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Unit 1,Living Well,Have you ever seen the well-known dance led by Tai Lihua? What inspire you?,Kwan-yin of 1,000 hands,Lets enjoy a dance.,They are all disabled dancers, but do you know what type of disability they have?,deaf dumb,Do you know these people below and what disease they have? How they face their life with disabilities?,Do you think they live well?,Steven Hawking,physicist / mathematician,a famous scientist known for his theory about black holes and big bangs: A Brief History of Time,born mentally disabled with an IQ of a child,famous conductor,Zhouzhou,became disabled at the age of 5, taught herself English and took up writing in 1983,writer,Zhang Haidi,Sanglan 1981 -, China.,a famous gymnast (体操运动员). She got seriously hurt in a competition and cant stand. She helped to bid 2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the Paralympics(残疾人运动会),Helen Keller(1880-1968) writer, United States blind deaf and dumb,Theyre broken in body but firm in spirit.,身残志坚,MARTYS STORY,Reading:,Para.1: Para.2: Para.3: Para.4: Para.5:,C:An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.,B:How his disease developed.,E:Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.,A:How his life has become easier.,D:The advantages of his disease.,Fast-reading(整体理解),1. Marty is _ person. A. a healthy B. an ill C. a disabled D. a rich 2. Marty has _disease. A. a mental B. a muscle C. an eye D. a leg 3. Whats Martys dream? A. Being a doctor. B. Being a famous football player and representing his country in the World Cup. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player.,Detailed Reading(细节理解),4.When Marty says “ I am one in a million”, he really means_ A. he is unique B. he has a rare disease C. he has a muscle disease D. he lives a hard but happy life 5.What is the tone of the text? A. Sad. B. Happy . C. Positive. D. Negative.,Further understanding (2):,6. From the passage we can infer that Marty _. A. asks others to feel sorry for him. B. never loses heart. C. is afraid of being made fun of D. will not accept any encouragement,a muscle disease that makes him very weak,clumsy and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as other people,to work in the computer industry,invented a computer game,going to the movies and football matches and keeping pets,to live one day at a time,feel sorry, make fun, ignore,accept, encourage,Martys mini biography(传记),Fellow students conduct changed.,children in primary school,students at high school,Martys feeling changed.,in primary school,at high school,Further Reading(深层理解),Further understanding (1):,“Live one day at a time.” -Marty,We can see that Marty is a _ person.,optimistic, brave, stupid, pessimistic, independent, strong-minded,optimistic,brave,independent,strong-minded,Further Reading(深层理解),confidence,What spirits and characteristics make the disabled successful?,belief,will,determination,patience,optimism,independence,Brainstorming(头脑风暴),Do you think disabled people can live a happy life as normal people now?,Free Debate(辩论大赛),For: Disabled people can live a happy life as normal people now,Against: Disabled people may not live a happy life as normal people now,Congratulations! Now you are lucky to get a chance to choose one opinion first!,Class Debate For: Disabled people can live a happy life as normal people now Against: Disabled people may not live a happy life as normal people now,Conclusion,For Unable to use a certain part, but can develop other potential 2.Happiness is. 3.Receive guidance 3.Strong desire to. 4.Successful examples 5.Get inspiration 6.Technology.,Against Shortage of proper equipment, non-obstacle facilities (无障碍设施) and special schools 2. Hard to get jobs 3. Trouble others 4. Disabled in mind. 5. Given prejudice 6. ,“Even for a withered flower, it longs to contribute all of its fragrance. Even it is a broken tree, it longs to contribute all of its shade.”,哪怕是一朵残缺的花,也想献出全部芬芳; 哪怕是一棵受伤的树,也要献出一片绿荫。,Enjoying a Proverb(谚语欣赏),Test (当堂检测),1.课文原句:Unfortunately, the doctors dont know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to _ my disability. 翻译: _ Adapt to sth./adapt oneself to sth. 适应某物(天气、环境、习俗等) Adapt sth for sb/ sth 改编/改造以适应,adapt to,不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,我已经学会了适应身体的残疾。,汉译英: 我们必须快一点适应新的制度。 _. 小明很难适应俄罗斯严寒的冬天。 It was very hard for XiaoMing to _ to the freezing winter in Russia. 英译汉: The stairs must be adapted for the disabled people. _,We had to adapt quickly to the new system,adapt himself,楼梯应该被改造供残疾人使用。,2. 课文原句:Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others. 翻译: _ Every time 引导的时间状语从句,相当于whenever 汉译英: 每次我见到他的时候,他都看起来很疲惫。 _ 每次他谈到他的儿子时,他都兴高采烈的。 _
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