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七年级上册第三模块一:要求掌握的单词there; 那,那里 fortysix 四十六; computer 电脑; dictionary 字典,词典; library 图书馆; picture 图片,照片; television 电视; right 正确的; fifteen 十五; sixteen 十六; seventeen 十七; eighteen 十八; nineteen 十九; thirty 三十; sixty 六十; seventy 七十; eighty 八十; ninety九十; dining hall 饭厅,饭堂; gym 体育馆; science 科学,科学课; lab 实验室; in front of 在-的前面; next 在-的旁边; behind 在-的后面; some 一些; any 任何一个; one 一个人,一个物; building 建筑物二:要求掌握的词组,句子。1. in our school:在我们学校里2. next to = close to :紧挨着 / 靠近3. in front of:在的前面(指外部范围)in the front of:(指内部范围)4. in the middle of:在的中间5. behind = at the back of:在的后面6. on the right (of) / on the left (of):在的右面 / 在的左面7. betweenand:在和的之间(指在两者之间)8. There is a blackboard. (变一般疑问句)_9. There are 46 students in my class. (对划线部分提问)_?10. Thats 24 boys and 22 girls.( 注意“数字和号码”可以看作是一个整体,用单数来表达。)11. Is there a computer on Miss Lis desk? Yes, there is. /No, there isnt.12. Are there any computers on your desks? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.13. Are there any science labs ? Where are they ? Yes , there is one behind the library.14. Wheres the library? Its next to the classroom.15. Wheres the gym? Its in a building in front of the offices.16. The science lab is behind the library.17. Is the gym in front of the building hall? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.三:语法1. there be 有;它分为一般现在时,there is / there are一般过去时 there was / there were和一般将来时 there is going to be / there will be 几种形式。它的几种句式结构为:肯定句:There is/are-. / There was/were-.否定句:There is/are not-. There was/were not-. There is not going to be-. There will not be-.一般疑问句:Is / Are there-? Was / Were there -? Is there going to be -? Will there be -?例如:There are some tall trees in front of my classroom. (一般疑问句及否定回答)There was a new type of toy car in the shop yesterday. (否定句)There is going to be a football game tomorrow. (一般疑问句及肯定回答)There will be a class meeting next Sunday. (否定句)2. there be 和 have (has) 的区别:(1) there be 是指某地有某人或某物,是客观存在,不归任何人所有。(2) have (has)是指某人拥有某物,是归个人所有。(3) 肯定句的区别:There be -+其他。 主语+ have (has) +其他。(4) 否定句的区别:There be (not) +其他。造句: 主语+(dont/doesnt) + have/has +其他。(5) 一般疑问句的区别:Is / Are there-? Was / Were there -? Is there going to be -? Will there be -? Do/Does +主语+have/has +其他?3对There be 句型的提问:(1)对There be 后面的主语提问,指人时用who,指物时用what,无论主语是单数还是复数都用is: Who is there +-? What is there-? (2)对There be 后面的地点提问用Where (3)对There be 后面的数量提问用How many+名词复数例如:There are some storybooks in the box. (划线部分提问) _?There are twelve computers in our classroom. (划线部分提问) _?4. 关于there be 确定be 动词的单复数形式要遵循“就近原则”,以及不可数名词按照单数处理。例如:There is _ map and two photos on the wall .There _ some books and a pencil on the desk.5. 辨析some ; any :两者都有“一些”之意,some用于肯定句,any 用于疑问句和否定句中,在表示请求,邀请的问句中用some,不变any。6. 辨析 no ; not : no既可做形容词有可做副词,做形容词修饰可数名词,相当于not a/an - 或 not any -( no+名词 = not a /an / any+名词:没有什么东西)如:There is no water in the glass. = There is not any water in the glass.7. in front of -和 in the front of -都是“在-的前面”的意思:: in front of-:指“在某一事物外部范围的前面”in front of the shop: 在商店前面: in the front of-:指“在某一事物内部范围的前面”in front of the classroom:在教室里面的前面8. one 在此为代词,代替上文出现的单数名词,以避免重复。若代替复数用ones. One 和 it 都是代词,都可以代替上文中出现过的事物,但one 用来泛指上文提到过的那类人或事物中的“一个” ;而it 则特指上文提到的“整个的物品或事件”,常译做“它”。第三模块练习题一:根据提示在横线上写出单词1. Theres a _(图书馆) in our school. Therere many books in it.2. If you dont know a word(单词), you can look up(查阅)in a _.(字典)3. Do you like watching _.(电视机)4. Therere _(三十) girls in our school5. Theres a _(科学) lab in our school,too.6. I have _(一些) English books.7. In our school, there are many _.(计算机)8. On the wall in our classroom, therere two _.(图画)9. We often have P.E. lessons in the _.(体育馆)二:单项选择1. ( ) -Where is _ hat? - Its _ the chair. A. Ann, on B. Anns , on C. Anns , in D. Ann , in2. ( ) Look! Your books are next _ the basketball. A. at B. in C. on D. to 3. ( ) There are many trees _ front _ our classroom. A. in , in B. in , of C. at , in D. at , of4. ( ) -What is thirteen plus(加) sixteen? - Its _. A. twentythree B. fortythree C. thirtythree D. twentynine5. ( )There_ a book and two pens on the desk. A. are B.be C. is D. am6. ( )There is a big tree_ the picture. A.on B. to C. in D.at7. ( )What _in
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