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Module 2 Unit 2,It costs one hundred and eighteen yuan.,2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.,2,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,-eleven -twelve,-twenty -thirty -forty -fifty -sixty -seventy -eighty -ninety,-thirteen -fourteen -fifteen -sixteen -seventeen -eighteen -nineteen,112,1319,2090,2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.,2,Hundred,one hundred,two hundred,three hundred,four hundred,five hundred,100:,200:,300:,400:,500:,900:,800:,700:,600:,nine hundred,eight hundred,seven hundred,six hundred,2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.,2,Hundred,one hundred and one,one hundred and ten,one hundred and twenty-one,two hundred and fifty-five,nine hundred and ninety-nine,101:,110:,121:,255:,999:,2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.,2,listen and answer,1. How much does Daming have got? 2.What does Daming want to buy? 3. How many pens does Daming buy?,¥118,It costs _ yuan.,¥19,It costs _ yuan.,¥1,It costs _ yuan.,¥85,2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.,2,This _ costs _yuan. Its very _ expensive/cheap/helpful/nice/beautiful,This _ costs _yuan. Its very _ expensive/cheap/helpful/nice/beautiful,¥130,This _ costs _yuan. Its very _expensive/cheap/helpful/nice/beautiful,¥19,This _ costs _yuan. Its very _ expensive/cheap/helpful/nice/beautiful,¥3,Toy shop,8,999,660,33,15,220,Summary,1.hundred 2.It costs _ yuan.,Homework,1.Read the text 5 times. 2.Introduce the prices of your stationary to your mother.,
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