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,Unit 7,职业综合英语 2,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 7 Marketing,新职业英语,Contents,Warm-up,Task 1,Task 2,Warming-up,Warm-1,Warming-up,Task 1 Look at the following pictures and identify the different selling methods.,person-to-person selling,direct mail selling,online selling,telephone selling,Notes,Warm-1-Notes,Warming-up,Personal selling: 人员推销/个人推销 is a two-way communication between the seller and the buyer usually face-to-face, via the Internet, the phone and the correspondence. Unlike advertising, a personal sales message can be more specifically targeted on individual prospects and easily altered if the desired behavior does not occur. Personal selling, however, is far more costly than advertising and is generally used only when its high expenditure can be justified.,Warm-2,Warming-up,Task 2 New Yorks Times Square is one of the most desirable places for advertising. Look at the digital & neon billboards shown in photo and state which brands you recognize and give short statements about each of them.,Notes,Warming-up,Because America is on the move, spending more time on the road and less time in the home, its mobile society makes outdoor advertising an important and effective means of getting messages in front of peoples eyes. Since consumers usually get just a fleeting glimpse of a billboard, a business must design the advertisement to be simple and bold. A picture showing the biggest benefit of your product or service along with up to seven words makes the most effective billboard. Additionally, purchasing between six and ten billboards located near each other creates the most effective awareness-building advertising campaign.,Warming-up, Back,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Task 3,Text A-1,Reading A,Payless ShoeSource: Paying Less for Fashion 1 When you think of New Yorks Fifth Avenue, which retailers come to mind? Tiffanys? Gucci? Armani? One name that probably doesnt come to mind is Payless.,翻译,声音,Text A-2,2 Founded in 1956 in Kansas, Payless grew rapidly on the basis of what was then a revolutionary idea: selling shoes in a self-service environment. Fifty years later, it had become the largest shoe retailer in America, targeting low-budget families.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-3,3 While all seemed rosy for the choose-it-yourself shoe store, by 2005, Payless was losing market share and closing stores. The retail landscape had changed, and giant discount one-stop shops like Walmart, Target, and Kohls had become the choice of shoppers who paid special attention to price when they bought shoes. Said one industry insider, “You can no longer produce the same boring shoes year after year and hope that price alone will get customers to your door.” With low prices at its only rule, Payless had lost its advantage.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-4,4 To reverse its falling market share, Payless had to plan a completely new strategy. To get things started, it hired a new CEO, Matt Rubel, who came with extensive experience in the high-end brand market. Rubel knew that Payless had to change its image from the dusty storeroom of cheap shoes into the fun merchant of fashion. “We have the ability to make shoes at the most affordable prices anywhere in the world, and we want to marry that with the greatest creativity,” said Rubel. The overall objective of Rubels strategy was not only to improve the brand image, but also position Payless in such a way that a slight price increase would seem like a bargain. Rubel wasted no time in making big changes.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-5,5 Payless ShoeSource has continually updated its overall image since 2005. With the revised mission and vision statement, along with its new strategy, the company was looking to increase its market share. It began to attract customers through trends and styles,rather than solely through discounted prices.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-6,6 Unexpectedly,just as Rubels strategy began to take effect, the worst global recession since the Great Depression broke out in 2008. Like retailers everywhere, Payless took a hit; but while many retailers suffered great losses, store sales at Payless were much better.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-7,7 Due to the series of reforms by Rubel, Payless is returning to steady growth. Low production costs provide a competitive advantage as they continue to increase profits. In good times as well as in bad, Payless has created a formula for value that customers love. The company remains confident that its strategy to make fashion more accessible to ordinary people will produce favorable results regardless of future economic conditions.,Reading A,翻译,声音,A-Trans-1,Reading A,1 提到纽约的第五大道,你会想起哪家店铺呢?蒂凡尼?古驰?还是阿玛尼?有一个你可能没有想到的名字,那就是配莱斯。,配莱斯鞋业:时髦且不贵,A-Trans-2,Reading A,2 配莱斯公司1956年创立于堪萨斯州。它发展得非常迅速,这得益于其在当时非常创新的理念:顾客可以自己挑选鞋子。五十年过去了,它已成长为面向低端消费家庭的全美最大鞋店。,A-Trans-3,Reading A,3 直到2005年为止,这种自选式经营的鞋店看起来一切都非常美好;之后配莱斯开始失去市场份额,店铺也纷纷倒闭。零售行业早已改头换面,如果买鞋的顾客非常看重价格,那他们就会选择像沃尔玛,塔吉特,科尔士这样的一站式超级折扣店。一位行业的内部人士说:“你要是年复一年一成不变地生产鞋
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