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Project,Just say No,安德烈阿加西 Andre Agassi,Xie dong,Man wenjun,Jiang tao,罗琦,陈百强,Just say no!,Why do so many people take drugs?,rebel against their families or society,be curious,want to be accepted by drugs-taking friends,Uppers,speed,nicotine,caffeine,Downers,Hallucinogenic h,lu:sindenik drugs(致幻毒品),heroin,LSD,Detailed information about drugs,energetic,difficulty sleeping,heart attacks,death,nervous tension,decrease,relaxed,sleepy,forgetful,sadness,pulse,brain,real,commit suicide /kill themselves,increase heart rate cause acute anxiety,What common effects do the three classes of drugs have?,They are all addictive, physically and / or psychologically.,Discussion: assistances that drug users need,develop positive interest and hobbies to transfer his attention and get rid of his addiction to drugs,Family members care for drug users ,give support and never abandon him,Society never discriminate against drug users,Assistances that drug users need,Admit their problem with drugs and seek help from a hospital or drug clinic;,Stay in hospital and take special medicines to help break the addiction;,Need support groups to talk about their struggles and find new ways to manage.,Reasons,Punishments,curiosity,accepted,energetic,sleepy,unreal,sentenced/condemned,seeking,support,related phrases and try to make sentences with some phrases,1.take drugs 2.end in a messy situation 3.rebel against their families or society 4.increase the heart rate 5.side effects 6.a weight-loss pill 7.suppress hunger 8.have trouble quitting smoking 9.shallow breathing 10.lead to death,1.吸毒 2.结局一团糟 3.反抗他们的家庭或者社会 4.加快心脏跳动速率 5.副作用 6.减肥药 7.抑制饥饿感 8.戒烟有困难 9.浅度呼吸 10.导致死亡,Related phrases,11.被称为镇静剂 12.使服用者产生 愉悦的感觉 13.一会儿就消退 14.使大脑和身体 的反应变慢 15.如果大量饮用的话 16.发现他们被困在一 所无法逃脱的牢狱里,11.be referred to as downers 12.give users artificial sense of pleasure 13. fade over a time 14. slow the brain and the bodys reactions 15.if consumed in large quantities 16. find themselves trapped in a prison from which they cannot escape,17.make people addicted 18.do great harm to 19.range from to 20.extreme mood changes 21.commit suicide 22.break drug addiction 23.wipe away the stain of past 24.start over again 25.erase the past,17.使人上瘾 18.产生巨大危害 19.从到 20.极端情绪变化 21.自杀 22.戒毒 23.消除过去的污点 24.重新再次开始 25.擦掉过去,1.很多公司开业时都非常好,最后却以失败告终。(end in) Many businesses begin well enough, but end up in failure. 2.如果不是这个学生首先问了一个问题,老师也不会去检查并发现这个错误。(in the first place) If the student had not asked a question in the first place, the teacher would not have checked and found the mistake. 3.人很容易染上一些像抽烟酗酒这样的恶习,要戒掉却不那么容易。(slide into) It can be very easy to slide into bad habits such as smoking and heavy drinking , but it is not so easy to give it up.,4. 他擦掉了嘴角边的血迹,挣扎着站了起来。 他已经麻木得感觉不到任何疼痛了。 He wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth and struggled to his feet-too numb to feel any pain. 5.一个人被警察抓获时所携带的非法毒品的种类和数量决定了惩罚的轻重。(连词过去分词) The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when caught by the police determine the punishment. 6.当被问到为什么上学又迟到时,杰克没有回答。(同上) Jack did not answer when asked why he was late for school again.,7.正如许多吸烟者可能告诉你的那样,尼古丁是非常容易让人在生理上上瘾的,这就是许多人很难戒烟的原因。(非限制性定语从句) As many smokers may tell you, nicotine is very physically addictive, which is why many people have trouble quitting smoking. 8.向毒品说不,是保护一个人未来健康和安宁的重要部分。 Saying NO to drugs is an important part of protecting ones health and well-being for the future. 9.最简单的避免健康问题和戒毒痛苦的方式就是一开始就不要使用非法毒品。 The easiest way to avoid the health problems and hardships of breaking drug addiction is not to use illegal drugs in the first place.,
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