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第11课时 Unit 3Unit 4,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.rubbish n. 垃圾;废弃物 2.fold v. 折叠;对折 3.sweep v. 扫;打扫 4.mess n. 杂乱;不整洁 5.floor n. 地板 6.throw v. 扔;掷 7.neither adv. 也不 pron.两者都不 8.shirt n. 衬衫 9.pass v. 给;递;走过;通过 10.borrow v. 借;借用 11.lend v. 借给;借出 12.finger n. 手指 13.hate v. 厌恶;讨厌 14.while conj. 与同时;当的时候;而;然而,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,15.stress n. 精神压力;心理负担 16.waste v. 浪费;滥用 17.provide v. 提供;供应 18.anyway adv. 而且;加之 19.depend v. 依靠;信赖 20.develop v. 发展;壮大 21.since conj. 因为;既然 prep.,conj.交易,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,28.relation n.关系;联系;交往 29.argue v.争吵;争论 30.instead adv.代替;反而;却 31.whatever pron.任何;每一 32.nervous adj.焦虑的;担忧的 33.offer v.主动提出;自愿给予 34.explain v.解释;说明 35.copy v. 抄袭;模仿;复制 36.return v.归还;回来;返回,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,37.member n.成员 38.pressure n.压力 39.opinion n.意见;想法;看法 40.skill n.技艺;技巧 41. football n.(美式)橄榄球;足球 42.continue v.持续;继续存在 43.compare v.比较 44. crazy adj.不理智的;疯狂的 45.push v.鞭策;督促;推动 46.cause v.造成;引起 47. perhaps adv.可能;大概;也许,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.borrowlend(反义词)借给;借出 2.developdeveloped adj.发达的developing adj.发展中的development n.发展;发育;成长 3.independenceindependent adj.独立的;自主的 4.fairfairness n.公正性;合理性unfair adj.不合理的;不公正的 5.wrongright(反义词)正确的 6.communicationcommunicate v.交流;沟通 7.properproperly adv.正确地;恰当地 8.secondsecondly adv.第二;其次 9.competecompetitor n.竞争者;对手competition n.竞争;角逐,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,10.typicaltypically adv.典型地 11.quickquickly adv.快速地 12.usual unusual adj. (反义词)不寻常的usually adv.通常 13.oldolder adj. (比较级)更旧的;更老的(可做定语,表语) elder (比较级)更年长的(一般做定语) 14.relationrelationship n.关系;联系related adj.相关的 relative n.亲戚 15.cloudcloudy adj.多云的 16.argueargument n.争吵;争论 17.illillness n.疾病;病 18.clearclearly adv.清晰地;明白地,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 2.do the dishes 洗碗碟 3.make ones bed 整理床铺 4.get a ride 搭便车 5.throw down 扔下 6.come over 过来 7.all the time 频繁;反复 8.in order to 目的是;为了 9.provide.for 给提供,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,10.depend on 依靠;依赖 11.as a result结果 12.look through快速浏览 13.be angry with生的气 14.work out成功地发展;解决 15.get on/along with和睦相处;关系良好 16.cut out删除;删去 17.compare.with比较;对比 18.in ones opinion依看 19. its time to. 该到做的时间了 20. fold the clothes 叠衣服 21.sweep the floor扫地 22.clean the living room打扫客厅 23.go out出去,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,24.walk away走开 25.have a test考试 26.a waste of浪费 27.as soon as一就 28. too much 太多(修饰不可数名词) 29. do ones part 尽某人的一份力 30. take care of/look after 照顾;照看 31.get into参与;开始(某事) 32.fight with打架 33.look through快速查看;浏览 34.a big deal重要的事 35.communicate with沟通 36.compete with竞争 37.all kinds of 各种各样的,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.请你打扫地板好吗? Could you please sweep the floor? 2.我能用用你的电脑吗? Could I use your computer? 对不起,我现在打算用它。 Sorry.Im going to work on it now. 3.一周的时间,她没有做任何家务,我也没有做。 For one week,she did not do any housework and neither did I. 4.做家务是在浪费他们的时间。 Housework is a waste of their time. 5.他们应该把时间用在学习上,以便取得好成绩并考上一所好大学。 They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,6.我认为对孩子们来说,学习如何做杂务并帮助他们的父母做家务是很重要的。 I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. 7.我的父母不允许我和朋友们闲逛。 My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 8.哦,昨天我发现我妹妹翻了我的东西。 Well,I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. 9.医生说太多的压力对孩子的发展无益。 Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,10.在家中给孩子们提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长们的工作。 Its the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. 11.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。 The earlier kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future. 12.然而,疲惫的孩子们直到晚上七点才到家。 However,the tired children dont get home until 7:00 p.m.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,用could表示礼貌的请求和表示请求允许 (1)我可以和我的朋友们外出吃饭吗? Could I go out for dinner with my friends? 当然,那应该没问题。 Sure,that should be OK. (2)你能去遛遛狗吗? Could you please take the dog for a walk? 可以,但你为什么不让我先看看达人秀呢? OK,but why dont you let me watch the talent show first?,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,礼貌的提出和征求许可 Could we get something to drink after the movie? No,you cant.You have a basketball game tomorrow. 提供建议 1.What should I do? Why dont you forget about it?Although shes wrong,its not a big deal. 2.Maybe you could go to his house. I guess I could,but I dont want to surprise him.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1.After the party,there was a terrible mess(杂乱) in the room. 2.Its a waste(浪费) of time sitting here without doing anything. 3.I borrowed(借) two books from the school library yesterday. 4.Could you pass (递) me that pen?I cant reach it. 5.Can you help me take out the rub
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