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有关词汇教学的研讨林素芬一起因:07 年 10 月,我搬着凳子走进了郭华蓉老师的课堂,她正在上必修五 Unit 3 Life in the future Learning about language。 (请参考所附材料 1)我发现她的教案如此简单,整节课她声嘶力竭地细细讲解着本课重要的一些句子,并扩展开了许多例句。可是坐在教室后的我,却看到了很多学生麻木的身躯和发呆的神情。下课后,我马上和她探讨起来,如何上好 Learning about language 这部分的词汇教学。她说,一直以来,大家都这样上,听了其他老师的课也没有什么创新的做法。这是的我正在上高三年的复习课,也厌倦了每天讲解单词,学生背单词,然后小测,最后考试。如此周而复始的重复着单调的词汇复习法,学生直喊着,学英语无聊啊,而我也是拖着疲惫的身躯麻木地撑着。听完她的这节课,我的头脑里忽然被点亮了一把火把,词汇教学的改革和创新刻不容缓。于是我和郭华蓉老师相约好了,未来的一年我们要致力于词汇教学的研讨。二学习和实践我开始上网搜索有关词汇教学的理论知识,观看了有关词汇教学的视频,也从图书馆借来了好几本英语教育教学理论的书籍。我每每一有心得便打在电脑资料库里,和郭老师共同分享,她也会和我交流她的收获。于是针对这节课,我们陆陆续续有了一些想法,并在课堂教学开始实践,然后反思,再修改,再探讨。在刘道义老师主编的新高中英语教与学里,我看到了这样一句话:语言学家 Nuan 指出, The study of how form, meaning, use work together to enable individuals to communicate through language. 这说明词汇教学应从运用的角度出发,把语言的形式,意义,和运用有机的结合起来,通过设计形式多样、层层递进的活动和任务使学生兴趣激发、发现探究、归纳总结、实践运用、自主合作学习词汇,将传统的静态讲述词汇教学,变为师生、生生互动的动态运用式教学。于是我们又重新设计了这堂课。而且为了亲自体验创新词汇教学的可行性,我借了高二(3)班上了这节课。课后,听课的老师给了我较高的评价。虽然我内心暗自窃喜,但是我也了解,关于词汇教学还有很多值得我去学习研究和探讨的地方。Teaching Plan 一教学目标 I. 知识目标 (language aim)1. The Ss will learn the useful words and expressions by explaining them in English or using other words、phrases and sentences to describe a word.2. The Ss will do some practice to develop the habit of explaining words and expressions in English.3. The Ss will learn the methods of word study by discovering, exchanging ideas with others. 4. The Ss will work together to finish a task they choose according to their abilities.II. 能力目标 (ability aim)1. The Ss will be able to use the useful words and expressions to complete their tasks.2. The Ss will be able to use the methods of word study they discover to enlarge vocabulary and to explain words meaning through the context.III.情感目标: Through the study of this period, students will be more interested in English learning through competition and different kinds of interesting games. The most important is that students gain confidence in dealing with words they may not be familiar with. 二 教学重点 (Teaching important points)1. . The Ss will learn the useful words and expressions by explaining them in English or using other words、phrases and sentences to describe.2. The Ss will learn the methods of word study by discovering, exchanging ideas with others. 3. The Ss will be able to use the useful words and expressions to complete their tasks.三 教学难点 (Teaching difficult points)1. How will the Ss be able to use other expressions to describe a new word. 2. How will they use the useful words and expression to complete a task. 四. 教学用具( Teaching aids)The multi-media ,blackboard, some word cards五教学过程(teaching procedures)Step 1 duty reportLet the Ss guess the names of the English songs sung by a student.设计说明:duty report 为学生提供一个舞台,在这个舞台上,他们可以讲故事,出谜语,唱歌,朗读诗歌,变魔术,复述课文,表演对话,他们可以事先做好准备,老师也可以给予必要的帮助。总之,duty report 给了他们一个舞台,让每个学生有充分表现自己的地方。Step 2 words and listeningActivity 1 Funny guessing1. What 5-letter word has six left when you take 2 letters away?2. What is the center of guide?3. How can a hat talk?4. A: How many apples can you eat if your stomach is empty? Activity 2 word guessing according to what they hear1. You can go back to the past or go to the future in a special capsule in which astronauts can live and control the spacecraft and communicate with earth. 2. the feelings of sbsth made on the mind-impression3. sb who leads you to somewhereguide4. sth you should take when you are illtablets5. some areas around you-surroundings6. any covering for the whole or a part of the face worn for amusement, protectionmask 7. a mechanical, electrical, electronic, or optical device for opening or closing a circuit or for diverting energy from one part of a circuit to another-switch8. a woman who performs a stewards job on an aircraft or ship-stewardessStep 3 words and speaking Activity 1 Catch the words and complete the sentences on Page 20 Search for, swept up, pressed down, sweep up, took up, slide intoActivity 2 took up, capsule, uncertain, guide, tabletsLiqiang was so lucky that he_ a chance to travel to the future of 3008 in a special _. At first, worried about the journey , he was nervous and _So his friend and _ gave him some_ which helped a lot.Activity 3 Catch the words and find the sentences in the passage with these words.surroundings, adjustment , mask. , back on his feet, tolerate ,a hovering carriage1) At first his new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.2) Just as he tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation, Wangping appeared and asked me to put on a mask.3) Soon he was back on his feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.Activity 4 Combine the sentences into a short passage.When he arrived one thousand years in the future, the new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. So he tried to make the necessary adjustment and put on a mask. Soon he was back on his feet again and collected a hovering carriage driven by
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