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英文委托书范本篇一:英文授权书模板【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本 【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本授权书(或授权委托书)在英文中有两种形式,即Letter of Authorization (LOA) 和 Power of Attorney (POA),而且英文授权书在使用上是有一些区别的。一般来说,Letter of Authorization比较通用,几乎可以用于各种形式和各种需求时的授权;而Power of Attorney的使用比较严格,被授权人应为律师(Attorney)。 在招标投标书翻译时,一般应选用Letter of Authorization。LETTER OF AUTHORIZATIONI, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and lawful representative of the Company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the Company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. And I acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized is hereby authorized.Name of the Company: (official seal)Legal representative: (signature)Authorized representative: (signature)Date:【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本工程项目授权委托书本授权委托书声明:我 (姓名) 系 (投标单位名称)的法人代表,现授权委托 (单位名称)的 (姓名)为我公司代理人,以本公司的名义参加 工程项目的投标活动。代理人在开标、评标、合同谈判过程中所签署的一切文件和处理与之有关的一切事务,我均予以承认。代理人: 性别: 年龄:单 位: 部门: 职务:代理人无转委权。特此委托。投标单位: (盖章)法定代表人: (签字或盖章)日期 年 月 日 金融英语考试授权委托书中英模板 授 权 委 托 书 现授权 先生代表我(公司)全权办理在昆山市 设立 之相关审批事宜。授权时间至申办之公司取得工商部门核发的营业执照之日为止。上述受权人在授权范围内签署的有关文件我(公司)均予承认。受权人有转委托之权利。授权人:_签字:_年 月 日 Power of Attorney This is to authorize _to be the attorney of me (“_”) toexecute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary registration for the establishment and operation of _ in New and Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone of Kunshan City. This power of Attorney shall come into effect from the date of execution and remain effective until the date when the business license of _is issued. I recognize the documents executed by theAttorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization.Company: _Signed by: _Date:_授权书兹_,现授权_先生/女士全权负责我公司于_土地拍卖事宜。法人代表:盖章:日期:Authorization LetterHereof, Mr. / Ms _is authorized by _ for the LandAuction _, Yushan Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province in China.Legal Representative:Stamp:Date:篇二:委托授权书样本(英文版)委托授权书样本XX-3-25 17:55:29委托单位 全权委托被委托人 先生(女士)在上海申办投资企业的一切手续,有权代表上述委托单位签署项目建议书、工商名称登记、可行性研究报告、合同、章程等建办新公司的有关法律文件。 (trustor)_give his carte blanche to _(trustee) to deal with all the procedure of applying the enterprise invested in Pudong. He has authority to stand for the above-mention company to sing Project Proposal, Industrial and Commercial Name Registration, Feasibly Study Report, contract, Constitution and other legal documents for establishing the new company. 委托方签字盖章: Chop of the trustor: 被委托人签字盖章: Signature of the trustee:被委托人身份: Indentity of the trustee: 被委托人身份证复印件:ID copy of the trustee: 年 月Date: 日 篇三:委托书(英文) 委 托 书 I, _(Name), Passport/Identity Card 本 人, (姓名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码 兹 委 托(姓名) 护 照/身 份 证 号 码 代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取 my visa application我 的 签 证 申 请。 on my behalf. _ Signature of Applicant Date申 请 人 签 名 、加盖企业公章 日 期篇四:委托书英文范本4篇委托书英文范本4篇 委托书是指委托他人代表自己行使自己的合法权益,委托人在行使权力时需出具委托人的法律文书。而委托人不得以任何理由反悔委托事项。以下是本人为大家精心准备的:4篇委托书英文范本。欢迎参考阅读! I,_,of_,hereby appoint_(_ 委托书英文范本一_,of_, as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until_or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party 我,_(姓名),_(地址等),在此指定_(姓名),_(地址或律师事务所名称等),为我的律师,以我的身份履行一切实践中我通过律师所能从事的合法行为。本权利在以下载明日期全权生效并一直持续到_或持续到双方当事人规定的延展期或提前撤销期。 Dated_ 日期:_ STATE OF_ (签名处) 地址:_ COUNTY OF_ 州名和县名:_ 委托书英文范本二 I,_ (name), am the legal representative of Henan Road & Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint Yang Mei (name) as our agent. The agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, supplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents for A1, A5 sections of Qianfeng Farm to Nenjiang Road, Yichun to Nenjiang Section Construction Project, Yichun to Beian Section Civil Engineering and Beian to Wudalianchi Scenic Section Bridge Engineering (project name). The agent is also responsible for signing the contract and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences. Commission Period: 90 days from the expiration date for the bidding documents submitted by the bidder
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