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Frankenstein,朱蓓蕾编辑,The Title and Its Meaning,. The full title of the novel is Frankenstein: or the New Prometheus(普罗米修斯). It compares Victor Frankenstein, to the Greek god Prometheus. Prometheus was the son of the gods Iapetus(拉匹特斯) and Clymene(水泽仙女克吕墨斯 ), both Titans(泰坦巨神). The Titans, led by Cronos(克洛诺斯), were the original rulers of the universe; they were later overthrown by the Olympians(奥林匹斯山神), led by Zeus(宙斯). The name Prometheus was formed from the Greek pro (before) and methes (thinking); thus, his name means forethought(先见之明).,He is associated with the creation of man from earth and water . After the Olympians became the supreme(最高级) rulers of the universe, Prometheus continued to look out for the welfare of human beings.Thus, when the time came to sacrifice animals to the ruling Olympians, Prometheus reserved the choicest (最精选的)parts of animals for man and the fat and bones for the Olympians. Zeus, the king of the Olympians, eventually discovered what was going on. In retaliation(报复), he withheld (扣留)fire from man. Fire, of course, was essential for providing warmth, making tools, cooking food, and other life-sustaining activities. In turn, Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and returned it to man. Zeus then punished Prometheus by chaining him to a rock on Mount Caucasus(高加索) and sending down an eagle to feed constantly on Prometheuss liver(肝脏).,Because Prometheus was immortal(永生), his liver restored(重生) itself every time the eagle ate of it. Thus, Prometheus suffered unrelenting, everlasting torture. Zeus declared, however, that he would release Prometheus if Prometheus disclosed to him knowledge he had of a plot against Zeus. But Prometheus defiantly refused to do so. Ultimately, Hercules freed Prometheus.The comparison of Frankenstein to Prometheus is apt, for three reasons. First, like Prometheus, Frankenstein became a creator. Second, Frankenstein also defied (挑衅)heaven, for in making the monster he usurped (篡权) power reserved for heaven alone. Third, Frankenstein suffered greatly for this defiance. Ultimately, death freed him.,1.What inspired Victor Frankenstein to create a living body? And what was the symbolic meaning of the monster?,The flash of lightning, plants and creatures in nature as well as his mothers death pushed him to research on the secret of life and create a living body. Therefore the monster represents over-science and over-technology. However, it is doomed to be(注定) a failure without consideration of humanity.,Critical thinking,2.If you were Frankensteins friend and had found his nervousness, what would you do?,I would follow him and observe him until I find out the cause of his nervousness if he wouldnt tell me straight. Then I would talk to him and make a proper plan against the monster. At least I would equip myself with a gun in order to defend myself from being killed or protect his family from being murdered. Moreover, we could work together to catch the monster and throw him into prison. If I feel it beyond our power, I would seek help from the police.,If Mr de Larcey had been told all the monsters story, would he persuade his family members to accept the monster? Give your reasons whether your answer is yes or no.,My personal answer is “no”. Even if Mr. de Larcey had mercy on the monster, his first principle would be to keep his beloved ones from being disturbed by an ugly strong created creature.,What did the monster want to tell Frankenstein by murdering all his dearest ones?,The monster first killed his brother Earnest and then his friend Henry Clerval and at last his would-be wife Elizaberth in order to tell Victor Frankenstein that he felt lonely and miserable without friends and companions because of his ugliness and unpleasant appearance. so he demanded Victor to create a female as his companion. And if he couldnt keep his promise and take responsibility for his problem, he would revenge him by murdereing more.,1.Whether should Frankenstein create a mate for his monster?,Victor struggled a lot whether he should create a mate for his monster.In order to keep his promise and realize the monsters hope, Victor travelled far to Scotland and collected the necessary materials to create another one. later he abandoned his plan at the thought of the would- be creature that would cause more tragedies . For example, the newly-created lady would dislike the unpleasant appearance of the monster and she would demand him to create a more handsome guy for him. In that case, his life would have more risks.,2.There are three story-tellers in the novel, who are they? Who is the last listener? And what would he do in the end?,Victor Frankenstein, the monster and Captain Walton. Captain Walton ,I guess, would give up sailing norther to the North Pole because he came to realize Victors lesson that he was totally a loser because of his stubborn passion for his pursuit of science and ignorance of his beloved feelings and lack of his company with his family memb
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