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高考资源网(ks5u.com) 您身边的高考专家www.ks5u.com 版权所有高考资源网- 1 -5.1 课时作业.根据汉语提示写出单词1Everyone should enjoy _ (平等) in employment, whatever family backgrounds they are from.答案:equality2In some ways, a healthy mind is even more _(重要的) than a healthy body.答案:important3The organization _ (建立) by the famous actress has helped countless children who lost their parents.答案:founded4Many old people still have the _( 信念) that boys are better than girls.答案:belief5It is debatable whether an official can use his _(职位) for his personal interest.答案:position6Ways must be found to avoid the effect of _(压力), bad diets and overwork on our health.答案:stress7She _ (辞职) from the directorship and left the firm.答案:resigned8He _ (命令 ) us to leave at once, but nobody followed it.答案:ordered9I cant thank you enough for your _ (善良)答案:kindness10The general _ (原则) is that education should be available to all children up to the age of 16.答案:principle.语法填空Though ancient China was a place where states were often _1_ war with each other, many great philosophers were born, of _2_ Confucius has the greatest influence. He _3_ (stress ) the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. Chinese society _4_ (influence) by his ideas for more than 2,000 years.The ideas of Mencius were very _5_ to those of Confucius. His father died _6_ he was young, and he was brought up by his mother. Unsatisfied with the ruler, he _7_(resign) from the position he held and for many years he travelled from state to state, _8_ (teach) the principles of Confucius. He believed that man is good and that people were more important _9_ rulers. He hated the state when it treated people badly.Mozi, another influential philosopher, became famous for his unusual clothes and behaviour. As the founder of Mohism, he considered government to be most important and believed that all men were _10_. Meanwhile, he taught that we should love all human beings and look after the weaker people than ourselves.答案:1.at2.whom3.stressed4.was influenced5.similar6.when7.resigned8.teaching9.than10. equal.阅读理解AThe 2014 Most Powerful Women list includes the top politicians, finance and business leaders, activist billionaires and celebrities who matter. The list features nine heads of state who run nations with a combined GDP of $ 11.1 trillion with 641 million citizensincluding the No. 1 高考资源网(ks5u.com) 您身边的高考专家www.ks5u.com 版权所有高考资源网- 2 -Power Woman, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.In Greater Chinathe area of geography that includes mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. there are 11 influential women on the newly released 2014 Forbes Power Women List this week, an increase from nine last year.A large number of women are founders or owners of their own enterprises(企业), not a few of whose companies are well known for high fashion.More than half (58) of the women on the list are American, including immigrants.Shes No. 1: Chancellor Merkel has made the list ten times out of the past 11 editionsnine times as No. 1. She was first elected in 2005.Hillary stays on. Clintons CV(个人履历) is full of firsts: The only first lady to become a U. S. senator(参议员) turned presidential candidate and then secretary of state. Now as a private citizen and cofounder of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, she continues to be one of the most watchedandlistenedto women on the planet. Bets are on that she will be the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate and, possibly, first woman elected to the Oval Office of the White House.1Which of the following is TRUE for Angela Merkel according to the passage?AThe GDP of her country is the highest in the world.B. The citizens in Germany are all money makers.C. She has been elected ten times as No. 1 in Forbes Power Women List.D. She has been in Forbes Power Women List since 2005.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第五段可知,德国总理默克尔在迄今的 11 次评选中,10 次上榜,9 次“登顶” 。她在 2005 年第一次上榜。由此可知选 D。2According to Paragraph 2,we know _.A. 2014 Forbes Power Women List includes 11 women from mainland ChinaB2013 Forbes Power Women List included 9 women from Greater ChinaCwomen are becoming more powerful than menD. there will be more influential women in the future答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,大中 华区包括中国大陆、台湾和香港等地区共有 11 名女性进入本周最新发布的“2014 年福布斯世界百强女性”排行榜,数量较去年的 9 名有所增加。故选 B。3According to the passage, we can conclude in 2014 Forbes Power Women List _.Athere are nine heads of state including Angela MerkelB. th
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