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read and write,Unit 5 How much is it?,(人教PEP)四年级英语下册课件,Assistant: Can I help you? Customers: Yes. I want a pair of s. Assistant: What size? Customers: Size . How much are they? Assistant: They are yuan . Customers: Well take them.,¥10,¥30,¥8,¥20,¥100,¥90,s,s,s,s,s,I want some apples. How much are they?,They are yuan .,¥10,¥30,¥8,¥6,¥11,¥9,I want some s. How much are they?,They are yuan .,¥15,¥12,¥10,¥30,¥8,¥6,¥11,¥9,¥15,¥12,Assistant: Can I help you? Customer: Yes. I want some s. How much are they? Assistant: They are . Customer: I also(还)want some s . Assistant: Thats(总共) yuan.,A: Look at that dress. Its colourful. sweater. pretty. jacket. cheap. T-shirt. expensive. B: Yes, it is.,My ruler is 1 yuan. Its very cheap.,My school bag is 100 yuan. Its very expensive.,How about yours? Please give me more examples.,¥ 80,A:How much is it? B:Its 80 yuan. A:Very expensive.,¥20,A:How much is it? B:Its 20 yuan. A:Very cheap.,A: Hello, Micky. ? B: . Can you show me that green one? A: Sure. . B: It looks nice. ? A: . Anything else? B: Ah, yes. I want a pair of sneakers. ? A: .,Can I do help you,I want a new sweater,Here you are,How much is it,Its eighty,How much are they,They are twenty,¥80,¥20,Do exercise:,选择填空: ( )1.How much is it? 23 yuan. A. They are B. Its C. Is it ( )2.How much the sneakers? Theyre 67yuan. A. am B. is C. are ( )3.How is the shirt? Its thirty yuan. A. long B. much C. old ( )4.Put your sneakers. Run the park. A. on, at B. in, in C. on, in ( )5.Can I help you? . A. Yes, please B. Im full C. Yes, they are,B,C,B,C,A,See you!,
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