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Lesson42,Not very musical,musical adj. 精通音乐的 market n. 市场,集市 snake charmer 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制) pipe n. (吹奏的)管乐器 tune n. 曲调 glimpse n. 一瞥,snake n. 蛇 movement n. 动作 continue v. 继续 dance v. 跳舞 obviously adv. 显然 difference n. 差别 Indian adj. 印度的,musical adj. 1)音乐的,a musical instrument 乐器 a musical performance 音乐演奏 a musical score 乐谱 2)(声音等)富有音乐性的,美妙的 a musical voice美妙的嗓音 3)喜爱音乐的,精通音乐的 eg:Her family are all musical 她们全家都喜欢歡音乐。 a musical child 精通音乐的孩子,market n 市场,集市,bear market 熊市 bull market 牛市 a failing market 股票下跌的行情 a rising market 股票上扬的行情 market price 市场价格 sales Price 销售价 marketing n U销售学,市场推广,市场推广部,fair,1)集市(尤指买卖牲口,农产品的地方,在固定的地点定期举行,常伴有娱乐表演) 2)展览会 a world fair 博览会,展览会 mart 集市,市场,贸易中心 3) 公平的,公正的 Why should I have to do all the cleaning? Its not fair!,snake charmer玩蛇者(借音乐控制),charm 1)n.uc魅力,引人喜爱的特质 eg:He has a lot of charm他很有魅力。 the charm of the countryside in spring郊外的春光明媚 Her happy smile is one of her charms. 她愉快的笑容是她的魅力之一。 2)V取悦,迷住,吸引 eg: He charms everyone he meets. 他使他遇见的每一个人都很愉快。 We were charmed with/by the music. charmer n 有吸引力的人 charming/delightful adj 令人高兴的,迷人的,可爱的,pipe n,1)管子 (tube) tju:b, tu:b a water-pipe 排水管 a gas-pipe 排气管 a drain-pipe 排水管 a waste pipe 排(排废水)水管 2)烟斗 light ones pipe 点燃一斗烟 3)管乐器 a bamboo pipe 竹笛 piper 吹笛者 eg: Put that in your pipe and smoke it.,tune n曲调,曲子,play a tune吹奏曲子 eg: The tune of/to this song is easy to remember. 这首歌的曲子很好记。 in tune和谐,协调 eg. His ideas were in tune with the times. 他的思想合乎潮流。 Out of tune走调,不协调 eg:He sang out of tune 他唱歌走调。,glimpse,1)n(通常作单数)一瞥,一看 a quick glimpse at the newspaper headlines 迅速看一眼报纸的大标题 have /catch /get a glimpse of 瞥见,看见 同义词:glance take a glance at the TV programs 看一眼电视节目 =give a glance over the TV programs 2)V瞥见,乍看,看一眼 eg: He only glimpsed at my new dress and said nothing. 他看了一眼我的新裙子,什么也没说。,snake 1)n蛇,eg:I saw a snake wriggle away.我看到条蛇蜿蜒爬开 =l saw a snake crawl away. a snake in the grass隐患,不忠实的朋友;伪装成朋友的敌人 2)V蛇行,沿曲折道路前进 snake one s way蜿蜒前进,蛇行 snake across /wind across 蜿蜒穿过,continue v 1)继续,continue to do /continue doing继续做某事 eg:He continued reading when I spoke to him. =He continued to read when I spoke to him. In spite of my efforts, the baby continued crying. 尽管我努力了,这个小孩继续哭。 =In spite of my efforts, the baby continued to cry. go on to do 继续做某事 eg: After my math homework, I go on to do my English homework. 当我做完数学作业的时候,我继续做英语作业。,go on doing 继续做同一件事 We go on working without rest 我没有休息,继续工作。 go on with 继续做某事 After a cup of tea, he went on with his story. 喝完茶之后,他继续讲故事。 2)仍旧,持续状况 The weather continued cold 天气持续寒冷。 My father continues in good health。 我父亲依旧身体健康。,obvious adj. 明显的,易解的,显而易见的,eg: It was obvious that he turned against us. 很显然,他背叛我们了。 He told her an obvious lie 他明显对她说谎了 obviously adv 明显地,易解地,显而易见地 eg: Obviously he cant tell the difference between them. He was obviously drunk. 很显然他喝醉了。 The snake obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. 很显然这条蛇不能辨认印度音乐和爵士乐的区别。,difference n. 1)差别,差异,difference between A and B A和B的差别 eg: Can you see any difference between these two pictures? 你能看出这两幅画的任何差别吗? Its easy to tell the difference between Indian music and jazz 很容易辨认印度音乐和爵士音乐的区别。 2)意见相左,不和,争论 a difference of opinion.意见不合 eg: Do you think the two countries can settle their difference? 你认为这两个国家能够解决彼此的纠纷吗?,difference n. 1)差别,差异,difference between A and B A和B的差别 eg: Can you see any difference between these two pictures? 你能看出这两幅画的任何差别吗? Its easy to tell the difference between Indian music and jazz 很容易辨认印度音乐和爵士音乐的区别。 2)意见相左,不和,争论 a difference of opinion.意见不合 eg: Do you think the two countries can settle their difference? 你认为这两个国家能够解决彼此的纠纷吗?,三、课文讲解Text,As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. through在表满之下通过或在中间通过,与in有关 eg: The train went through some tunnels. 火车通过了若干隧道。 The sun shone through the clouds. 阳光穿过云层照射下来。 across在表面上穿过,其含义与on有关 The old man walked across the road carefully. 老人很小心地穿过马路。 We II be across the border by tomorrow. 明天我们将越过边界。,square a 1)广场,街,at the square在广-场 a market square集市广场 2)正方形,正方形物 3)平方 eg:The square of 7 is 49. 7的平方是49。,
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