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Reading 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,2,The Acropolis now,Step 1. Lead-in,古希腊对西方文化有很大的影响。古希腊文明与希腊首都雅典卫城是相联系的。卫城包括三座神庙。随着历史的前进,卫城和其他的古代建筑一样受到自然威力和人为的破坏。希腊政府一直采取措施进行修复工程。成立了委员会负责全面专业的修复,并教育人们如何避免破坏重要历史建筑。,雅典卫城简介,Step 2. Learning aims,After this class, we will be able: 1. to learn some important words, like:impact; 2. to master the usage of “with“; 3. to translate a short passage.,Step 3. Self-study,Please do Exercise D on Page 20. dgceahfb,Fill in the blanks,No one has had a greater _ on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks. They made many _ in philosophy, science, mathematics.,impact,advances,Step 4. Guidance & exploration,impact,n. a . impact (of sth) (on sb/sth) v. impact (on/upon) sth Higher wages have already had a major impact on spending. The report assesses the impact of tourism on environment. Her fathers death impacted greatly (on/upon) her childhood years.,这份报告评估了旅游业对环境的影响.,Please analyze the structure,The Western of Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, as is the marathon, In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens.,as is the marathon, .,as + be /do +主语. 也是一样 The film is so boring, as is its music. I travel to London every year, as do most of my workmates.,associate with 把A与B相联系 e.g. 1. She always associates the smell of baking with her childhood. 2. I dont wish to associate myself with what has been said. 我不希望别人把我和所说过的事联系起来。,Test yourself:,1. The beginning of the movie is impressive, _ is the ending, which leaves us much to think. A. as B. what C. which D. that 2. The engine is to a car _ the heart is to a man. A. as B. what C. which D. that,After that, much progress was made in repairing the monument, with the large amount of work in preparation for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.,Read the following sentence:,make progress/advances in in preparation for with + O. + prep./adj. with + O. + to do/doing/done,1. She came into the room, with her nose red because of cold. 2. With the meal over, we all went home. 3. The master was walking up and down with a ruler under his arm. 4. The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand/with book in hand. 5. With his mouth full, he looks like a frog.,with + O. + prep./adj./to do/doing/done,6. With so many problems settled, the new manager was very excited. 7. With the guide leading the way, we quickly found the way to the tourist attraction. 8. The peasants have a good harvest with all the crops got in. 9. With everyone supporting us (现在分词) we can certainly succeed. 10. The man was brought in with his hands tied behind his back. (过去分词),11. Tom always sleeps with his eyes open. 12. The boy ran out with nothing on. 13. Dont talk with your mouth full. 14. With a lot of homework to do, he cant play the games.,1. 门开着,他就离开了屋子。 He left the room with _. 2. 灯亮着,奶奶在椅子里睡得香甜。 With _, grandma slept soundly in the chair . 3. 这个家伙两手交叉,站在那里。 The fellow stood there with _. 4. 作业完成了,他们出去玩了。 They went out to play with _. 5. 随着时间的流逝,我最终梦想实现了。 With time_, I finally realized my dream.,the door open,going by,the lights on,his arms crossed,homework finished,Test yourself:,1. _ so many essays _,he wont have time to go shopping this morning. A. With, to write B. As, to write C. With, are written D. As, written 2. _ time permitting, we will visit the Summer Palace. A. In B. With C. As D. If,Test yourself:,3. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _. A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on 4.John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _, he gladly accepted it. A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finished,Test yourself:,5. _ and no way to reduce her pain and the suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctors help to end her life. A. Having given up hope of cure B. With no hope for cure C. There being hope for cure D. In the hope of cure,Step 5. Summary,What have we learnt today?,雅典卫城简介,古希腊对西方文化有很大的影响。古希腊文明与希腊首都雅典卫城是相联系的。卫城包括三座神庙。随着历史的前进,卫城和其他的古代建筑一样受到自然威力和人为的破坏。希腊政府一直采取措施进行修复工程,成立了委员会负责全面专业的修复,并教育人们如何避免破坏重要历史建筑。,Step 6. Consolidation,Possible version,The ancient Greek has had a great impact on Western civilization. When talking of ancient Greek civilization, we usually associate it with the capital city of Athens, the Acropolis. It consists of three temples. With time going by, it was damaged by, as were the other ancient buildings, natural forces and mankind. However, the Greek government has been taking action for the repair.,In particular, a committee was appointed to undertake the complete, professional repair of the Acropolis. Besides, the committee also undertake important work to educate the public, teaching people how to avoid damaging important historic buildings like the Acropolis.,Step 7. Assignment,Go over what youve learned today. 2. Finish the passage according to the language points.,Answer the following questio
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