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1.打扮 2.把处死 3.改善监狱条件 4.诺贝尔和平奖 5.最高领导人之一 6.在现代中国历史上 7.参与 8.福利工程 9.中国福利基金 10.妇科病专家 11.献身于医疗工作 12.鼓励某人做某事,dress as 2.put to death 3.improve prision conditions 4. the Nobel Peace Prize 5.one of the top leaders 6.in modern Chinese history 7.concern oneself with(in) 8.welfare project 9.the China Welfare Institute 10.a specialist in womens illnesses 11.devote ones life to medical work 12. encourage sb to do sth,13.上大学 14.猩猩与人之间的关系 15.尽可能 16.国家公园 17.醒 18.意味着 19.前一天晚上 20.在阴凉处 21.离开 22.在树上玩 23.被允许做 24.与交流 25. 做出 26.社会体系,13.go to university 14.the connections between chimps and human beings 15.asas possible 16.National Park 17.wake up 18.meaning doing 19.the night before 20.in the shade 21.move off 22. play in the tree 23. be allowed to do 24.communicate with 25work out 26.social system,27.在野外 28.建立 29.心里想 30.过着生活31.获得博士学位32.表达爱的方式33.日常活动 34.在大学 35.坐在电脑旁36.对进行研究37.偶然 38.遇见 40.似乎 41.她所选的事业,27.in the wild 28.set up 29.say to oneself 30.lead a life 31.gain a doctors degree 32.a way of showing love 33.daily activities 34.at university 35.sit at the computer 36.do research on 37.by chance 38.come across 40.It seems that 41.her chosen career,42.去国外留学 43.吸引某人的注意 44.降低死亡率 45.照顾 46.摆脱疾病 47.为 准备的 48.次于,亚于 49.聪明得多 50.别的任何人 51.温和的性格 52.后来 53.无数的故事 54.深夜 55.接生小孩,42. Travel abroad to study 43.catch a persons eye 44.cut the death rate 45.care for 46.free from sickness 47. be intended for 48.second to 49.much clever 50.anyone else 51.gentle nature 52.later on 53. story after story 54.late at night 55.deliver a baby,56.迫不及待 57.献身于 58.宁愿/决定做某事 59.确保 60.继续 61.医学院 62.为而准备 63.高考 64.如下 65.涉及,参考 66.瞧不起,56. cant wait to do 57. devote ones life to n/doing 58. choose to do sth 59. make sure that 60. carry on 61. medical college 62. prepare for 63.the university entrance examination 64. as follows 65. refer to 66. look down on/upon,1.She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. 2.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.,
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