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,Why do you like koalas?,Unit 3,Section B,Class 2 Grade 1 2009-3-5,Reviesion,Panda(s),Giraffe(s),cat,Penguins,elephant(s),Dolphin(s),bear(S),monkey(s),Rabbit(s),wolf (wolves),tiger(s),Zebra(s),pig(s),1. T_are the most dangerous animals in the world, I think. 2. P_ are the animals that only live in China. 3. A large grass-eating animal which has a long neck, I think, is the g_. 4. The d _ is one of the cleverest animals, living in the sea and looking like a fish. 5. Many families have d_ as their pets. 6. Why do you like k_? Because theyre fun. 7. The biggest animals on land are e_. 8. P_ live in very cold places. 9. A large meat-eating animal of the cat family, living mainly in Africa. It is the l _.,andas,iraffe,olphin,ogs,oalas,lephants,enguins,ion,Exercises,igers,挑战第一关!,抢答,1.what animals can swim?,2. What animals eat grass?,3. What animals eat meat?,4. What animals eat leaves?,a leaf-leaves,Fish and dophins,Cows, fish and elephants,Lions dogs and cats,Pandas, giraffes and koalas,panda(s),cute 可爱的,聪明的,Elephant(s),clever 聪明的,机灵的,Cat(s),smart 聪明的,漂亮的,Dolphin(s),friendly友好的,Rabbit(s),shy 害羞的,giraffe(s),beautiful漂亮的,Pig(s),ugly丑陋的,挑战第二关!,形容词知多少?,scary big ,friendly strong ,cute small interesting ,clever smart ,beautiful shy ,ugly scary ,fun friendly ,friendly cute ,beautiful tall ,lazy liovely ,A : What animals do you like ? B : I like A : Why do you like / (Why ?) B : Because theyre very,pandas tigers elephants,smart cute clever,Pairwork,Listening:,2a,interesting clever ugly cute beautiful shy,Fill in the chart:,interesting clever,ugly,beautiful shy,cute,other,A:What animals do you like? B: I like elephants. They are cute. A: What other animals do you like? B: I like dogs,too. A: Why? B: Because theyre friendly and clever.,Pairwork,A:What animals do you like? B: I like .s They are . A: What other animals do you like? B: I like s,too. A: Why? B: Because theyre ,Exercises : 选择适当的词填空: Why, other, friendly, animals, clever, shy A: What _ do you like? B: I like pandas. A: _ do you like them? B: Because they are _ and cute. A: What _ animals do you like? B: I like dolphins, too. Because they are_ to people and _ .,animals,Why,shy,other,friendly,clever,Report:, likes . Because theyre . She/He likes , too. Because theyre .,Who will be the new king?,Homework:,To copy and master the new words and sentence patterns we have learned. 2. To do a survey to talk about the animals we like and dislike. 3. To finish the exercises in the exercise books.,Homework: Do a survey: How well do you know your partners?,Useful languages: What animals do you like? What other animals do you like? Why?,Maria,elephants,interesting,pandas,beautiful,Goodbye!,
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