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,UNIT 13 Late or Early,2013-12-17,Review:,1. show me your new drawings show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 2. a handsome young man 年龄比相貌更具体,所以young紧跟着名词man,2013-12-17,Translation:,1. 给我看看你新画的画; 2. 这个肌肉发达的高个子男人是谁? 3. 他们是体操运动员。 4. 她是位漂亮的年轻姑娘。 5. 那个高个子男人是作家吗?,Show me your new drawings.,Who is this tall man with big muscles?,They are gymnasts.,She is a beautiful young girl.,Is that tall man a writer?,2013-12-17,late,early,2013-12-17,time,kid-kids,2013-12-17,in a hurry,2013-12-17,speed,2013-12-17,gate,door,2013-12-17,slow,fast,2013-12-17,open,shut,2013-12-17,late (adj.) 晚的,迟到的 early (adj.) 早的 time (n.) 时间 What time is it? 几点了? oclock .点钟,2013-12-17,kid 小孩,孩子 in a hurry 匆忙地,急忙地 late for school 上学迟到 Youre welcome. 不用谢。 call 叫,称为,2013-12-17,go 走,去 lets 让我们 = let us Wow! (int.) 哇! What a speed! 好快的速度!表示惊叹 gate 大门 shut 关闭的 slow 慢的 fast 快的,2013-12-17,单词记忆大比拼,根据汉语说出英语单词.,2013-12-17,单词记忆大比拼,根据英语说出汉语意思.,2013-12-17,Listen and understanding听力理解,Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Are Robert and Lucy late for school now?,2013-12-17,Robert: Come on Lucy! Were Late! Lucy: Ok, Ok! What time is it? Robert: Its eight oclock. Hurry up!,=Whats the time?,2013-12-17,Ask:What time is it?几点了?,Answer:Its eight oclock. 现在八点了。 整点的情况下,直接是数字+oclock。 比如: 现在七点了:Its seven oclock. 现在十点了:Its ten oclock. 如果不是整点的情况:,2013-12-17,时间表达法:,1. 直接法 e.g. 7:30 seven thirty 2. 间接法 e.g. 7:30 half past seven 注意:1) 分钟在前,小时在后 2)past 点过分, to 差分到点 past 用于0分钟分钟30分钟 to 用于 30分钟分钟60分钟 3)half past 点半 4)a quarter 15分钟,一刻钟 e.g. five oclock 五点 half past five 五点半 a quarter past two 两点半 a quarter to five 4:45,2013-12-17,时间的表示方法,Its ten oclock. Its twenty past eight. Its half past eight. Its ten to eight.,整点:oclock 2.分钟30且15 past 3.分钟=30 half past 4.分钟30且45 to,12,6,3,9,past,几点零几分,5,3,分钟,+to/past+,小时,to,half,quarter,2013-12-17,特别注意,Its twenty past eight.,当分钟30且15 past Its +分钟+past +时。, Its ten to eight.,当分钟且45 to Its +(60-分钟)+to +(时+1)。,2013-12-17,oclock 用基数词 + oclock来表示整点,注意oclock须用单数,可以省略。,8:00,eight oclock,10:00,ten (oclock),2:00,11:00,8:00,2013-12-17,half past,当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词half (一半)表示。,9:30,half past nine,3:30,half past three,6:30,12:30,2013-12-17,询问时间,两种问法.,What time is it?,Whats the time?,It is,如何回答?,2013-12-17,practice,What time is it? 几点了? Its five oclock. 五点了,What time is it? Its .,2013-12-17,Daisy: Hi!, there, kids! Are you in a hurry? Robert: Yes, we are. Were both late for school.,上学迟到了,2013-12-17,be in a hurry 很着急,Im in a hurry. Youre in a hurry. Hes in a hurry. She is in a hurry. We re in a hurry.,Am I in a hurry?,Are you in a hurry?,2013-12-17,be late for school,We are both late for school. 我们两个上学都要迟到了。 Robert and Lucy are both late for school. Robert, Lucy, Paul and Clair are all late for school. 改为一般疑问句:,2013-12-17,Daisy: Never mind. Jump in! Robert: Gee, thanks, Mrs. Austen. Daisy: Youre welcome! Call me Daisy, please.,= Its my pleasure,2013-12-17,Thank you. You are welcome. Sorry. Thats all right. / Never mind. / It doesnt matter. / No harm done.,2013-12-17,Daisy: Ok, kids! Lets go! Robert: Wow, What a speed! What a car!,=Let us go.,What a/an +名词单数,表示惊讶,2013-12-17,Daisy: Here you are! The school gates. You arent late now.,2013-12-17,Daisy: Whats the matter, Lucy? Lucy: Look! The gates are shut. Were both early now!,Guided Conversation,Is it seven oclock? No, it isnt. Is it eight oclock? Yes, it is. Are they in a hurry? Yes, they are. Are they late for school? Yes, they are.,Is Daisys car slow? No, it isnt. Is it fast? Yes, it is. Are they late for school now? No, they arent. Are they early now? Yes, they are.,Who is in Daisy car? Robert and Lucy. Who are in a hurry? Robert and Lucy. Whose car is fast? Daisys car is fast. What are shut? The school gates. Who are early now? Robert and Lucy.,Are Robert and Lucy early? No, they arent. Theyre late. Is Daisys car slow? No, it isnt. Its fast. Are Robert and Lucy late for school now? No, they arent. Theyre early for school now.,What time is it? Its eight oclock. Whats Mrs. Austens first name? Its Daisy. Whose car are they in? Theyre in Daisys car. Whats the matter with Lucy? The gates are shut and theyre early.,2013-12-17,Pronunciation,i,boy joy enjoy toy noise choice spoil,2013-12-17,Can you spell and say these words?,soil,point,boil,join,foil,coin,roy,soy,troy,2013-12-17,Listen and order,2,5,3,6,4,1,2013-12-17,Look at the pictures and retell the text,2,5,3,6,4,1,3,4,2013-12-17,Listen it again and recite it by yourself,2,5,3,6,4,1,2013-12-17,Thank you ,
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