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Unit 1 Friendship,1.,go through,b. 搜查;仔细浏览,eg. The police went through the pockets of the thief.,eg.He went through a hard time while his wife was sick.,a. 经历;经受,c. 通过,穿过,eg. It took us a week to go through the forest.,go ahead,前进,去吧 (时间)过去 违反,违背 继续 熄灭 走开,go by,go against,go on,知识拓展:,go out,go away,1.我把所有的口袋都找遍了, 就是找不到我的钥匙。 I have gone through all my pockets but I just cant find my keys. 2. 他在成功之前经历了许多困难。 He had gone through many difficulties before he succeeded.,Translate the following sentences.,2.,Every day the man _ _ the amount of the money he cost.,sets down,同义词:,put down write down get down note down,树立,建立 出发,动身 开始,着手,set up,set out/off,set about,知识拓展:,写下,记下,3.,a series of 一连串的,一系列的,e.g. 这个学生总是问他老师 一连串的问题。,The student always asks his teacher _.,a series of questions,series 单复同形,作主语时谓语动词根据 series 单复数概念决定,不根据 of 后的名词决定。,1. A series of lectures _ scheduled. 2. Two series of new stamps _ come out.,is,have,I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.,我不知道是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都很着迷。,4.,强调句型: “It is/ was + 被强调部分 + that/ who + 其它”,强调主语,强调宾语,_ broke a glass yesterday afternoon at his uncles home.,Jack broke a glass yesterday afternoon at his uncles home.,It was Jack that / who,_ Jack broke yesterday afternoon at his uncles home.,It was a glass that,Jack broke a glass yesterday afternoon at his uncles home.,强调时间状语,强调地点状语,_ _ Jack broke a glass at his uncles home.,It was yesterday afternoon that,_ _ Jack broke a glass yesterday afternoon.,It was at his uncles home that,I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.,我能清楚的记得过去有段时间,一个深蓝色的天空,鸟儿的歌唱,月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往。,此句中,that引导一个 _; when 引导 a time 的 _。,宾语从句,定语从句,5.,曾经有段时间,这首歌很流行。,There was a time when this song was very popular.,There was a time when,句型:,曾经有一段时间,曾经有段时间,不允许妇女上学。,There was a time when women were not allowed to go to school.,Thats changed since I came here.,自从我来这,那就改变了。,此句为复合句,since引导 _, 意思是“自从”,用一般过去时,主句必须是 _。,时间状语从句,现在完成时,e.g. 自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常 努力。,He _ _ very hard since he _ to our school.,has studied,came,6.,7.,I didnt hurt your pride _ _.,on purpose,8.,He runs everyday _ _ _ _ weight.,in order to,lose,in order to do so as to do,in order not to do so as not to do,So as to get a better job, he went abroad for further study. In order to get a better job, he went abroad for further study. He went abroad for further study in order to get a better job. He went abroad for further study so as to get a better job.,so as to 只能用于句中 in order to 可以用于句首或句中,9.,at dusk,在黄昏,拓展: at dawn at noon at midnight,在黎明 在中午 在午夜,e.g. The street lights go on at dusk.,10.,Her boss is talking to her face to face.,e.g. Her boss is having a face-to-face talk with her.,hand in hand arm in arm back to back shoulder to shoulder heart to heart,手拉手 臂挽臂 背靠背 肩并肩 心贴心,知识拓展:,注意:这些短语在句中作定语时,加连字符, 作状语时,不加。,She came _(面对面) with the professor when she walked into the lecture hall. After class ,the teacher had a _(心贴心)talk with her.,face to face,heart-to-heart,Fill in the blanks:,It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face .,这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚 ,It is/was the first time thathave/had done,(1) 其中的it可用this或that替代; (2) first根据实际情况可改为second, third等; (3) 前面是is时,后面用have/has done;前 面是was时,后面用had done。,11.,(1) 这是我第一次来北京。,(2) 那是他第二次上班迟到。,(3) 他说那是他第一次开出租车。,This is the first time that I _ in Beijing.,It was the third time that the man _ late for work.,He said it _ _ a taxi.,have been,had been,was the first time that,he had driven,It is no pleasure doing sth It is no good doing sth It is no use doing,Eg. It is no good playing computer games for so long. It is no use crying.,句型:,干没有乐趣 干没好处 干没用,notany longer =not any more =no longer,不再(强调时间上),He is not a teacher any longer. =He is no longer a teacher.,12.,join 加入(社团,党派,军队等) join in 参加(比赛,活动等) join sb in 加入某人参与 take part in 参加 attend 出席(会议,婚礼等),He joined the Party last year. He didnt attend school yesterday because he was ill. He took an active part in school activities. Why not join us in the basketball match?,13.,Thank you!,
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