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get/et,gt/v.S1W1英etpt:gotpp:gotgottenpres part:gettingMEANINGS 义项1.RECEIVE收到T not in passive,不用被动态to receive something that someone gives you or sends you收到,接到She got loads of presents. 她收到了许多礼物。What did you get for Christmas? 你圣诞节收到了什么礼物?We get a lot of junk mail. 我们收到许多垃圾邮件。Igota few gamesfreewhen I bought my computer. 我买电脑的时候得到了几个免费的游戏。get sth from sbWe got a letter from Pam this morning. 今天早上我们收到了帕姆的来信。get sth off sbI got it off my Dad. 这是我从我爸那里拿来的。2.OBTAIN获得Tto obtain something by finding it, asking for it, or paying for it通过寻找、要求或出钱获得,得到We need to get help quickly! 我们需要马上得到帮助!It would be a good idea to get professional advice. 征求专业人士的意见,这个主意很好。You may be able to get a grant from the local authority. 你也许可以从当地政府获得拨款。He cleared his throat to get our attention. 他清清嗓子来引起我们的注意。get sth for sbI want you to get some information for me. 我要你去给我找一些资料来。get sb sthHis father managed to get him a job at the local factory. 他父亲想办法在当地的这家工厂里给他找了份工作。3.BRING带来Tto bring someone or something back from somewhere带来,去取,去拿THESAURUSBRINGRun upstairs and get a pillow. 赶紧去楼上拿个枕头来。I went back into the office to get a pen. 我回办公室拿了一支钢笔。Shall Igo and getthe phone book? 要我去把电话号码簿拿来吗?get sb/sth from sthShes just gone to get the kids from school. 她刚去学校接孩子了。get sth for sbIll get a towel for you. 我给你拿块毛巾来。get sb sthIll get you a chair. 我给你搬把椅子来。4.BUY购买Tto buy something买,购买Where did you get that jacket? 你那件夹克衫是哪里买的?Its a lovely coat, and I managed togetitcheapin the sales. 这件外套很漂亮,我是减价的时候买的,很便宜。get sth for sbJoes going to get tickets for all of us. 乔要去给我们大家买票。get sb sthWhile youre out, could you get me some batteries? 你出去时给我买几节电池好吗?get yourself sthHes just got himself a new van. 他刚刚给自己买了一辆新的厢式货车。get sth from sthI usually get vegetables from the supermarket. 我一般在这家超市里买蔬菜。get sth for $20/100/50p etcYou can get a decent PC for about 500 now. 现在大约500英镑就可以买一台不错的个人电脑了。to pay for something for someone else为付钱Ill get these drinks. 这些饮料我来付钱。to buy a newspaper regularly定期购买报纸My parents always used to get the Daily Telegraph. 我父母以前总是买每日电讯报。5.MONEY钱Tto receive money for doing work挣,赚Hospital doctors get a minimum of 50,000 a year. 医院的医生一年起码挣5万英镑。get 2,000/$4,000 etc for doing sthHe gets 4 an hour for stacking shelves. 他给货架上货一小时挣4英镑。to receive money when you sell something卖得Did youget a good price forit? 你卖到好价钱了吗?get 100/$200 etc for sthYou should get a couple of hundred pounds for your old car. 你的旧车应该可以卖几百英镑。6.HAVE A FEELING/IDEA有某种感觉/想法Tto start to have a feeling or an idea产生,获得某种感觉或想法She began to get an uncomfortable feeling that she was being watched. 她开始有一种不安的感觉,觉得有人在监视她。I got a terrible shock when I saw how ill he looked. 看到他病成这样,我大吃一惊。I got the impression that everyone was fed up with us. 我感觉到大家对我们厌烦了。get pleasure from/out of sthShe gets a lot of pleasure from her garden. 她从自己的花园里获得很多乐趣。7.HAVE/EXPERIENCE有/经历Tto have, do, or experience something有;经历You dont get enough exercise. 你锻炼得不够多。I never get time to read these days. 这些日子我根本没有时间看书。The west of the country gets quite a lot of rain. 该国西部地区经常下雨。We might get the chance to go to America this year. 今年我们可能有机会去美国。8.ILLNESS疾病T not in passive,不用被动态to catch an illness患上,得病I got flu last winter and was in bed for three weeks. 去年冬天我得了流感,在床上躺了三个星期。She was worried she might get food poisoning. 她担心自己可能会食物中毒。9.ACHIEVE取得Tto achieve something取得成绩I got 98% in my last maths test. 上一次数学考试我得了98分。the person who gets the highest score 得分最高的人10.RECEIVE A PUNISHMENT受到惩罚Tto receive something as a punishment受到惩罚He got ten years in prison for his part in the robbery. 他因参与抢劫被判刑十年。11.ARRIVE到达I always + adv/prepto arrive somewhere到达THESAURUSARRIVEWhat time will we get there? 我们什么时候可以到那里?We didnt get home until midnight. 我们半夜才到家。+ toWe got to Paris that evening. 那天晚上我们到了巴黎。12.REACH A POINT达到某一点I always + adv/prepto reach a particular point or stage of something达到某一点或某一阶段Ive got as far as chapter 5. 我已经看到第5章了。I couldnt wait to get to the end of the book. 我迫不及待地想把书看完。Where have you got up to in the story? 这小说你看到哪里了?It was disappointing to lose, having got this far in the competition. 比赛到了这一步却输掉了,真是让人失望。13.get (sb) somewhere/anywhere/nowhereif you get somewhere, or if an action gets you somewhere, you make progress(某人)有所进展/有任何进展/没有进展I think were getting somewhere at last. 我想我们终于有了一些进展。We didnt
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