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第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,八年级下册,第9讲 Unit 1Unit 3,要点梳理过关,重点词汇过关,单词拼写 (一)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1They have made a _decision_ to build a big factory here. 2Many people have got a cold because the temperature _dropped_ a lot several days ago. 3The teacher often tells us the _importance_ of studying. 4The girl is going to repair the bike by _herself_. 5The villagers got _excited_when they saw Chinese soldiers coming to help them. (二)根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词。 6Aron Ralston found himself in a very dangerous _situation_(状况)when climbing in Utah. 7What a _waste_(浪费)to order so much food for us two! 8Children and old people may have _difficulty_ understanding the meaning of the online words without the Internet context. 9Our school is ready to _raise_(募集)money for the old people in the poor mountainous area. 10They always lose because they have no team _spirit_ (意志).,高频考点精讲,考点1 Whats the matter?的用法 Whats the matter with Judy?朱迪怎么了? Unit 1 P1,【透析】这个句式常用来询问某人患了何种疾病、遇到了什么困难、麻烦或周边出了什么状况等,也可用于询问某物出了什么故障。其后可接with sb. / sth.询问某人/某物怎么了。如: (1)Whats the matter?怎么了? Bad luck.I lost my pen.真倒霉。我把钢笔丢了。 (2)Whats the matter with him?他怎么了? He has a headache.他头疼。 【归纳】类似的问句还有: Whats wrong?怎么啦? Whats wrong with you?你怎么了? Whats your trouble?你遇到什么麻烦了? Whats the trouble with you?你有什么麻烦? Whats up?怎么了?,考点2 辨析hurt,harm,injure与wound If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow,then go to a doctor.如果明天你的头和脖子依旧痛的话,就去看医生。 Unit 1 P2,【透析】hurt可用作不及物动词或及物动词,表示“痛;疼”。另外,还可表示“使人的肉体受伤而疼痛”或“伤了人的自尊心或感情”。指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,一般说deeply hurt。其过去分词只作表语,不作定语。hurt可以表示精神上或肉体上的“创伤”。如:Xiao Li hurt herself when she fell down the stairs.小李从楼梯上摔下来受伤了。 harm可以作及物动词,表示“伤害,损害,危害”,也可作名词,表示“损害,伤害”。如:I have never harmed anybody.我从未伤害过任何人。 injure只能作及物动词,表示“伤害、损害、毁坏”,一般指由意外或事故造成损伤,它常暗示受伤部位的功能受到影响,而hurt的结果不一定影响机能的发挥。如:A bullet injured his left eye.一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。 wound可以作及物动词,表示“使受伤,伤害”;也可以作名词,表示“创伤,伤口”。如:He got wounded in the war.他在战争中受到过创伤。,考点3 辨析get off,get on,get into与get out of He got off and asked the woman what happened.他下了车,问那个妇女发生了什么事。 Unit 1 P3,【透析】(1)get off“下(汽车、火车、飞机等)”。如:The passengers got off the bus.乘客们下了公共汽车。 (2)get on“登上(汽车、火车等)”,后面常跟较大的交通工具。如:When I got on the bus,I saw my friend sitting there.当我上了公共汽车时,我看见我的朋友坐在车上。 (3)get into“进入(小汽车、出租车、电梯等)”,后面常跟较小的交通工具。如:He got into a taxi and left.他上了一辆出租车离开了。 (4)get out of“从(小汽车、出租车、电梯等)下来”。如:She got out of the car and went into the hall.她下了车,然后进入大厅。,考点4 辨析lonely与alone A lot of old people are lonely.许多老人很孤独。 Unit 2 P10,alone,形容词,意为“单独的,独自的”,表示无人陪伴,只陈述一个客观事实,不带感情色彩,只作表语,I didnt feel lonely though I was alone.我虽然孤身一人,但并不感到寂寞。 副词,意为“独自地”,相当于by oneself,常在句中作方式状语,He flew to Shanghai alone.他一个人乘飞机去上海了。 【一言辩异】 I was traveling alone in the lonely mountain.I didnt feel lonely though I was alone.我独自在荒凉的山里旅行。虽孤身一人,但我并不感到寂寞。,考点5 辨析raise与rise For example,we can make plans to visit sick children in hospital or raise money for homeless people.例如,我们可以计划去医院探望生病的儿童或为无家可归的人筹钱。 Unit 2 P12,如:We raised our heads to watch the sun rise over the mountain.我们抬起头,望着太阳从山上升起。Luther rose slowly from the chair.卢瑟慢慢从椅子上站起身来。,考点6 辨析fix,repair与mend Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts,like wheels.吉米修理自行车破损的部件,如轮子。 Unit 2 P13,【透析】(1)fix侧重于“安装”,用于表示修补、修复任何破损或不能正常工作的事物。有时也可用作“修理”,可与repair替换。 fix a machine安装机器 fix a mirror装一面镜子 fix a bike修理自行车 fix a leaking tap修漏水的水龙头 如:Have you had your bike fixed?你已经把你的自行车修理了吗? (2)repair多指修理较庞大的物体,构造较复杂或损坏严重的东西。 repair a bridge修桥 repair a house修房子 repair a car修汽车 repair a TV set修电视 repair a road修路 如:Mary repaired radio just for fun.玛丽修理收音机只是为了消遣。 (3)mend多用于指修理较小物体,结构较简单的日常工具,或缝补衣服、袜子等。 mend a shoe修鞋 mend socks补袜子 mend a shirt补衬衣 mend a toy修玩具 mend a kite修风筝 如:Can you mend this broken sock?你能补这只破袜子吗?,考点7 imagine的用法 Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily.或者设想一下你无法行走或轻松地使用你的双手。 Unit 2 P14,【透析】,考点8 neither的用法 Neither did I我也不。 Unit 3 P19,【透析】(1)作副词,作“也不”解释。“neither助动词主语”结构,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,此时也可以用nor来代替neither。如:I dont like this dress.我不喜欢这件连衣裙。Neither / Nor do I我也不喜欢。 (2)作限定词,意为“(二者)都不”,置于单数名词前。如:Neither cup is made in China.两个杯子都不是中国制造的。 (3)作代词,意为“两者都不”。如:Neither of the books is / are new.两本书都不是新的。Which one would you like?The blue one or the red one?你喜欢哪一个?蓝的还是红的?Neither.I like yellow sweaters.两个都不喜欢,我喜欢黄色的毛衣。 (4)作连词,常用短语为neither.nor.,意为“既不,也不”,用作主语时,谓语动词必须与nor后面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致,即就近原则。如:Neither he nor I am late for school.我和他都没有迟到。,考点9 辨析borrow,lend与keepCould you lend me some money?你能借给我一些钱吗? Unit 3 P20,【透析】(1)borrow“借入”,为非延续性动词。常用结构:borrow sth.from sb.。如:Tom borrows a book from Mary.汤姆从玛丽那里借了一本书。 (2)lend“借出”,为非延续性动词。常用结构:lend sb.sth.或lend sth.to sb.。如:Mary lends Tom a book.Mary lends a book to Tom.玛丽借给汤姆一本书。 (3)keep“借(多久)”,为延续性动词,常与“how long”或“for一段时间”连用。如:How long can Tom keep the book?汤姆可以借这本书多久? 关联语法链接 语法1:反身代词见P108 语法2:动词不定式作宾语、状语、补语见P131 语法3:情态动词表建议、请求、允许见P128,考点即时运用,1考点1You look tired,whats _D_ with you? I stayed up too late last night. Athe wrong Bmatter Ctrouble Dwrong 2考点8Where would you like to go f
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