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Unit 11李仕才.阅读理解(共12小题,每小题2.5分,满分30分)ATodays the day of a big test at school, and you feel awful. Your stomach hurts and you have a headache. Some people might feel their heart beating quickly while they are waiting for the test paper. A student with really strong test anxiety may even feel like he or she might be sick or throw up.Sound familiar? Youre not alone. Youll find that just about all peopleadults and othershave some anxiety before a test. According to studies, proper anxiety can be helpful, keeping you sharp and focused and even helping you get good grades. But when you have so much anxiety or feel so sick that you cant do well in your studies or tests, thats bad for your studies or your body health.Of course, if you dont study for the test, you might be worried. That kind of anxiety isnt easy to deal with because even if you find a way to calm down, you still might not know what to do with it. When you are preparing for a test and you get a handle on your test, you will be able to let your knowledge work well and get good grades.For example, last Wednesday was the day of a big test at school. Jane felt awful. Her stomach hurt and she had a headache. She knew she hadnt caught a coldbut only a little nervous about the test. She really didnt know why.()1.The underlined word “anxiety” in the passage means _Arule BnervousnessCorder Dtimetable()2.From the passage, we learn test anxiety _Ais common among peopleBcomes from lazinessCis only for unhealthy people Dcomes from teachers()3.According to studies, proper anxiety _Acan cause poor resultsBcan make your body ill Ccan be bad for a testDis good for students()4.From the last paragraph, we can infer that _AJane got badly illBJane isnt good at studyCJane had test anxietyDJane wasted much timeBA picture of a man in Canada calmly mowing his lawn(修剪草坪) with a terrible tornado(龙卷风) blowing in the background has become popular on the social media.Cecilia is the mans wife who took the photo at that time. “Wessels really noticed the tornado behind him, but nothing made him worried,” Cecilia told the BBC. “At that time the tornado was about 2 km from our house. And it was quickly gone.”Mrs. Wessels was sleeping in the house on Friday, but then was woken by her nineyearold daughter. “My daughter was very worried, saying Mom, what should we do?”So she came outside to check on her husband, who continued mowing. “Everything is OK,” he said. Then she added that her husband had some knowledge about the tornado.Many people in the town took pictures of the tornado, and Mrs. Wessels decided to post hers on Facebook and also sent them to her mother in South Africa. She said her mother was very worried and kept asking, “Why are you letting him outside? Please stay safe.”Very soon the picture began causing a new storm on the social media. One user wrote, “This is the craziest picture I have ever seen! Oh, Im glad that the tornado didnt come down on your house!” “Nothing can stop a Canadian from mowing his lawn,” joked another user.Mrs. Wessels said her photo had already been shared 3,500 times in two days, and she had received 256 friend requests.According to another report, the tornado caused no injuries in the town, and only some buildings were slightly(轻微) damaged.()5._ was the calmest person while the tornado was blowing.AMr. WesselsBMrs. WesselsCMrs. Wesselss daughterDMrs. Wesselss mother()6.What was Mrs. Wessels doing at the time of the tornado?AShe was calling her 9yearold daughter.BShe was being interviewed by a reporter.CShe was sleeping in her house.DShe was sending photos to her mother.()7.Why did Mr. Wessels stay there and do his work when the tornado came?ABecause he was never afraid of any danger.BBecause he knew he would be safe at that time.CBecause he didnt know there was a tornado behind him.DBecause he had to finish mowing the lawn at that time.()8.Whats the best title for the passage?AA special photo BA strange personCA terrible tornado DA wonderful familyCI think I might be depressed. Im having a hard time paying attention in class. I just feel sad for no reason. I told my parents, and they took me to a doctor because I was also having headaches. Everything was normal. My mom listens and tries to help me feel better. But my dad says Im just not trying hard enough at school. Maybe hes right. What should I do?EvanSometimes, friends or family members recognize that someone is depressed. They may treat with love, kindness, or support, hoping that the sadness will soon pass. They may offer to listen if the person wants to talk. If the depressed feeling doesnt pass with a little time, friends or loved ones may encourage the person to get help from a counselor(顾问)But not everyone recognizes depression when it happens to someo
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