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Unit 1 Getting along with others,Reading I,Getting along with others,Reading One,Unit one Reading, Secrets and lies A friendship in trouble,a story about Robinson Crusoe,Lead-in,1. Can you imagine what it would be like to live on an uninhabited island? 2. How do you think he felt when he was alone on the island? 3. How do you think he felt when he first saw Friday? 4. Can we live alone?,Lead-in,Lead-in,Do you keep in touch with your friends? Have you ever fallen out with a very good friend? How would you mend a broken friendship?,the reasons leading to a broken friendship -having little in common -lacking trust -there being conflict of interest -being jealous of each other -being indifferent to each other ,Lead-in,Go through the two letters quickly and answer questions in Part A 1. Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad? They are feeling sad. 2. What did Sarah get for the surprise Maths test? She got a D. 3. Is Matthew usually a quiet boy? No, he is usually cheerful and outgoing.,Fast reading,The first letter: What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilets? Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more?,2nd reading,What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? She thought it was quite easy. What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilets? She told Hannah how badly she had done in the Maths test.,Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more? Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths test.,Careful reading,Read the first letter carefully and answer the following questions. Why other children say we are no fun? 2. What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? 3.What did Hannah sense? 4.What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilets? 5.Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more?,Secrets and lies,Read the letter Secrets and lies carefully And answer the following questions. Why other children say we are no fun? Because we are both very academic and like to study. 2. What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? She thought it was quite easy. 3.What did Hannah sense? She sensed something was wrong. 4.What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilets? She told Hannah how badly she had done in the test. 5.Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more? Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths tests.,She felt ,She thought her best friend Hannah didnt keep her secret.,She scored the lowest mark in her class.,She found a piece of paper on her desk that said “stupid Sarah got a D”.,She thought Sarah didnt keep her word.,betrayed,upset,angry,ashamed,Careful reading,The reasons,Careful reading,A friendship in trouble,Read the second letter carefully And answer the following questions. Why did Andrew shout at Mathew after the match? 2. What did Matthew think about losing the match? 3. How did Andrew think of football? 4. What kind boy is Matthew? 5. How is Matthew recently?,1.Why did Andrew shout at Mathew after the match? He thought Mathew played badly and did not try hard enough, as a result they lost the game. 2. What did Matthew think about losing the match? He thought it wasnt his fault. 3. How did Andrew think of football? Football is very important to him. 4. What kind of boy is Matthew? He is usually cheerful and outgoing. 5. How is Matthew recently? He has been really quiet and looks sad.,A friendship in trouble,Careful reading,Sarahs letter,She felt ashamed.,She was so upset that she felt like crying.,Andrews letter,He had a dilemma.,He felt really guilty.,He was angry with Matthew.,Careful reading,He had a dilemma.,He felt really guilty.,He was angry with Matthew.,He had a dilemma.,He felt really guilty.,He was angry with Matthew.,Reading strategy,Match the words with the correct definitions,Academic Overlooking deliberately teases yell mean awkward apologized,On purpose Makes fun of , laughs at Giving little attention to uncomfortable good at subjects which involve reading Said sorry Shout loudly unkind,Complete the sentences with the words on the left,Consolidation,Agony Aunt wrote back to the two students. Complete her responses with the proper words,determined apologize proud mean betrayed friendship secrets guilty mark match,Dear Sarah, You have every right to feel by your friend if she did tell your secret to others, but it seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about their problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you should for blaming her.,betrayed,apologize,If you still have doubts, you should think about why you dont believe her. Was it because you were ashamed of your or your behavior? Did you feel jealous of your friends mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her. Try not to sound t
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