要 有规律地吃饭。(八下P78),(1)not only. but also.“不但而且”,当连接两 个并列分句时,not only可以放在句首表示强调,其后 的分句要用部分倒装结构,而but also后的分句仍用陈 述语序。 Not only is she clever, but also she is beautiful. 她不仅聪明,而且漂亮。,(2)not only. but also.连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词 的数应该和临近的主语保持一致。 Not only Tom but also I am fond of watching TV. 不仅汤姆喜欢看电视,我也喜欢。,(3)not only. but also.连接两个并列的句子或句子 成分时,also可以省略。 Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor. 莎士比亚不仅是个作家,而且还是个演员。,选择填空 6(2018湖南长沙一模)Are your brothers excited about the vacation? Yes , of course. my brothers I am looking forward to taking a vacation ABoth. and BNot only. but also CNeither. nor,
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