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新概念第二册第14课姓名_ 分数_ 一、根据句意,用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。 amusing, journey, experience, lift, language 1. We felt hungry and tired after a long_. 2. A strange man asked me for a(n)_ when I drove to work yesterday 3. How many_ can you speak?4 He has been to many places and has a lot of interesting_5. I found a piece of _news on the web this morning.二根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. I will call you _ _ _(一就) I get to Beijing. 2. The man told us two stories, but_ _ _(没有一个) was Interesting 3. If you cant speak English, you can answer my questions _ _ _ (用其他语言) 4._ _ (除了) money, what else do you get from your job?三改写句子。(写出与第一句意思相同的句子,每空一词) 1. The man moved in next door yesterday. We know nothing about him The man moved in next door yesterday. We _know anything about him_ _.2. The moment she got on the bus, she began to talk loudly with her friend. _ _ _ she got on the bus, she began to talk loudly with her friend 3. Except for some spelling mistakes, your homework is good _ _ some spelling mistakes, your homework is good. 4. My sister cant speak French, and I cant either _ _ us can speak French4、 用括号中的词将以下句子连到一起。 1.I did not understand this question. (until) She explained it。2. I went to bed.(before) My parents came back。3. Lucy completed the project.(when)Iarrived。4.(By the time) He got to the airport, the plane took off.5Jims father mended the car. (after) It was broken。五、选词填空(except/exceptfor/exceptwhen)1. Noonewashurtintheaccident_theboy.2.Ilikeeverybody_him.3.Healwaysgreetsme_heisinagreathurry.4.Shedidntdoanything_sittheretalking.5.Thisarticleiswell-written_somespellingmistakes.6.Everybodywashappytoleavethecity_Mary.7.Henevergoestohisfather_heneedsmoney.8.Yourpaperisexcellent_severalgrammarmistakes.9._thenewcomer,nooneintheclassknewtheanswer.10.Everyoneknewaboutthesurpriseparty_me.单项选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。()1.Thisstoryeverybodyintheroom.A.amused;amusedB.amused;amusingC.amusing;amusedD.amusing;amusing()2.Itheproblemuntilheexplainedit.A.understoodB.didntunderstandC.hadntunderstoodD.hadunderstood()3.Couldyoupleasemealifttothatsmallvillage?A.giveB.makeC.takeD.do()4.Ifyoucannotmye-mail,pleaseletmeknow.A. replyingB.answertoC.replytoD.answering()5.Heinthefactoryforthreeyearsbeforehejoinedthearmy.A. hasworkedB.worksC.hadworkedD.willwork()6.Jimhadturnedoffallthelightshelefttheclassroom.A.afterB.untilC.sinceD.before()7.Isawaboystealingsomethingfromawomanthewayhometoday.A. onB.inC.byD.to()8.Heisantourist(旅行者)andhehasagreatmanyinteresting.A.experienced;experienceB.experience;experienceC.experienced;experiencesD.experience;experienced
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