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promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and three-three special education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize two a learning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the partys policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjective problem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, . Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the two study and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the Thirteen-Five goal. Second, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles Foundation learning these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, I often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions造价员实习报告 一、实习目的 光阴似箭日月如梭,不知不觉中我的顶岗实习已经进行了三个月,在这短短的三个月中,我受益匪浅,实习过程中的点点滴滴,让我学到了很多知识! 学校为了使教学更好地与生产相结合,以理论联系实际,加深我们对专业知识的认识与理解以及实践技能的培养。生产实习必须与工程实践紧密结合在一起,进行实际的锻炼。在实习过程中,运用所学的专业知识,解决工程实际问题,检验并提高学生的实践动手能力和技能水平,同时,在实际生产中学习掌握新技术、新设备、新材料、新工艺和新方法等方面的新知识。 二、实习内容 (一)、熟悉并掌握的内容 I、工程量计算与审核实习 1、熟识图纸,收集资料(包括施工规范、设计文件、勘测资料和各种定额、验收规范等)。 2、在计算相应分部工程量时必须熟读定额,掌握相应定额工程量的计算内容及方法和调整系数的关系等。 3、掌握建筑面积的构成内容,准确地计算出建筑物、构筑物等的建筑面积。(掌握什么情况下不计建筑面积,什么情况下计建筑面积,什么情况下计一半,特别注意雨蓬、阳台、挑檐、站台、走廊、台阶、门厅、楼梯等特殊部分建筑面积计算)。 4、土石方量计算。(必须明白地坪平整、挖沟槽、挖地坑、挖土石方等挖方量区别,掌握他们对应的定额工程量和清单工程量计算方法。大型土石方工程量计算的横断面法和网格划分法的应用。填方量计算和一些特殊挖方的定额调整)5、桩基工程量计算(包括打、压预制方桩、管桩及其接桩;打钢板桩及其安拆导向夹具;打或钻混凝土灌注桩;人工挖孔桩;深层搅拌桩等以及他们对应送桩、截桩等工程量计算) 5、砌筑工程量计算。(包括砖砌基础、砖砌墙、砖砌柱基和砖柱、砖砌烟囟;其他砌体所砌的墙、柱、基础等) 6、钢筋混凝土工程量计算。(包括现浇混凝土工程的柱、梁、板、及其他特殊部件的模板工程量计算、现浇混凝土制作量计算、现浇混凝土浇捣工程量计算;预制混凝土构件模板工程量计算、预制混凝土制作量、浇捣工程量、预制构件运输量、安装工程量计算;钢筋工程量计算(包括墙体加固筋)、及一些预埋件工程量计算等。 7、楼地面工程量计算。(包括整体楼地面、石砌块料楼地面、塑料和木质楼地面工程量计算。特别注意这三种楼地面计算范围的不同)。 8、屋面工程量计算(包括面层、基层、保温隔热层、防水卷材或防水涂漠等计算) 9、装饰工程量计算(包括内、外墙、天棚、独立柱、阳台、楼梯、挑檐、雨蓬、零星工程、和各种装饰线条工程量的计算) 10、门窗工程量计算(包括木门窗、钢门窗、铝合金门窗、卷帘门、型钢门窗及其一些特种门窗的制作、安装工程量计算) 11、脚手架工程量计算(包括室外综合脚手架、里脚下手架、满堂脚下手架、满堂基础脚手架、外墙单排脚手架、独立柱、围墙、特殊雨蓬、吊装工程脚下手架、单独装饰工程脚手架、房屋加层脚手架、安全挡板、架空运输脚手架、独立筒仓脚手架、电梯井脚手架等工程量计算。) 三。实习成果与心得 顶岗实习是培养学生综合运用所学知识,发现,提出,分析和解决实际问题,锻炼实践能力的重要环节,是对学生实际工作能力的具体训练和考察过程。在此次实习中,我学会了如何灵活的运用理论知识,理论与实际相结合,刚刚步入工作岗位的我在实习中可以说得是苦多于甜,但是我学到很多很多的东西,不仅可以巩固了以前所学过的知识,而且学到了很多在书本上所没有学到过的知识。通过这次实习我懂得了工程实践是很重要的,只有理论知识是远远不够的,只有把所学的理论知识与实践相结合起来,从理论中得出结论,才能真正为社会服务,从而提高自己的实际动手能力和独立思考的能力。在刚刚开始实习的时候遇到问题,可以说是困难重重,但是我通过自己的努力,克服困难,查阅资料,积极向指导师傅请教, 我终于克服重重困难,向前迈进了一步。 作为一个刚刚参加工作新人,我要注意以下几点: 1有吃苦的决心,平和的心态和虚心求学的精神.作为一个新人,平和的心态很重要,做事不要太过急功近利,表现得好别人都看得到,当然表现得不好别人眼里也不会融进沙子. 2工作中要多看,多观察,多听,少讲,不要说与工作无关的内容,多学习别人的艺术语言,和办事方法. 3除努力工作具有责任心外,要善于经常做工作总结.每天坚持写工作日记,每周做一次工作总结.主要是记录,计划,和总
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