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Unit11.加起来 add up 2.使平静下来 calmdown3.关心;挂念 be concerned about4.遛狗 walk the dog5.经历;经受 go through6.记下;放下;登记 set down7.一系列;一连串的; a series of8.故意 on purpose9.为了 in order to do/that+句子10.在黄昏时刻 at dusk11.面对面地 face to face12.遭受;患病 suffer from13.对厌烦 get/be tired of 14.将装箱打包 pack sth. up15.与相处;进展 get along with16.相爱;爱上 fall in love with17.加入;参加 join in18.保持醒着的状态 stay awake19.对痴迷/疯狂 be crazy about20.曾有段时间 There was a time when21没有乐趣 It is no pleasure doing22.从病中恢复过来 recover from ones illness23. 对某人感激 be grateful to sb.24.第一次 It is the first time that (have/has+done) It was the first time that (had +done)Unit 21.因为;由于 because of2.走进;上来;被提出 come up3.现在;目前 at present4.利用;使用 make use of5.例如 such as6.扮演一个角色;参与 play a part in7.以.为基础 be based on8.命令某人做某事 command sb. to do sth.9.精通;掌握 have a good command of10.命令某事 command that (should+do)11.请求某人做某事 request sb. to do sth.12.请求某事 request that (should+do)13.不止一个 more than one (谓语动词用单数)14.不同于 be different from15. 本应该 should have done16. 信不信由你 believe it or not17.比以往任何时候 than ever before18.尽管;即使 even if/though19.大量的 a large number of(谓复)20.的总数 the number of(谓单)Unit 31.从那以后 ever since2.说服某人做某事 persuade sb. to do sth. persuade sb. into doing sth.3.从毕业 graduate from4.提前 ahead of schedule/time5.喜欢;喜爱 be fond of6.关心;忧虑;惦念 care about7.改变主意 change ones mind8.一个坚定的表情 a determined look9.下决心;决定 make up ones mind10.投降;屈服;让步 give in11.对的态度 attitude to/towards12.照常 as uausal13.在午夜 at midnight14.比起B更喜欢A prefer A to B15.宁愿做而不愿做 prefer to do rather than do would rather do than do would do rather than do16.利与弊 advantages and disadvantages17.利用 take advantage of18.做的方法 the way to do /of doing sth.19.落日 the setting sun20.搭起帐篷 put up the tent21.躺在星空下 lie beneath the stars23. 迫不及待的做某事 can hardly wait to do Unit 41.立刻;马上 right away2.突然 burst into +n.=burst out doing3.仿佛;好像 as if /though4.结束;终结 at an end5.严重受损;破败不堪 in ruins6.发现;掘出 dig out7.从中营救出来 rescue from8.埋头于;专心于 be buried in9.对.感到震惊 be shocked at10.害怕做某事 be frightened to do11.陷入 be trapped into12.依据来判断 judging from/by13.为某事向某人祝贺 congratulate sb. on sth.14.受伤了 get injured15.对有害 do damage / harm to16.养活一大家子 raise a large family17.数以万计的 tens of thousands of 18.占地面积 cover an area of19.难怪 It is no wonder that/no wonder20.并不是所有的希望都被破灭了。 All the hope was not lost.=Not all the hope was lost.21.以为豪 be proud of 22.为了向表示敬意 in honour of23.是极大的荣幸 It is a great honour to do sth.Unit51.奉献于 devote ones time/life/energy/oneself to sth./doing 2.失业 out of work 3.事实上 as a matter of fact /in fact4.使充气;爆炸 blow up5.与相等;适合 be equal to6.在危险的处境中 in trouble7.求助于;致力于 turn to 8.从中逃脱出来 escape from9.乐意做某事 be willing to 10.建立;设立 set up 11.被判处 be sentenced to12.以某人的观点看 in ones opinion13.为.而战 fight for14.给某人提供指导 offer guidance to sb.15.每当/每次 each time; every time16.第一次 the first time必修二Unit11.寻找
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