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out city created, and care masses life, focus work, in-depth investigation, more out boutique masterpiece, makes we of research results more to into led of decision vision, more to in national some has effect of newspaper Shang published, for advance work, and publicity changde play due of role. Third, information submitted to be pragmatic. Quick and timely. The ancients said: for the time system; statement back for the time being, nothing. Therefore, the submission of information to do four, that is, find the problem faster, editorial writing, send and read faster approval and feedback to implement quickly. To be true and accurate. True mainly reflect the full picture of events, one is one, two, this is the life of the information. Accuracy is primarily qualitative and quantitative questions, quantitative objective of publicQualitative logic. To be reliable and useful. We submit information to have access to decision-making, to guide and promote the work and solve practical problems. Mixed cum. On the negative information and emergency information, rapid escalation in strict accordance with the procedures, firm, newspaper, newspapers, never late, fail to report, false claim and skimming. Investee 2. supervision and insist on, around and protecting their interests to touch the truth, seek practical results. Adhere to people-oriented, the most important thing is to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. We carry out inspection, so must go deep among the masses, go deep into the realities, always pay attention to the peoples livelihood, to grasp the public sentiment, and earnestly safeguard the benefit, addressing the masses are most concerned about and reflecting the strongest issues, efforts to solve the problem of decisions implemented and not implemented. One is to stick to principles. Right of inspection is one of the most important powers of the Office, should not only dare to use, but also with caution. So-called dared to use, is to hold a number of important issues, bold supervision over supervision, track inspection, problems are not solved do not pass, the blame does not hold did not miss, dissatisfaction of the masses did not miss, the real right of supervision authority, with the benefits. Call with caution, is supervising departments should strengthen the consciousness of authorized strictly according to procedure, preventing the supervision and excessive to prevent adding burden to grass-roots. To this end, the supervision Department of the Party Committee of supervision must be under city and County party Committee Secretary-General (Office). Second, we should focus on. Is the Governor, those related to the globalEvent, Governor the protracted difficult, strong Governor during emergency urgent. Not having special departments in charge of the General Governor, under the normal procedure can do good things not Governor, not authorized by County leaders, not the Governor. Third is to solve the problem. The purpose of supervision, to resolve the problem. To adhere to and further improve the旅游市场营销方案篇一:旅游市场营销方案在国家实施桥头堡战略和瑞丽重点开发开放实验区建设的大背景下,德宏州旅游迎来了新一轮的发展机遇。结合实际,云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州(以下简称德宏州)州委、州政府提出了“美丽德宏浪漫之旅”的新时期旅游产业发展思路。在激烈的市场竞争中,如何转变旅游发展观念,创新旅游市场营销思路,以较低投入获得较大产出,已成为德宏州相关部门和旅游企业积极探索的课题。一、德宏州旅游市场营销的现状和特点随着国家桥头堡建设战略的实施,德宏州将旅游业纳入桥头堡黄金口岸建设重点,作为德宏州5个百亿元工程之一,着力打造生态旅游度假公园,建设旅游桥头堡,加大了旅游市场营销的工作力度。1、实行“点对点”的宣传营销策略。德宏州针对客源市场的定位,巩固和拓展周边省份旅游客源市场,积极与重庆、成都两地进行合作,在设立昆明、重庆、腾冲三个德宏旅游营销中心的基础上,20XX年又在成都设立了德宏旅游营销中心,将德宏旅游营销纳入重庆、成都两地的市场进行全面营销。并在20XX年7月成都洛带古镇水龙节期间,组成强大阵容赴成都开展宣传促销活动,通过召开新闻推介会、民族歌舞演出、宣传资料发放以及现场咨询介绍等形式的宣传,进一步加深了成都市民对德宏的了解与认识,客源市场得到进一步拓展。2、积极参加国家、省、州举办的各种旅游交易会展活动,做好旅游形象宣传工作。重点组织参加了中国国内旅游交易会、中国国际旅游交易会、北方旅游交易会、中国昆明国际文化旅游节以及省旅游局组织的赴台湾旅游宣传活动、中缅边交会等,充分展示了德宏州丰富的旅游资源,德宏州的旅游形象和知名度不断得到了提升。20XX年10月,德宏州在昆明市召开旅游新产品说明会,强势推出一系列以“游热带雨林景观,走千年古道边关,览珠宝翡翠华光,探神秘赌石文化,品边地民族风情,赏异国多彩风光”为特色的德宏旅游新产品,成效明显。3、加强与的媒体合作。积极与新闻媒体进行沟通交流,为本土旅游企业和州外旅游行政管理部门、旅游企业牵线搭桥,构建双方合作互赢平台。一是与人民网进行合作,在人民网中、英文网站上开辟为期一年的德宏旅游文化宣传专栏。二是积极邀请和配合各大媒体到德宏进行采访和拍摄,圆满完成了“CCTV4远方的家边疆行”栏目组、“中新网”、“云南旅游信息网”、“假日旅游”、“朝日新闻”等新闻媒体到德宏州的采访和拍摄工作;在风光杂志、春城晚报等报刊和杂志上进行德宏州旅游宣传。4、加大德宏旅游文化书籍的编辑出版力度。编辑出版了德宏响声系列丛书和导游德宏、德宏旅游宣传画册两部德宏旅游文化书籍,德宏响声系列第三部咖啡的诱惑正在编辑之中,德宏旅游文化宣传书籍日益丰富。5、充分利用假日和节庆经济效应,举办各种赛事活动,加强宣传促销。20XX年2月,在目瑙纵歌节期间举办了“寻找中国最美的景颇姑娘”活动;20XX年4月在中国德宏国际泼水狂欢节期间,举办了“寻找傣族最美的孔雀公主”活动;20XX年2月,在目瑙纵歌节期间,又举办了首届世界景颇小姐大赛。据统计,20XX年1至10月,全州游客接待总人数437.98万人次,比上年同期增长14.46%,其中:海外旅游者9.88万人次,比上年同期增长26.39%;国内旅游者人数9.88万人次,比上年同期增长14.41%。口岸入境一日游人数115.2万人次,比上年同期增长14.71%。预计旅游总收入52.8亿元,比去年同期增长27.63%。本省和周边地区客源地游客增长较快,客源地正向云南省周边地区扩展,旅游经济指标快速增长,德宏州旅游业取得了较快发展。二、德宏州旅游市场营销中存在的问题德宏州旅游业在上世纪八十年代中期至九十年代初期曾异军突起,发出耀眼的光芒,但在后来新一轮发展中,发展势头逐渐减弱,乃至步履维艰。相比于后来居上的腾冲、大理、丽江、香格里拉和西双版纳,德宏州旅游业发展明显落后。旅游市场营销滞后是制约德宏州旅游业发展的主要因素之一。1、旅游市场营销策划缺乏深度,资源优势没有转化为竞争优势。成功的市场营销重在策划,只有准确预见和把握市场需求的发展趋势,适时设计、开发出具有独特卖点和核心竞争力的旅游产品,才能尽快将资源优势转化为产品优势,赢得旅游市场份额。德宏州位于云南省西部边陲,与友好邻邦缅甸接壤,属南亚热带季风气候类型,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,自然环境优美,历史文化灿烂,民族风情独特,被国内外誉为“孔雀之乡”、“神话之乡”、“歌舞之乡”
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