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第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,九年级上册,第 16 讲 Module 7Module 8,要点梳理过关,高频考点精讲,考点 1 辨析 maybe与may be,Well,maybe Confucius and Shakespeare.嗯,可能是孔子和莎士比亚。 M7 P56,考点 2 suppose的用法,He was important,but I suppose he isnt as wellknown as Confucius or Shakespeare.他很重要,但是我猜想他没有孔子和莎士比亚那样著名。 M7 P56,【透析】(1)suppose v猜想;假设。如:Lets suppose the news is true.让我们假设这个消息是真实的。I suppose thats because public transport is much better today.我猜想那是因为现在的公共交通好多了。 (2)“suppose宾语从句”与think,believe等的用法相同。如:I dont suppose that he is at home now.我猜他现在不在家。 (3)“suppose名词/代词to be/do”表示“认为是/做”。如:Many people suppose him to be over 50.许多人认为他50多岁了。 (4)be supposed to do sth.意为“应该做某事;被要求/期望做某事”。如:Youre supposed to hand in your homework on time.你应该按时上交作业。,考点 3 辨析 everyday与every day,It is written in everyday English.它是用日常英语写的 M7 P58,考点 4 be pleased to do sth.和alive的用法,Everyone is surprised to see them at first,but very pleased to find that they are alive.一开始所有人看见他们都很惊讶,但是发现他们还活着又都很高兴。 M7 P58,【透析】(1)be pleased to do sth.意为“很高兴做某事”,与pleased相关的短语还有:be pleased with sth.意为“对某物或某事感到满意”。 (2)alive是形容词,意为“活着的”。,【拓展】 辨析 alive,living,live与lively,What does HAS stand for?HAS代表什么? M8 P64,【透析】 stand for是“动词介词”结构,意为“代表;象征”,不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。 【拓展】 辨析 stand for与represent,考点 5 stand for的用法,考点 6 No way的用法,Do you think theyll win,Lingling?No way!你认为他们会赢吗,玲玲?绝不可能! M8 P64,no way主要有以下用法:,考点 7 set up的用法,In 2001,a special programme was set up to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.(国家)于2001年创立了一个特殊项目,用来帮助年轻运动员。 M8 P66,【透析】 set up是动词短语,意为“设立;创办”,可指一切具体或抽象事物(如学校、机构、医院、设施等)的建造或建立。 【注意】 set up是动副短语,如果是名词作宾语,名词放在set与up之间或up之后均可;如果是代词作宾语,代词应放在set与up之间。 【拓展】 辨析 set up,build与found set up,build和found都可指一切具体或抽象事物的建造或建立,set up侧重于开始;build是普通用词,含义广泛;found侧重打下基础或创办。,考点 8 suffer的用法,From 2008 on,he suffered a lot from his foot problem,but he did not give up.从2008年开始,他遭受了很多脚伤的痛苦,但他没有放弃。 M8 P66 【透析】 (1)suffer v患有(疾病等);经受。如:These plants cannot suffer a cold winter.这些植物经不住寒冬。 (2)suffering n苦难,suffer from“受的苦;患病”,如:She faced her sufferings bravely.她勇敢地面对苦难。Do you often suffer from headaches?你经常头痛吗?,【拓展】 辨析 suffer from与suffer,关联语法链接 语法:被动语态(一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态) 见P117,考点即时运用,1考点4All the athletes _ the nice service during the London Olympics. Awere pleased Bwere pleased with Cwere pleasure Dwere pleasure with 2考点3Could you please tell me what your _ life is like? Aevery day Beveryday Cone day Deach day 3考点2You are _ to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored. Asuggested Bsupported Ctaught Dsupposed,B,B,D,4考点4He is the only person _ in his family after the earthquake. Aalive Bliving Clive Dlively 5考点1I want to buy the book if I have three days.How much is it? I am not sure._ forty yuan. AMay be BMaybe CMust be DCan be 6考点6Will you marry him? _!I dont love him at all. ANo problem BNo way CNo,thanks DYoud better not,A,B,B,7考点7What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home? Youre supposed to _ a study group to help them. Atake up Bfix up Cset up Dstay up 8考点8I suffered a lot _ smoking,so I gave _ last year. Ato;it up Bto;up it Cfrom;up it Dfrom;it up 9语法What happened to Billy? He _ because of his drunkdriving. Ais caught Bwas caught Chas caught Dwere caught,C,D,B,10语法Your classroom is so clean. Of course.It _ every day. Ais cleaned Bwas cleaned Ccleans Dcleaned 11考点5The museum had several paintings _ the artists early style. Arepresent Brepresenting Cstand for Dstanding for 12考点22017临沂中考改编In many eastern European countries,you are_ to take off your gloves before shaking hands. Asuppose Bsupposed Cto suppose Dsupposing 13考点42017武汉中考Even though were in difficult times,we need to keep hope_ Areal Balive Cfresh Dclose,A,B,B,B,
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