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,Whats the matter?,How often does he exercise?,He exercises every day.,Whats the matter with him?,He is ill.,B: It is hungry. .,A:It should eat some food .,A: Whats the matter with it?,What should it do?,A: Whats the matter with him?,B: He is tired .,A:He should go to bed early.,What should he do?,thirsty /:sti/,drink some water,B:He is thirsty.,B:He should drink some water.,A:Whats the matter with him?,A:what should he do?,/:sti/,stressed out(紧张的),listen to music,/strest/,B:Shes stressed out(紧张的).,B:She should listen to music.,/strest/,A:Whats the matter with her?,A:What should she do?,have a cold,stay in bed for three days,c,d,a,c,d,b,have a stomachache,(should)see a doctor,(should not) eat anything,A:Whats the matter with him?,B:He has a stomachache.,A:What should he do?,B:He should see a doctor and he shouldnt eat anything.,stressed out,thirsty,hungry,go to bed early,go to the party tonight,listen to some music,study tonight,have a drink,eat any more dumplings,eat an apple,play soccer before dinner,SectionB-2a/2b,Then practice in dialogue.,Find out the problems and give your advise.,A: Whats the matter with Gina? B: She is tired. A: Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldnt go to the party.,What should she do?,B: Hes stressed out. What should he do?,A: Well, he should listen to some music. He shouldnt study tonight.,A: Whats the matter with Tony?,A: Whats the matter with Julie?,B:Shes thirsty.What should she do?,A: Well, She should have a drink.She shouldt eat any more dumplings.,A: Whats the matter with Alan?,B:Shes hungry. What should she do?,A: Well, She should eat an apple.She shouldt play soccer before dinner.,Fill in the blanks with right words. The first letter is given.,She has too many things to do. She is s_ out. Im t_ , I should drink some water. Bill goes to school at 6:30. He gets up e_ Im tired, I went to bed l_ last night. Jim has a toothache. He should see a d_ . Whats the m_ with you?- I have a fever. Gina has a s_ throat. She should drink hot tea w_ honey.,tressed,hirsty,arly,ate,entist,atter,ore,ith,welcome to my class,Goodbye,
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