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非谓语动词,Non-Predicate Verb,1. to do 2.-ing 3.done,Contents,Lead students to revise the basic usages of Non-finite verb . 2. Conclude the rules of Non-finite verb and do exercises for consolidation. 3. Cultivate students ability of cooperation and expression.,1.谓语动词:,概述:,2. 非谓语动词:,在句子中担任谓语的动词,是动词的特殊形式,在句中可以作除谓语外的所有成分,一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时。,非谓语动词使用条件,She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat. She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat.,下面从二个方面来复习非谓语动词 1.非谓语动词的七大经典原则 2.非谓语动词解题四大步骤,一.非谓语动词的 七大经典原则,原则一:用作目的状语,原则上要用不定式 When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _ for a space flight. A. training B. being trained C. to have trained D. to be trained 【解析】由于进行航空飞行训练是他被派往那儿的目的,所以 要用不定式,因此可排除 A 和 B。另外,由于“他”与“训练” 为被动关系,故选 D。 如:She got up very early to catch up the first bus. 2. _ this cake, youll need 2 eggs, 175 g sugar and 175 g flour. A. Having made B. Make C. To make D. Making,to catch up the first bus.,3.As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not _, and asked myself what I was going to do. A. moved B. moving C. to move D. Being moved,4. He sat _ to her _ the stairs. A. to listen; to climb B. listening; to climb C. listening; climb D. listening; to climbing 【解析】listen是伴随sat而同时由主语he发出的,所以用-ing 作伴随状语;listen to 后跟不带to的不定式/-ing作宾补。,【解析】由于与句子主语之间为主动关系,且表示当 时持续了一会 儿,故用-ing。句意为:当信号灯变绿时,我站在那儿一会儿没动,心想自己该怎么办。,原则二: 用作伴随状语,原则上要用-ing.,listen to do/doing ,ing形式作伴随状语与 to do作目的状语的区别: 作伴随状语的ing形式与谓语动词的动作同时发生且 前面常常带一逗号;而作目的状语的不定式的动作要比 谓语动词的动作后发生前面不能用逗号。 用括号里的词的适当形式填空 1. Write to the editor, _ that the editor would be able to help her( hope ) 2.She reached the top of the hill and stopped there _ on a big rock( rest ) 3.The secretary worked late into night , _ a long speech. ( prepare ) 4. _ warm, we shut all the windows. ( keep ),preparing,to rest,hoping,To keep,原则三:用作结果状语时,可用-ing或不定式,其原则区别是, 一般用-ing,表示一定逻辑的结果,即结果在意料之中。 不定式用作结果状语表示非逻辑的结果,即结果在意料之外。 5. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,_ in the natural light during the day. A. to let B. letting C. let D. having let 【解析 此处用-ing 表示自然而然的结果。 如:It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that place. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个地方洪水泛滥。 6. Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,_ a record US$ 57. 65 a barrel on April 4. A. have reached B. reaching C. to reach D. to be reaching,8. He hurried to the booking office only _ that all the tickets had been sold out. A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told,7.He hurried to the station, only _ that the train had left. A. to find B. finding C. found D. to have found 【解析】only to do sth 在此表示出人意料的结果。,原则四:凡是含有被动意义时,原则上要用过去分词。 但是,如果所涉及的动作尚未发生,则用不定式的 被动式;如果所涉及的动作正在进行,则用-ing的被动式. 9.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _. A. to be heard B. to have heard C. hearing D. being heard 【解析】根据句意,此处指的是“被听见”,故要用被 动式,因此 可排除 B 和 C。另外,由于“设法被听见”为目的状语,动作在 当时尚未发生,故用不定式,即选 A。,11. When she came in, she was surprised to find a stranger _ at the back of the classroom with his eyes_upon her. A. seating; fixing B. to seat; fixing C.having seated; fixed D. seated; fixed,10. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom. A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to open and close,【解析】of 后应接-ing,desks 与open and close 之间存在逻辑 上的被动关系,又因could be heard,所以选-ing的被动式表正在被进行的动作。,of,a stranger,his eyes,sitting,seat vt.,fix ones eyes upon,=I was seated.,I seated myself.,=I sat down,原则五:非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语原则上应与 主句主语保持一致. 12. Faced with a bill for $10,000,_. A. John has taken an extra job B. the boss has given John an extra job C. an extra job has been taken D. an extra job has been given to John 13. While watching television,_. A. the door bell rang B. the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings 【解析】因为 watching 的逻辑主语一定是人,排除选项 A 和 B ;又因在hear后作宾补的是省略了 to 的不定式, 所以选项 D 中的 rings 是错误的。,watching,faced with,(be) faced with,原则六:强调动作发生在主句谓语动作之前时,原则上要用完成式 (根据情况可用不定式的完成式或ing的完成式) 14._ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other countries in the world. Being separated B. Having separated C.Having been separated D. to be separated,【解析】因为 Australia 与 separate 是被动关系,且 separate 发生在谓语动词 has 之前,所以用-ing的完成被动式作原因状语。 15. The manager,_ it clear to us that he didnt agree with us, left the meeting room. A. who has made B. having made C. made D. making 【解析】因为 The manager 与 make 是主动关系,且 make 发生在谓语 left 之前,所以用-ing的完成式作状语, having made . 相当于 who had made. 的意思。,left,has,16.Li Ming is said _ abroad. Do you know what country Yes, In London. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying,he studied in ? he w
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