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d li k D dinhu第六课 打 电话 Lesson6 Making A Telephone Call我是 喂,哪位?一.生词 New Words1. Wi CONV. 喂 hello(in telephone conv.)2. zi V 在 to be (here,there,in,on,at)3. dng; sho dng V 等;稍等 to wait ( for a sec.)4. b ho ysi IE 不好意思 Im sorry5. mi gunxi IE 没关系 never mind6. N 那 then7. Zi Adv. 再 again8. D V 打 make ( a phone call )9. Gulai V 过来 go to ( sp. )10. b kqi IE 不客气 Youre welcome.TEXT二课文Zhng loshi: Wi, n ho. N wi?张 老师: 喂,你 好。哪 位? ( Hello! Whos speaking? )Jin : N ho,w sh jin. Qng wn Wng loshi zi ma?简 : 你 好,我 是 简。请 问 王 老师 在 吗? ( Hey, this is Jane. May I speak to Mr. Wang? )Zhng loshi: Qng shodng, w kn t zi b zi.张 老师: 请 稍等, 我 看 他 在 不 在。 ( Please hang on one sec. Ill see if hes here. )(few seconds later.)Zhng loshi: B ho ysi, t b zi.张 老师: 不 好 意思,他 不 在。 ( Im sorry. He is out. )Jin :Mi gunxi, n w dng hur zi d gulai。 Xixie。简 :没 关系,那 我 等 会儿 再 打 过来。 谢谢。 ( Thats alright. Ill call back later. Thank you. )Zhng loshi: B kqi. Zijin张 老师: 不 客气。再见。 ( Youre welcome. Bye.)Notes 三注释 喂 “喂”is sth. That you say to someone at the beginning of a telephone conversation, either when you answer the phone or before you give your name or say why youre phoning. 请问王老师在吗? “请”is always followed with a verb. This word is used when youre asking something politely and respectfully.“请问”means may I ask, “请稍等” means politely ask someone to wait. “在吗?”means Is someone here/there? 我看他在不在。 “我看”can be understood as “我看看”, which means let me see or let me check in English. “在不在”means if someone or something is at sp. or not. It often used after a verb to indicate whether the thing that the verb implies is at the right place or not. There is a recessive relationship between “在”and“不在”,which can be understood as or. Here is another example:“做不做”,“做”or“不做”, means whether to do or not to . 那我等会再打过来 “那”is a conjunction to lead to the things that youre going to say. Its similar with the word then. “等会儿”means later. The whole sentence means Ill call back later.Pronunciation Review四、语音复习1. 拼音 Spellingwiwiwiwiwi xinzizizi hunnnnnrddddd rnqngqngqngqngqng bidngdngdngdng hu2. 朗读下列唐诗Jg y s静 夜 思( Tng ) L Bi(唐) 李 白Chung qin mng yu gung床前明月光Y sh d shng shung疑是地上霜J tu wng mng yu举头望明月D tu s g xing低头思故乡Conversation Practice五会话练习(一)、模仿下面的会话,进行练习。 A:N ho,John。 B:N ho,Mike ,zh sh Susan。Susan,zh sh Mike。 C:N ho,Mike, hn go xng nng rn shi n。 A:N ho, Susan 。w y hn go xng nng rn shi n。(二)、说出相应的句子;Ask the questions accordingly A:喂,你好。 B:你好, A:不好意思,小李不在。答案:五、(二)、请问小李在吗?
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