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第三部分 题型研析 高分保障,题型 3 短文还原,解题技法指导,例题精析 2017成都中考As time goes by,are you still the same person you were?Many of you would think you are.1._ You could be a completely different person when you get old.Psychologists(心理学家) at the UKs University of Edinburgh did the study on a group of Scottish people.2._ In 1950,a group of teachers gave over 1,200 14yearold students personality tests.3._They were selfconfidence,sense of responsibility,perseverance(耐性),strong wishes to win,creativity and moods (情绪),In 2012,researchers successfully found 174 of those 1,200 students and gave them a test similar to the one they had received before.4._ They were surprised to find great changes to all six personality traits of these people.5._ It was “as if the second test had been given to different people.” the study reported. In the past,personality was widely believed to be unchangeable.This new study may bring some fresh ideas to the world.,【主旨大意】这是一篇科普类说明文,文章主要介绍了,人们以前普遍认为人格是不可改变的,但随着时间的推移,人的性格会发生变化。短文用实验来验证了这一结论。 1D 根据上句 “As time goes by,are you still the same person you were?Many of you would think you are.随着时间的流逝,你还是原来的你吗?你们很多人都会认为自己是。”可知,下句应该是“但是根据一项新的研究,你的个性可能会发生很大的变化。”故选D。 2F 根据上句 “Psychologists(心理学家)at the UKs University of Edinburgh did the study on a group of Scottish people.英国爱丁堡大学的心理学家对一群苏格兰人做了这项研究。”可知,下句应该是“研究发现,几乎每个人的性格随着年龄的增长而改变。”故选F。,3A 根据上句 “In 1950,a group of teachers gave over 1,200 14yearold students personality tests.在1950年,一组教师对1200多名14岁学生进行了性格测试。”及下句 “They were selfconfidence,sense of responsibility,perseverance,strong wishes to win,creativity and moods.他们是自信、责任感、毅力、强烈的获胜愿望、创造力和情绪。”可知,中间应该是“他们测试了六个基本的性格特征。”故选A。,4B 根据上句 “In 2012,researchers successfully found 174 of those 1,200 students and gave them a test similar to the one they had received before.2012年,研究人员成功地找到了1200个学生中的174个,并给他们做了一个类似于他们以前接受过的测试。”可知,下句应该是“然后他们比较了当时和现在的测试结果。”故选B。 5E 根据上句 “They were surprised to find great changes to all six personality traits of these people.他们惊奇地发现这些人的六个性格特征都发生了巨大的变化。”可知,下句应该是“年轻的自己和老的自己每个人看起来都完全不同。”故选E。,技法点拨 在阅读短文还原题给出的选项中我们可以发现一些特点:该题型选项大致可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。另外,多余的干扰项也可以通过这三个特点来排除,例如,在干扰项中,主旨句概括要么过于宽泛,要么以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释性句子与上文脱节等。根据这些,我们总结了一些解题技巧供大家参考: 1注意细节之间的联系,平时我们运用最多的四种逻辑关系(因果关系、转折关系、并列关系、顺序关系),在文章中寻找逻辑词和连接词,如表因果关系:because,so;表转折关系:but,however;表并列关系:and,or;表顺序关系:时间顺序,动作顺序。,2注意主题与细节之间的关系,这类较为简单,一般在句首或句中挖空。 3注意大小主题之间的关系,此类题目较难,一般要通读全文,在全文中寻找答案。 4注意首段的末句以及末段的首句,多数情况下需要填的内容出现在这两个地方。 做题步骤口诀 读选项,排排序;读短文,找逻辑; 先易后难,找顺序;定夺答案,再读文章。 得分技巧口诀 抓住过渡词;盯住上下句;看准横线的前后词语。,即时运用 Passage 1 2016德州中考,Whats in a Name? Your name is very important.When you think of yourself,you probably think of your name first.1._ Right now,the two most popular names for babies in the United States are“Jacob”for boys and “Emily”for girls.2._And why are some names unpopular?,E,D,Names can become popular because of famous actors,TV or book heroes,or top players.Popular names mean very positive(积极的)things.Unpopular names mean negative(消极的)things.3._Here are some common opinions about names from a recent survey.,C,4_The biggest reason is tradition.They have no choice.Many people are named after a family member. 5_A name that is unpopular now might become popular in the future.Thats good news for all the Georges and Bettys out there. AChinese names are different from English names. BOf course,opinions can change over time. CSurprisingly,people usually have similar opinions about names. DWhy are these names popular? EBecause it is an important part of your identity(身份) FSo why do parents give their children unpopular names?,F,B,Passage 2 2017北京中考改编,From the Other Side Lara and Tara are twins.1._,but they are very different in everything else.For example,hot food is Laras favorite,and Tara has a sweet choice. However,this isnt the problem with the twin girls.They always argued that the opposite one was wrong.2._,while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight.,A,E,3_To put an end to their fights,their parents decided to create a small drama.They wanted the girls to understand that they were both correct from their own point of view.Their parents covered the girls eyes with black ribbons,and brought them to the dining room.4._.Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other.They couldnt see the other side of it.When the ribbons were taken away,they were surprised to see a huge board between them.,B,D,Now,their father asked Lara,“Whats the color of the board?” She replied,“Its black!”5._She replied,“Its white!” The two girls began to argue again.While Lara was confident it was black,Tara was sure it was white.Then,they were asked to exchange(交换)their places.They couldnt believe their eyes.Tara,who insisted it was a white board,saw a black one.Similarly,Lara,who argued the board was black,was shocked to see a white one.They understood that each of them was
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