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Lesson 4,词语 部分(2):词义对应与词语选择,Key Points Today,1. students presentations 2. 词义对应 3. 词语选择 4. 作业讲解,1. 词义对应,词义可从不同的角度来分析。从传统的词汇学角度来讲,词义包括概念意义和内涵意义。所谓概念意义,也叫外延意义( denotative meaning),就是词汇的最基本意义,常视作是词语在字典中的定义或释义。所谓内涵意义(connotative meaning) ,是隐含于或附加在概念意义上的意义。 对于两种语言、两种文化,概念意义相同的两个词,内涵意义常常存在差异。讨论:英语中的magpie 和汉语中的“喜鹊”相比,有何差别? 英语词语和汉语词语关于词义的对应情况大致可归纳为以下四种:,A 完全对应。在英、汉语之间,有些词语在词义上完全对等,它们多为某些专有名词、术语或普通名词,其数量极为有限。,B 部分对应。在英、汉语之间,有许多词语在词义上只是部分对应。它们的意义范围有广狭之分、抽象与具体之分、一般与个别之分。,有些英汉词语在概念意义上是对应的,但在内涵意义上却是不对应的,west wind 有“温暖的,暖洋洋的,革命的,进步的”等内涵意义 西风 有“冷的,凉的,凄凉的,反动的,倒退的”等内涵意义 east wind 有“寒冷的,凄凉的,反动的,倒退的”等内涵意义 东风 有“温暖的,暖洋洋的,革命的,进步的”等内涵意义 cat 有“心地恶毒(尤指女人)”的内涵意义 猫 无与之相对应的内涵意义 sour 有“不高兴,烦躁”的内涵意义 酸 有“迂腐”的内涵意义,C 不对应。由于文化差异,英语中有些词语所表达的意义在汉语中尚无确切的对应词来表达。它们主要是一些具有文化含义的词语,翻译时多用加注或释义,scratch card 刮刮卡 dryback 干背人(墨西哥语中指在与美国合资的企业中工作的美国人) sport utility vehicle(SUV) 多功能箱式跑车 bungie jumping 蹦极跳 barrier crash 障壁试验 blading 滚轴溜冰 screenager 玩电脑成瘾的青少年 Dot-com 通过因特网做生意的公司 hit parade 排行榜 Back-to-back 双往返机票(两张减价的双程机票) squeegee man 抹车仔(用橡皮刷清洗汽车挡风玻璃的小伙子) boomerang baby 还巢儿(回归家庭的子女) Cobra 攻击机(攻击地面力量的双人直升机),D 交叉对应。英语中有许多多义词,其各个意义分别与汉语中几个不同的词语相对应,Man: (1) man and wife 丈夫和妻子 (2) officers and men 官和兵 (3) his man Friday 他的仆人礼拜五(鲁滨逊飘流记) (4) man-of-war 战舰/或勇士 (5) Be a man ! 要像个男子汉(大丈夫) ! Story: (1) This war is becoming the most important story of this generation 这场战争正成为这一代人的最重大的事件。 (2) Last December, the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials refused to confirm the story 去年12 月,邮报首先报道侦查工作已在那些城市里逐个进行,但官员们拒绝证实这条消息。,(3) Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story. 有些没有参加那次会议的记者把内情捅了出去。 (4) Hell be very happy if that story holds up 如果这一说法当 真,那他就太高兴了。 (5) The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American television 报道中对他的渲染减少了,不久就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。 (6) The Rita Hayworths story is one of the saddest 丽塔 海 华丝的遭遇算是最凄惨的传奇之一了。 (7) A young man came to Scots office with a story 一个年轻人 来到司科特的办公室报案。,课堂练习1,翻译下列句子,注意红体词语的词义: (1) His family credentials are overwhelming (2) His credentials as an opposition politician are impeccable (3) His anti-communist credentials made him have a meteoric rise (4) China with its massive military strength and daunting dimension can fight a protracted war (5) My coffee happened to run to a cup for each of us (6) He cooks to perfection ,(1) 他的家庭背景显赫无比。 (2) 作为一个反对派政治家,他的档案是无懈可击的。 (3) 他的资历使他飞黄腾达了一阵子。 (4) 中国拥有庞大的军队和辽阔的国土,是能够打一场持久战的。 (5) 我的咖啡刚好够我们一人一杯。 (6) 他烹调煎炸样样拿手。,2. 选词,要选好词用准字,首先要准确地确定原文词语所表达的意义,然后在译文中再选择恰当的表达形式。需要考虑各种因素,如:词类、语境、修辞等。 例如:light的不同词性: (1) I took a good room It was big , light and looked out on the East Lake 我租了一个挺不错的房间,面积大、采光好,又面朝东湖。(形容词) (2) He lighted his cigarette ,said good night ,and went on 他点燃了一根香烟,道了声“晚安” ,接着便继续赶路。(动词) (3) Plants grow rapidly when exposed to light 植物有了光照就会快速生长。(名词),在下面各例中,hand 虽属同一词类(名词) ,但其词义却因语境不同而异: (1)Soams shook her hand and went downstairs 索姆斯跟她握了一下手就下楼去了。 (2)He never read a book in his life and still writes a schoolboy hand 他一生从来没有读过一本书,写的字还像学童的手笔。 (3)It would be like trying to make the hands of a clock backwards to its ticking. 这无异是想使时钟的指针向后倒转。 (4) Mr. Johnson suddenly failed, and all hands in the factory were turned off 约翰逊先生突然破了产,工厂的所有职工都被解雇。,要选好词用好字,还要注意英语词语所表达的意思是广义还是狭义、是抽象还是具体、是一般还是个别、是褒义还是贬义。翻译时应采用适当的方法来处理(如缩小或引申): (1) In provincial towns like Shadrisk , there is a real vacuum of other information 在沙德林斯克这样的边远城市,其他消息来源完全是一张白纸。(抽象 具体) (2) There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler 希特勒的性格有残暴的一面,也有狡猾的一面。(具体 抽象) (3) John took to his studies eagerly , and proved an adapt pupil 约翰喜欢读书,人也聪明。(个别 一般) (4) For ten or fifteen minutes Mary sat on the stone beneath the tree in the orchard and thought of the attitude of the town toward herself and her father 玛丽有十分钟到一刻钟的光景,坐在果园里树下的一块石头上,思忖着镇上的人对待她和她父亲的态度。(一般 个别),(5) “Oh ,certainly ,sir : Ill fetch a little sewing ,and then Ill sit as long as you please ” “啊,当然可以,先生! 我就去拿点 针线活来,然后你要我坐多久我就坐多久。” (概括 具体) (6) I used to be a politician But since I came back from Peking ,I have been a statesman 我过去一直是吃政治饭的,但是,自我从北京回来以后,我已成了一名政治家。(贬义;褒义) (7) French , German , Spanish workmen ! Let our voice unite in one cry of reprobation against war ! 法国、德国、西班牙的工人们,把我们的呼声联合成为反对战争的怒吼吧! (褒义) (8) It is known , how in the day of June 1848 , the “men of order” shook Europe with the cry of indignation against the Insurgent because of the assassination of the Archbishop of Paris 人们都知道,在1848 年6 月的日子里,“秩序人物”怎样就巴黎大主教被刺事件掀起震动全欧洲的反对起义者的愤怒叫嚣。(贬义),(9) The cynical effrontery with which ,since their installment at Versailles , the same men frown upon and appeal to the armed intervention of Prussia , has dumbfounded even the venal press of Europe 这帮人从凡尔赛粉墨登场以来对普鲁士的武装干涉时而皱眉蹙额,时而又呼吁请求,这当中表现出的一副恬不知耻的嘴脸,甚至使欧洲待价而沽的报纸也为之瞠目失色。(贬义) To the contrary , what we have seen is a redoubling of Saddm Husseins efforts to destroy completely Kuwait and its people 相反,我们所看到的是萨达姆 侯赛因变本
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