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书面表达菏泽真题剖析(2018山东菏泽中考)五、书面表达(共两节,满分20分)第一节(5分)阅读下面短文,用英语完成思维导图。How to be a good student As teenagers, how to be a good student? In my opinion, there are a lot of things we should do.Firstly, live a healthy life. We should have healthy eating habits. Do more exercise to keep healthy. Secondly, have a good study habit. We should listen to the teacher carefully; try our best to finish homework on time. Thirdly, try to be an honest student. Dont tell lies and never cheat in class. Finally, obey the school rules. Dont go swimming alone without permission. Never take the mobile phones to school. Dont fight with others. Last but not least, we should be polite to the teachers and classmates.I hope we all become good students.第二节(15分)假如你是王宁,你的英国笔友 Linda想了解你的周末生活。请根据下面的内容提示,给Linda写一封电子邮件,告诉她你是如何度过上个周末的。内容提示:1上周六上午,你和父母一起骑自行车去了一家草莓采摘观光园;2听采摘观光园主人讲述自己的人生故事:16岁时一场车祸夺去了她的双腿,在地方政府和家人的帮助下创建草莓采摘观光园,每年收入近百万元,吸引大量游客;3和采摘观光园主人合影,在采摘观光园餐馆就餐;4你的感受。要求:1语言规范,语句通顺,内容充实;2字数:不少于100词;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。可能用到的词汇: Picking and Sightseeing Garden采摘观光园; strawberry草莓; local government地方政府; attract吸引; tourist游客Dear Linda, Thanks for your last email. Yours,Wang Ning参考答案第一节71Do more exercise由第二段第三句可知答案。72Have a good study habit由第二段第四句可知答案。73Never cheat in class由第二段第七句可知答案。74Obey the school rules由第二段第八句可知答案。75No fighting with others由第二段第十一句可知答案。【参考范文】 略2
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