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Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Using language,高一人教新课标版必修三,Isaac Newton 16421727 英国物理学家,Listening and discussing,Discuss these scientists.,经典物理学理论体系的建立者。 1665年创立微分; 1666年开始研究积分。 1666年, 开始想到研究重力(gravity)问题, 苹果落地的传说, 也是在此时发生的轶事。 其一生的重大科学思想是在这两年期间 (22至23岁) 形成的。,1669年, 把自然哲学的数学原理, 宇宙体系等手稿送到剑桥大学 图书馆收藏。晚年研究宗教。,Albert Einstein (18791955),质量(m)和能量(E)的相当性: Emc2 爱因斯坦在量子论、分子运动论、相对论 (Theory of Relativity)等物理学的三个不同 领域取得了历史性成就,特别是狭义相对 论的建立和光量子论的提出,推动了 物理学理论的革命, 他对社会进步事业 也有重要贡献。,霍金 born in 1942,斯蒂芬藿金是当今科学界的一位传奇性 人物。这不仅仅因为他是一位被誉为继 爱因斯坦后最著名的科学思想家和最杰出 的理论物理学家, 还在于他是在常人无法 想象的身体状况下进行研究和创造性 工作的。,black hole 黑洞,黑洞并非只是吞噬物质。除了会在星系 形成的过程中扮演重要角色外, 在经过 一段相当漫长的时间后, 黑洞也会把一些 曾被它吸入的物质信息向外界释放出来。,2 Listen to the tape and choose the best summary.,B is correct because it gives a clear idea of what the listening passage is about. A is not true. The three scientists wanted to explain how the universe worked and not how it began. C is too general and does not give enough detail about what the listening passage is about.,Large bodies have a force which pulls things towards them,In space large objects make space and time bend; the larger the object, the further space and time bends,Black holes have a very large mass and pull things towards them,3 Listen to the tape and fill in the chart.,The bigger the object the stronger the gravity.,Time goes slower in very strong gravity.,If you go over the edge, you cannot get out; but if you do not, you may be able to escape.,THEORIES OF GRAVITY,Michael Jones of the New Space Magazine is talking with space traveller Li Yanping about changes in the theory of gravity. LY = Dr Li Yanping MJ = Dr Michael Jones,Listening text,Part 1 MJ: Hello, Dr Li Yanping. Its so good of you to talk to me. Some students ask us why things always fall back to earth if you throw them up in the air. Could you explain it?,LY: Well, at first people thought it was because the earth was the centre of the universe. Of course that was wrong. One day lsaac Newton watched an apple fall to the ground. He said that something else must be pulling the apple back to earth. He called it “gravity”.,MJ: I see. Did people accept his idea? LY: They did. Later they worked out that bigger objects (like the sun ) have stronger gravity than smaller objects (like our planets). If you are travelling in deep space, you couldnt fall back to the earth. Youre just too far away.,Part 2,MJ: Does it mean theres no gravity in space? LY: No. In a spaceship you would feel the pull as it got closer to such an object. You would travel faster and faster towards it. MJ: Until you hit it?,LY: Not exactly. You may pass it very fast and then it would throw you out into space again. After that you would slow down to the usual speed. MJ: How do you know this? LY: In 1905 Einstein said that in space large objects make space-time bend; the larger the object, the further,space-time bends. So time goes slower in very strong gravity. MJ: What about black holes? LY: Thats a place in space which has such a strong mass that nothing can escape from its gravity. There is a kind of edge around this mass.,If you cross over this edge around this mass, its impossible for you to get back. However, if you dont cross this edge, you can still escape. Stephen Hawking has done a lot of research into black holes. He has shown that they “spit ” things out as well as “eat” them.,Reading,A VISIT TO THE MOON,spacewalk,Chinas first astronaut-Yang Liwei,1. The passage is mainly about _? A. introduction of the moon B. the gravity that I felt on my way to the moon C. my visit to the moon D. my friend Yanping, an astronomer,Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.,C,2. According to the text, we know that the force of the gravity would change _ times. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 3. When did the author feel strongest of the gravity of the earth? A. On the moon. B. On the half way to the moon. C. At the very beginning D. On their leaving from the moon,C,B,4. What causes the writer to feel that he becomes weightless on the moon? A. Spaceship B. Gravity C. His friend D. His Good feelings of the moon,B,5. From the text we can know if a man grows up on the moon, _. A. he will grow taller than on the earth B. he will grow shorter than on the earth C. he will become fatter D. he will become weightless,A,Read the passage carefully and then describe the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping and how his weight changed.,The pull of gravity became very strong as he left the earths atmosphere. His weight is normal. 2. It disappeared when he was in space. He is weightless. 3. It was very light when he was on the moon. He weighs less than on earth.,It became very light.,The gravity became very strong.,The gravity disappeared.,He became very heavy.,He had no weight and could float around like a feather.,He was about one-sixth of his weight on the earth.,Language points,1. Last month I was lucky enough to h
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