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Lesson 11 Hows the weather today?,Whats this?,Game,How s the weather today?,Its cold and snowy.,snow snowy,How s the weather today ?,This is a sunny day.Its warm.,sun sunny,How s the weather today ?,Its,cloud cloudy,cloudy.,Hows the weather today ?,wind windy,Its,windy.,Its,cool.,Hows the weather today ?,Is it windy ?,rain rainy,Its,rainy.,sun rain wind cloud snow,sunny rainy windy cloudy snowy,Do some exercises,Listen and draw,Write the words,晴天,多云,有雨,有雪,sun rainy wind cloudy snow -Hows the weather today? - Its _ .,sunny,rain,windy,cloud,snowy,1,2,3,4,Hows the weather today?,Its sunny,Its cloudy.,Its windy.,Its snowy.,Its rainy.,Hows the weather today?,What day is it, Li Ming?,Its Tuesday.,Tuesday April 12,Hows the weather today?,Its warm and windy.,Hows the weather in December?,Its cold and snowy.,Hows the weather in July?,Its hot and sunny.,Pair work : look and talk .,Hows the weather in Kunming ?,Its rainy .,Shijiazhuang,Shenyang,Zhangjiakou,Guangzhou,Do you know these pictures?,Good-bye!,
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