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无成人陪伴儿童乘机申请书UNACCOMPANIED MINOR REQUESTEDFOR CARRIAGE-HANDLING ADVICE日期(DATE):至(To) 中国东方航空股份有限公司儿童姓名(NAME OF MINOR) 年龄(AGE): (包括儿童乳名-INCLUDING NICKNAME) 性别(SEX): 航程(ROUTING)航班号FLT NO日期DATE自FROM至TO航站STATION接送人姓名/证件号NAME OFPERSON ACCOMPANYING/ID No.地址电话号码ADDRESS AND TEL NO始发站ON DEPARTURE经停站VIA POINT中转站TRANSFER POINT到达站ON ARRIVAL儿童父母或监护人姓名地址电话号码PARENT/GUARDIAN-NAME,ADDRESS AND TEL No: 声明(DECLARATION)1.我证实申请书中所述儿童在始发站、航1.I declare that I have arranged for the minor mentioned on the班衔接站和到达站由我所列明的人负责upper side of this sheet to be accompanied to the airport on接送。接送人将保证留在机场,直到航departure and to be met at stopover point(s) and upon arrival班起飞以后,以及按照班期时刻表所列by the person named. These person will remain at the 的航班到达时间以前抵达到达站机场。airport until the flight has departed and/or be available at theairport at the scheduled time of the arrival of the flight.2.如果由于上表所列接送人未按规定进行2.Should the minor not be met as stated on the upper side of this接送,造成儿童无人接送时,为保证儿 sheet, I authorize the carrier(s) to take whatever action they 童的安全运输包括返回始发站,我授权consider necessary to ensure the minors safe custody承运人,可以采取必要的行动,并且同 including return of the minor to the airport of departure, and I意支付承运人在采取这些行动中所垫付agree to indemnify and reimburse the carrier(s) for the的必要的和合理的费用。necessary and reasonable costs and expenses incurred bytaking such action.3.我保证该儿童已具备有关国家政府法令3.I certify that the minor is in possession of all travel要求的全部旅行证件(护照、签证、健documents( passport, visa, health certificate, etc.)required by康证明书等)。applicable laws.4.我作为上表所列儿童的父母或监护人。4.I,the undersigned father/mother or guardian of the minor同意和要求该儿童按无成人陪伴儿童的mentioned on the upper side of this sheet agree to and规定,进行运输,并证明所提供的情况, request the unaccompanied carriage of the minor named on正确无误。the upper side of this sheet and certify that the information provided is accurate.申请人签字(Signature):
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