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大家论坛 GRE 版块 http:/club.topsage.com/forum-86-1.html 大家论坛 GRE 版块 http:/club.topsage.com/forum-86-1.html 1,论据不足,没有具体数据. 2,过分简单得出结论,忽略多种原因. 3, 因果关系错误. In this argument, the author concludes that_. At first glance, the authors reasoning seems to be appealing, while clearly examining the authors reasoning, we may find that it is unconvincing. The argument contains several facets that are questionable. First of all, the authors evidences are insufficient to support the conclusion. Obviously, author does not provide enough information on the subjects of the survey/poll. But we are told nothing about the way the poll was conducted and how well it represented the public opinions If the respondents only stand for a tiny proportion of the whole group, we should not be so sure about the conclusion that the whole group It was only carried out in Sun City, but the arguer applies its result to all the companys markets while doesnt show us whether Sun City is a representative market of the whole markets. The study revealed, on average, only a small statistical correlation between One specific example can not generate the general conclusion. Therefore, facing such limited evidence, the conclusion is unwarranted. Secondly, the author makes an oversimplified analogy between_ and_. In most instances, this is an unwarranted assumption for the simple reason that things rarely remain the same over extended periods of time/from place to place. As we know, many factors should be taken into the consideration, such as demographics of the population, geographical and physical terrain of the two different areas. _. In addition, the author commits “after this, and therefore because of this” fallacy. The causal relationship between the cause of _ and the effect _ is 大家论坛 GRE 版块 http:/club.topsage.com/forum-86-1.html 大家论坛 GRE 版块 http:/club.topsage.com/forum-86-1.html unwarranted. Even if has been proved as a result of , which is, of course, an unwarranted assumption, it does not follow that This is a fallacious reasoning unless the author can provide persuasive evidences to rule out any other possibilities. To sum up, the conclusion lacks of credibility. Regardless of who the author is, he or she has overlooked or chosen to ignore many aspects of his or her conclusion. To strengthen the conclusion, the author should give more evidences about the above-mentioned possibilities. 问题:问题: 1。前提。前提 “If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deducible.“ “如果你的前提成立如果你的前提成立,那么就很容易推断出你的结论了。那么就很容易推断出你的结论了。“ 论断的前题是本市没有高尔夫场和假日饭店,或是有但不够吸引人。但这一前提在论断中 没有被保障成立。 因为论断没有提供任何有关本市目前旅游设施的资料, 这样我们就无法评 估建一个高尔夫场等是必要还是浪费。前提不成立,论断也就不成立。 2。经济繁荣:。经济繁荣: The flourish of economy? 3。通货膨胀和贬值:。通货膨胀和贬值: Inflation & devaluation 4。消费水平/购买力:purchasing power 经济形势 economic situation 5。本地的优势劣势 superiority & inferiority 6。参与研究的人群的性别、年龄、职业等特征的分布 The distribution of the gender, the age, and the career of the participants in the study. 7。另外论者也没有告诉我们他们是否在采访中采取了措施以保证结果准确,比如采访话题 是否会引导孩子谈论父母。 But we are told nothing about the way the poll was conducted and how well it represented the public opinions And whether it guarantees whether it will influence 8。师资情况,学生结构 The overall level of the faculty and the students. 9。它涉及到新添设备、运作等环节,这些都会增加开销。论者没有提供资料证明这部分 开销的上涨会小于远程学位帮助降低的开支。 Other related factors such as facilities, , all of which will contribute to a rise in costs 10。他的判断是可能不真实的 大家论坛 GRE 版块 http:/club.topsage.com/forum-86-1.html 大家论坛 GRE 版块 http:/club.topsage.com/forum-86-1.html 1. 11。论者还是需要提供具体的文字记载或是科学研究。 Written document and scientific study 12。农民技术使用的熟练上、以及居民口味的喜爱 Be proficient in , skillful, the taste , favor 13。如果放弃耐用性 endurance,我们就会失去竞争优势 predominance 14。但这个常识一来没有证据支持,二来不具备科学性,仅是一种直觉和猜测。 15。是因为它们不赢利?还是他们需要扩建。 16。也许是论者上班的道路上局部发生了一些变化,比如可能有施工等暂影响交通的因素。 17 居民密度,车辆拥有量 18 比如说技术问题,比如说操作违规等等。 。因为完全有可能是工人的业余生活,比如过度 地娱乐,家庭的负担,甚至有可能是第二职业的原故造成。 19。另外公司退出这个市场五年,其中变化论者没有考虑进去,市场对公司的品牌陌生了, 广告要重新做,公司对市场陌生了,调查和分销点要重新来,这些都会影响公司是否赢利。 20。首先室验室的结果不证明在现实使用中效果一样显著,因为 N 有可能受到现实环境中 其它化学和物理因素的影响,而使其失效 21。副作用 side effect 22stream lining production get no profit but deficit 投机取巧的 opportunistic 23,这种品牌号召力首先就非常吸引人。另外其他的因素比如销售渠道,管理能力,营销方 式等等也都是考量这个企业是否有投资价值的标准。 24 扩充种类必然会增加成本,那么相应的赢利就会被抵销。
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