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45个基本介词的用法1、aboutprep (1)在到处,在各处 here and there eg: We wandered about the town for an hour or so. He looked about the room.(2)在附近 next to a place eg. She lives about the office. (3)关于 in connection witheg: a book about English studyI dont know what you are talking about. adv (1)大约 close to eg: We left there about 10 oclock. It costs about 500 dollars. (2)到处,各处 eg: The children were rushing about in the garden.(3)在附近 eg : There is no food about. 【常见搭配】作介词时的搭配:一.动词+(about+名词)(1)arrange (about sth)安排关于某事(2)argue (about sth)讨论某事(3)ask (about sth) 询问关于某事(4)boast (about sb/sth) 吹嘘.(5)care (about sb/sth) 关心,对感兴趣 (6)chat (about sth) 谈论某事(7)complain (about sb/sth) 抱怨(8)dream (about sb/sth)梦见某人/某物(9)go (about sth)着手做.;从事.(10)hear (about sth) 听说.(11)know (about sth) 了解.(12)learn (about sth) 得知某事(13)put (about sth) 散布(谣言等)(14)quarrel (about sth)为.争吵(15)see (about sth)负责处理.(16)talk (about sth) 谈论.(17)think (about sth) 考虑.(18)warn sb (about sth) 告诫某人关于某事(19)wonder (about sb/sth) 对. 好奇(20)worry (about sb/sth) 对.担心二、名词+(about+名词)(1)concern (about sb/sth) 对的关心/关怀(2)curiosity (about sb/sth) 对的好奇(3)doubt (about sb/sth) 对的怀疑(4)ethusiasm (about sth) 对的热情(5)information (about sb/sth) 关于的信息(6)remark (about sth) 对的评论(7)opinion (about sth) 对的意见(8)view (about sb/sth) 对.的观点三、be+adj+(about+名词)(1)be angry (about sth) 为而生气(2)be anxious (about sth) 为忧虑 (3)be careful (about sth) 当心(4)be cautious (about sth) 谨防.;对.持谨慎态度(5)be certain (about sth) 确信关于某事(6)be curious (about sth) 对感到好奇(7)be disappointed (about sth)对感到失望(8)be excited (about sth)对感到兴奋(9)be glad/happy (about sth)对感到高兴 (10)be hopeful (about sth)对抱有希望(11)be crazy/mad/wild (about sth) 对痴狂;酷爱某事(12) be nervous (about sth) 为感到不安/因.感到紧张(13)be optimistic/positive (about sth) 对.是积极乐观的(14)be particular (about sb/sth) 对. 讲究,挑剔(15)be sad (about sth)为而难过(16)be serious (about sth)对认真(17)be sorry (about sth) 对.抱歉 作副词时的搭配: 名词+动词+about(1)sth come about 某事发生(2)sth get about 某事(尤指消息等)传开(3)sb turn about 某人转身(4)sb wander about 某人徘徊,游荡(5)sb walk about某人走来走去2、above【原始含义】a-b-over “A在B上方” 【引申含义】prep. (1)在上方 at or to a higher place than sth/sbeg: The sun rose above the horizon.(2)数目大于/重量超过/价格(能力、地位)高于 more than sth.; greater in number, level or age than sb./sth. eg: There is nothing in the store above 50 cents.(3) 重要性或质量超过、胜过 of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth eg. I rate her above most other players of her age. (4)声音超过 louder or clearer than another sound eg: I couldnt hear her above the noise of the traffic. (5)不至于,不屑于做某事 too good or too honest to do sth eg. She is above suspicion. 【常见搭配】一、动词+(above+名词)(1)live ( above ones income) 入不敷出地生活(2)put A (above B) 把A看得比B更重要(3)rise (above sth) 克服.,不受.的影响(4)talk (above ones head) 高深莫测地谈论二、be+(above+名词)(1)be (above oneself ) 兴高采烈= be in ones high spirit(2)be (above ones head)难以理解/超出某人理解能力3、across 【原始含义】a-grass “一片草坪”,across指在平面上经过,就像人走过一片草坪那样。【引申含义】prep. (1)穿过from one side to the other sideeg: She walked across the road.(2)在.对面 on the other side of sth.eg: The bar is just across the street.(3)交叉 crosseg: He sat with his arms across his chest.(4)在.各处,遍及. everywhere eg. The opinion is common across the university. 【常见搭配】动词+(across+名词)(1)A come (across B) A偶遇B(2)A cut (across B)A走B捷径;A打断B(3)A go (across B) A穿过B(4)A put (across B)A 解释清楚B;A把B送到对岸(5)A run (across B) A横穿B;A偶然碰到B 4、after【原始含义】“A在B之后(强调顺序)” 【引申含义】prep(1) 在之后 (时间顺序、空间顺序) later than sth; following sth in time eg: After dinner, they went out for a walk.(2) 在后面,仅次于(按重要性)next to the following eg. Your name comes after mine in the list. (3) 与对照、对比 in contrast to sth eg. It was cool after the heat outside. (4) 照着的样子 following the example of sb/sth eg: Read the sentence after me, please.adv 后来、以后 later in time, afterwordseg:Soon after, she came back to her hometown. The prince and princess lived happily ever after. 【常见搭配】作介词时的搭配一、 名词+动词+(after+名词)(1)A chase (after B) A追赶/追求B(2)A go (after B) A追逐B.(3)A look (after B) A照顾B.(4)A model (after B) A 以B为榜样、原型;A效仿B(5)A name(after B) A用B作名字.(6)A run (after B) A追求/追赶/追逐B.(7)Asearch(after B)A研究B.(8)A see(after B)A照顾B(9)A seek(after B)A寻找B.(10)A take (after B)A与B相像.二、(after+名词)(1)(afterawhile)过了一会,不久(2)(after all)毕竟;终究(3)(after ones own heart) 正合.的心意;5、against【原始含义】a-g-a“相对”【引申含义】 prep(1)碰着、靠着 touching, close to or hitting sb/stheg: She was leaning against a tree.(2)反对 opposi
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