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Module 9 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does it eat meat?,Welcome to the Zoo,What animals do you want to see?,Id like to be your guide(导游).,panda/pandas,lion/lions,elephant/elephants,monkey/monkeys,giraffe/giraffes,camel/camels,tiger/tigers,snake/snakes,zebra/zebras,wolf/wolves,kangaroo/kangaroos,polar bear/bears,I am orange and black, I am the king(国王) in the forest.,A guessing game,tiger,I am the tigers cousin(同类), I like eating small animals.,lion,I am long and thin without feet.,snake,I am very big and have a very long nose.,elephant,I can walk a long way without(没有) water.,camel,I wear black and white coat, I like eating bamboo.,panda,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,Kangaroo,Australia,Grass,B: No, it doesnt,A: Does the kangaroo come from Australia?,B: Yes, it does.,A: Does the kangaroo eat meat ?,A. It eats grass.,The kangaroo comes from Australia.,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,B: No, it doesnt. It eats bamboo.,Panda,China,Bamboo,A: the panda come from China ?,B: Yes , it does .,A: Does the panda eat meat ?,Does,The panda from China.,comes,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,Giraffe,America,Leaves,B: Yes, they do. /No, they don;t,A: Do these giraffes come from America?,B: No, they dont.,A: Do these giraffes eat leaves ?,These giraffes come from America.,B: Yes, they do.,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,Polar bear,Arctic,Meat,B: No, they dont. they eat meat.,A: Do these polar bears come from Arctic?,B: Yes, they do./No, they dont.,A: Do these polar bears eat meat?,These polar bears come from the Arctic.,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,Wolf,China,Meat,B: Yes, it does. /No, it doesnt. It eats,The wolf come from China.,s,A: Does the wolf come from China?,B: Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt.,A: Does the wolf eat meat ?,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,Camel,Asia,Grass,B: Yes, they do. / No, they dont. they eat,These camels come from Asia.,A: Do these camels come from Asia?,B: Yes, they do. / No, they dont.,A: Do these camels eat grass ?,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,Tiger,Asia,Meat,B: Yes, it does. No, it doesnt. It eats,A: Does the tiger come from Asia?,A: It comes from Asia.,B: Yes, it does. No, it doesnt.,A: Does the tiger eat meat ?,Name:_ From: _ Food:_,Elephant,Asia,Grass,B: Yes, they do. No, they dont.,These elephants come from Asia.,A: Do these elephants come from Asia?,B: Yes, they do. No, they dont.,A: Do the elephants eat grass ?,elephant,giraffe,tiger,lion,camel,kangaroo,wolf,panda,polar bear,Daming,Lingling,Q: Whats Damings favourite animal? What does the elephant eat? what color is the panda?,The panda.,It eats plants.,It is white and black.,A trip to the zoo,Read the whole passage again and try to find out the language points you dont understand.,1.The tiger likes to eat meat.(否定句) The tiger to eat meat. 2.These lions come from Asia.(疑问句) - these lions Asia? 3.The tigers come from China.(单数句) The from China.,doesnt,like,Do,come,from,tiger,come,小试牛刀,s,4.The zebra eats plants.(一般疑问) the zebra plants? 5.They love bamboo.(否定句) They bamboo. 6.Pandas come from China.(同义句) Pandas China. 7.The tiger is my favourite animal.(划提) favourite animal?,Does,eat,dont,love,are,from,Whats,your,homework,Good bye!,Thank you!,
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