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/教师英文演讲(精选多篇) english teacheras a newer in kindergarden, in this semester. i not only learned a lot of teaching methods, but also increase a lot of experience. interest is the internal driving force for children to learn, is the key to education success. in the implementation process, we should raise childrens interest, pay attention to foster their positive attitude. so they can learning english happy.teachers should give children an environment to speak english, to foster a sense of their english language and hearing. for example, every morning, children come to the kindergarden, teachers welcome and greet. at this time, we can use “bilingual greetings”. i think, it is a good habit, we can do it for a long time.in other aspects of life, teachers should creat a number of english situational. before they wash hands, teachers can speak in english but not chinese. before play game, we can say “are you ready?” when lining up, we can tell them “line up”. do these, children can learing in our life. in my opinion, it is really important.about teaching methods, we use game, and all kinds of flexible teaching methods. to seize the children, mobilize effective early childhood learning. we can make use of physical, visual aids and models of toys, and other things they like. let children learnenglish when they play games, increased their interest in learning english. for instance, teaching children learn the animal words, we prepared a variety of animal toys and pictures. through the game to allow children to play games in the process of learning, they are very interested in this.but, i think the most important to teaching english is love. love children, love work.教师的梦想 - 秋水*无痕的博客 - 敏思博客敏思首页 *每一位老师都有一个梦想。我的梦想,是让所有的孩子在我的陪伴下健康快乐地成长,让他们的成长因为有了我而变得更加灿烂。然而,这却不是我最初的梦想。teachers always have a dream.for me ,i hope the children grow up healthilyand have a valuable life.now ,i work for this. but , it is not my initial dream.很小的时候,爸爸总是问我,你长大了要当什么?我总会回答:我要当演员,我要当钢琴家,我要当歌手。因为小时候的我能歌善舞,艺术和表演都是我最钟爱的。可是到了中学毕业选择升学志愿的时候,在妈妈的要求下,我填上了“师范”。这两个字改变了我的人生道路,为了挣脱这个选择,我做了许多的努力。当我在泪水中终于明白,这条路已经不能改变,自己再也不可能实现小时候的梦想,我只能接受这个现实。when i was young,my father asked me:”what will you want to be in thefuture”? my answer was that: director,pianist,singer and so on. beacause i wasgood at singing and dancing and liked art and performance. after graduating frommiddle school,my mother forced me to be a teacher. everything changed suddenly,itrid my best to change my life but failed finally with tears. i knew i canhardly realise my dream and chose to face the reality.有一天,我在看读者的时候看到这样一段话:“我不能成为诗人,但是我可以培养出诗人;我不能成为歌手,但是我可以培养出歌手;我不能成为科学家,但我有可能培养出科学家?因为我是教师,我的手中孕育着无限未来的希望,我的价值在学生的身上体现,我的青春和梦想在学生的身上灿烂。”看了以后,我的心深深被打动。原来,教师是这样一种职业,它是这样的充满诗意。我不能成为一个演员,但是讲台就是我的舞台,学生就是我的观众;我不能成为钢琴家,但是我在音乐课上弹响钢琴的时候,那么多孩子惊叹和喜欢,仿佛我就是一位伟大的钢琴家;我不能成为一个歌手,但是当我带着孩子们愉快唱歌的时候,学生们就好像是我的忠实粉丝。one day, an article effected me, it said:” i am not poet,singer or scientistbut i can cultivate thembecause i was a teacher.” i can create a lot hope andthe children embody my value.after that ,i knew how significant a teacher it is. i cant to be a director,my platform is my stage,children is my audiences. icant to be a pianist,but when i play the piano,the children show their amazementand let me feel like a pianist; i cant to be a singer, but children as my fanswhen i sing for them.慢慢地,我感受到了教师这个职业的可爱。虽然很累,虽然很苦,但是辛勤付出后,收获的是一种精神的满足。老师就是爱的化身,就是奉献的代名词,但我更希望做一个有生命力的老师,和孩子们一起成长的老师。我不愿意做蜡烛,虽然照亮了别人,却要燃尽自己;我不愿做园丁,总要拿起残酷的剪刀修剪个性的枝叶;我不愿做灵魂的塑造者,因为这不是我能做到的;我只想做一条河,一条能够让小鱼儿快活地游玩、觅食、成长的河流,我陪伴着学生们,学生们也陪伴着我,一起往前流淌?slowly,i loved to be a teacher, though it was tired, i would get metalsatisfaction after my devotion. teacher is love,teache is devotion.i want to bea helpful teacher and accompany them grow up. i am not a candle ,destory myselfand brighten others;i am not a gardener,make the branch unique using cruelscissor; i also cant beautify a soul;what i want is to be water where fish canswim happily, find food and grow up.fish and water go for wards together.圣经里有这样一段话:爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。in bible,it says: love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious prboastful or arroga nt or rude. it does not insist on its own way; it is notirritable or re sentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in thetruth. it bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. love neverends.我愿让这段话成为我的座右铭,用爱陪伴孩子们成长,用爱带给学生灿烂的生命阳光,用爱提升自己的生命价值,这就是我所追求的。ihope these words always stay in my heart and use love to accompany themgrow up,use love to bring them bright sunshine, use love to improve my lifevalue,that is what i want to do.on january 13, jin weijie, a teacher from longhua chinese-english experimental school in baoan rushed to save four primary school students and sacrifice herself. on march 3
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