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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,单元语法聚焦五 状语从句,Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,教材典句,1When you called, I was taking a shower. 当你打电话的时候,我正在洗淋浴。 2So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me. 所以当你睡觉时,我给珍妮打了电话,她帮助了我。,单元语法聚焦五,3Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 本的爸爸正将木条封在窗户上,同时他妈妈在确认手电筒和收 音机都能正常使用。 4He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a. m.在凌晨3点左右,风开始减弱,他终于睡着了。 5We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio.当我们听到收音机的新闻时,我们正在厨房里吃晚饭。,单元语法聚焦五,语法探究,过去进行时表示过去某一时间点正在进行的动作或过去某一段时间段内一直进行的动作。 1构成 主语was/were_其他 I was watching TV at 9 oclock last night. 昨天晚上九点钟我在看电视。,单元语法聚焦五,现在分词,2过去进行时的标志词 过去进行时的标志词有at 8 oclock last night, at this time yesterday, at that time等。 I was watering flowers in the garden at that time yesterday. 昨天那个时候我正在花园里浇花。,单元语法聚焦五,3过去进行时的句式变化,单元语法聚焦五,werent,was/were,The baby boy was sleeping in the bedroom at that time. 那时那个男婴正在卧室睡觉。 The baby boy wasnt sleeping in the bedroom at that time. 那时那个男婴没有在卧室睡觉。 Was the baby boy sleeping in the bedroom at that time? 那个男婴那时正在卧室睡觉吗? Yes, he was. 是的,他正在睡觉。 No, he wasnt. 不,他没有在睡觉。,单元语法聚焦五,4when, while和过去进行时的搭配,单元语法聚焦五,The students were talking loudly when the teacher came in. 当老师进来的时候,学生们正在大声说话。 My mother was cleaning the room while my father was reading the newspaper. 我爸爸看报纸的时候,我妈妈正在打扫房间。 Someone knocked at the door while I was sleeping. 我正睡觉的时候,有人敲门。,单元语法聚焦五,
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