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Unit3 The Million Pound Bank NoteThe second periodReading and Comprehengding教学设计及反思兰州市榆中县恩玲中学英语组蓝芳2016.3.8Unit3 The Million Pound Bank NoteThe second periodReading and ComprehengdingTeaching Aims:1. Knowledge Aim:(1) Get the students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.(2) Learn the story by reading the passage Act 1, Scene 3 of The Million Pound Bank Note.(3) Get the students to experience the difference between American English and British English by listening to the record of the passage.(4) Learn the elements of play.2. Ability Aims:(1) Train the students reading skills by using different reading stratagies.(2) Enable the students to have a good understanding of the the passage Act 1, Scene 3 of The Million Pound Bank Note by doing different exercises.(3) Enable the students to learn how to analyse character of people.(4) Train the students ability to cooperate with others.Teaching Important Points: 1. Let the students learn and understand the story.2. Learn the elements of play.3. Train the students reading skills.4. Train the students ability to cooperate with others.Teaching Difficult Points:1. Develop the students reading and abilty.2. Enable the students to learn how to analyse character of people.Teaching Methods:1. Task-based teaching and learning.2. Cooperative learning.3. Discussion.Teaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the class as usual.Step Pre-readingLead the students to review the words and phrases in this part to prepare for reading.Step ReadingTask 1: Listen and read Scene 3 quickly and take down some notes according to the four elements: time, place, character, event(事件).TimePlacePeople/CharactersWhat is happening in Act 1 Scene 3? Task 2: Read Scene 3 in characters and then try to answer the following questions in groups of four: 1. Where does Henry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?2. What did he do in America?3. Why did he land in Britain? 4. Why do you think that the brothers chose Henry for their bet?Step ComprehendingTask 1: Read the statements below and work in pairs to decide whether they are facts or opinions. Write “F” if it is a fact. Write “O” if it is an opinion. 1. _ Henry wants to find a job in London.2. _ Henry is given an envelope by the two brothers.3. _ Henry is an unlucky young man.4. _ The servant is called James.5. _ Henry is foolish to go and meet the two brothers.Task 2: Analyse the character of the main role Henry according to the following sentences and find some adjectives (or other words) to describe him.1. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand. (Independent)2. It is my first trip here.Well, I cant say that I have any plans. Well, to be honest, I have none. (no money) (Honest)3. Could you offer me some kind of work here?I dont want your charity. I just want an honest job. (Hard-working)4. Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me. If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I dont think its very funny. Now if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way. (Frank)Step Summary Retell the story by filling in the following blanks. In the summer of 1903, two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, (1) _ _. They wanted to see whether a man with a million pound bank note could (2) _ _ _ in London. Oliver believed so, while Roderick (3) _ _. They happened to see Henry, wandering on the pavement outside their house. So they asked Henry to come in. From what Henry said, the two brothers learned that Henry had been (4) _ _ _ _ by a strong wind and then spotted by a ship, on which he worked as (5) _ _ _ to earn his passage. He was (6) _ _ they were looking for. So Roderick and Oliver gave Henry a letter with money in it and told him not to open it (7) _ _. At first, Henry refused but finally he accepted it and (8) _ _ _.Step HomeworkIn groups of four, play the parts of “Henry, Roderick, Oliver, and Servant” and act it out in the next class. While acting, pay attention to the correct pronunciation and intonation.课后反思:我的学生是高一年级的学生,虽然有一定的词汇量,但阅读能力、表达能力和语言运用能力还相当低下。本单元是学生们第一次接触英语戏剧,所以我把本课时的重点放在了阅读和理解上面,而把语言点和句子结构的讲解放在了下一课时。了解戏剧的特点和要素,进行人物性格的分析,这对同学们都是新的尝试。因此,遵循“教无定法,贵在得法”的原则,根据学生的实际情况和本单元教材体裁剧本的特殊性,我并没有运用日常的阅读教学步骤,先快速阅读(Fast-reading)再过渡到仔细阅读(Careful-reading)。因为阅读剧本带给读者的感觉是非常生动形象的场面,需要读者通过主人公的台词、动作、神态及情节等慢慢体会和欣赏,而快速阅读容易影响读者欣赏作品的情绪和氛围。为了让学生感受戏剧中地道的英语口语,充分感受戏剧中人物对白所呈现出的思想感情,我先运用了边听边读的方法,然后又让学生分角色朗读课文,进一步感受戏剧中人物的思想感情,理解故事的思想内涵。同时,采用任务型教学的方法,提高学生捕获信息的能力和语言运用的能力;合作学习和小组讨论法有利于提高学生的协作能力和交际能力。根据本课时的体裁特点,我增加了戏剧要素分析和人物性格分析两部分课本上没有的练习;又根据学生的实际能力水平,删减了课本上“理解”部分较难的练习。总体而言,本节课达到了预期的效果。
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