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本科生毕业论文浅析英语体育新闻词汇的特点及翻译策略院 系: 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 A Brief Analysis of the Features and Translation of English Sports News Vocabulary摘要体育是社会文明的标志。2008年北京奥运会的举办,大大激起了民众的体育热情,体育新闻报道成为人们了解体育赛事,关注世界体育发展的重要渠道。英语体育新闻除具有一般新闻的特点外,自身有其独特的语言特色及文体特征。本文主要通过分析著名的英语体育新闻报纸或杂志来研究其词汇。英语体育新闻的词汇错综复杂,种类繁多。本文主要分析了英语体育新闻词汇的四个特征,即体育专业术语、缩略语、修辞和俚语的使用。然而,不同种类的词汇其翻译方法也各有不同,本文根据“功能对等”理论,简要介绍了两种翻译方法:直译,即按照词汇的字面意思直接翻译,这种方法主要适用于体育专业术语、缩略语以及部分使用修辞的词汇的翻译;意译,即将词汇的隐含意义翻译出来,不拘泥于其表面形式,大多数修辞性词汇,如:隐喻、转喻的词汇,以及俚语的翻译应使用意译。本文旨在通过浅析英语体育新闻的词汇特点及其翻译方法,使读者对英语体育新闻有更深的认识,减少阅读中的障碍,准确理解新闻所要传递的信息,进而促进不同国家民族之间体育信息的交流与发展。关键词:英语体育新闻;词汇特点;直译;意译AbstractSport is the sign of social civilization. The hosting of the famous 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has greatly aroused peoples enthusiasm to sports. Sports news becomes an important way for people to understand the sports events and pay more attention to the development of world sports. In addition to the general features of news, English sports news has its own unique language characteristics and stylistic features. The thesis mainly studies the words by taking famous newspapers and magazines as examples. The vocabulary in English sports news is quite complex and full of various types. The thesis analyses its four lexical features: sports terminology, abbreviations, rhetoric and slang. However, different types of words have their own translation methods . In the thesis, the author briefly introduces two kinds of translation methods based on the theory of “functional equivalence”: literal translation, namely we can literally translate the vocabulary, so the method is mainly used for the translation of sports terminology, abbreviations and some rhetorical words; free translation, which means we must accurately express the words implied meaning, but not focus on its forms. Therefore, free translation is frequently applied in the translation of most rhetorical vocabulary that using rhetoric such as metaphor and metonymy, and slang. The thesis briefly analyses the lexical features and its translation methods in English sports news, which aims at making readers have a deeper understanding of English sports news, reducing the barriers in reading, comprehending the sports message that the news intends to convey, and finally promoting the exchange and development of sports events among different nations.Key words: English Sports News; Lexical Features; Literal Translation; Free TranslationTable of ContentsAcknowledgementsI摘要IIAbstractIIITable of ContentsIVChapter1 Introduction11.1 Research Background11.2 Aim and Significance of Research11.3 Organization of the Thesis2Chapter2 Literature Review32.1 English Sports News32.1.1 The Definition of News32.1.2 The Introduction of English Sports News42.2 The Theory of “Functional Equivalence”42.2.1 Definition of “Functional Equivalence”42.2.2 Main Contents of “Functional Equivalence”52.2.3 The Links between “Functional Equivalence” and English Sports News Vocabulary52.3 Researches at Home and Abroad6Chapter3 Lexical Features of English Sports News83.1 Sports Terminology83.2 Abbreviations93.3 Rhetoric103.3.1 Metaphor103.3.2 Metonymy103.4 Slang113.5 Summary13Chapter4 Lexical Translation of English Sports News144.1 Literal Translation144.2 Free Translation15Chapter 5 Conclusion175.1 Major Findings175.2 Suggestions for Further Research185.3 Summary18Bibliography19Chapter1 IntroductionThe study of English sports news has a long history, which has expanded from stylistics to linguistics. The thesis focuses on the word level. This chapter is made up of three parts: the research background, the aim and significance of research and the organization of the thesis. 1.1 Research BackgroundWith the rapid development of information industry, the widespread cooperation and communication among countries are becoming closer and closer. The world is gradually turning into a global village, in which all kinds of news are provided and shared fast, efficiently and conveniently. As one kind of news, sports news plays an important role in social and cultural life. Sport is the symbol of social civilization. At the same time, it is international, so we need to deliver the latest sports news to meet the demands of fans across the world. On the occasion, more and more English sports news appears on newspapers, magazines, TVs and Internet every day. English sports news is a type of news, having its unique language features and writing styles, therefore, many scholars have studied various aspects of English sports news. However, scholars mainly regard sports news as a whole entity to study its linguistic aspects such as foregrounding and whole features, such as the stylistic features or language characteristics. Few have paid attention to the stud
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